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RT @kspice75 Rob walked right in front of me into the theater...and Kristen is with him!!
well.i heard about it few months ago and thought their main idea is that these two aren't hooked up and in the last few days they started attacking delaney and kstew411 at twitter so i went to check that board up. the HATE they have for kstew is un-fukin-believable. she's like riding rob's fame, she's all dor the money, rob doesn't even like her etc. but in a way way way more spitful manner. it's awful,practically a kstew-hate-board, lunatic hate."nonsten" forum?! what's that?
she was probably happy she was stuffing her face after numerous bong rips in the hotel room prior to dinner. what stoner isn't happy while eating when you have the munchies.
They think KS helped Rob get that role. BS. Sean Penn wouldn't be the one to hire Rob anyway. I hate when they credit KS for Rob's work.
i love the fact that Kristen really wants BD to be two movies. And Rob's not feeling that. I thought they were allies, a team, the greatest love of all. Just shows that he's not easily influenced. Thatta boy Rob. Stand your ground. One BD is more than enough.
The fact that Kristen wants 2 BD films based on an awful book while Rob out of contractual obligation must agree to at least one, which he clearly stated, is a sure indicator whose career is blooming. It's not hers.
Why would she, who is such "a serious indie" actress want to work on a sure to be crap project? Because she's got no other offers
Rob doesn't need that he has more than enough work, and we don't know about other projects that he is most certainly in talks or has to put on hold because of BD.
I think intellectually she is out of her depth with Rob and she knows it. I think that's why she called him a 'wishy-washy intellectual' too because it's almost like attacking something that people can see for themselves but she doesn't want people to think that he's REALLY like that all the time. Plus, I think she feels threatened by it personally as I think in her OWN head she thinks she's sooooooooooooo deep but it's just bull**** wrapped up in half finished sentences and probably makes snarky bitchface comments to hide the insecurity of it.
I think with Kristen she's so busy trying to prove SOMETHING to herself or other people that she's doing herself no favours and often ends up looking like a toddler having a tantrum on the supermarket floor
emember Kellen saying something about them not being fun? As I also read somewhere, it appears he is being isolated from the BA cast as well. We have not once seen him with Uma, Kristen, or Christina. For the method actor he is supposed to be, I find this odd (especially given the extremely intimate scenes they will be filming together). I could see him not hanging with Uma or Kristen since they are quite a bit older than him, but I would think we would see him with CR some. Even when he was playing with the dog on set, he was alone.
and these are the ones with less hate..they shut down the board yesterday and cleaned it A BIT.I don't know what Kristen is, except the cliche she hates to be. She's obviously been going down-hill and I don't think that's Rob's doing or anyone's but her own. It's sad that no one really seems to give a **** about it or point it out, her fans just think she's being uber fierce. But, then again, Hollywood loves nothing more than watching a train derail. Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears are unraveling and no one gives a ****, it's entertainment. So I guess that shouldn't surprise me.
Who's changed drastically in the last year? Kristen.
She used to dress really cute and more feminine, her hair was done nicely. She acted like she actually cared about her appearance, even if it was still a laid back style. She used to have her own group of friends it seemed. She swore she liked old rock mainly, due to her brothers.
She almost mimics Rob, to the point she's looking butch nowadays. She doesn't dress like she used to, her hairs messy all the time ala Rob, she's always walking around with a book in her hand like she's super studious now ala Rob, she's reading more modern selections when before she could only name drop classic novels, she mainly is seen with Rob now, her musical tastes have changed drastically.
It's like she's taken on so much of his style, it's not even funny. While Robert's the same as always, with the same appearance, same group of friends, same musical and literary style.
It's a sign that she's very much into him. You go and mirror someone. She even dresses alike. But the fact that Rob's not so influenced does not bode well. And it suggests that he's wearing the pants. Such things don't tend to end well...But I guess that's life. We all learn.
I'm not surprise by that kind of behavior She's lacking a "normal" teenage experiences, time when you finding yourself, start to learn who you are, what you like and what you want she spent on acting, pretending to be a different person. She is told who she supposed to be, how she supposed to act, what personality she supposed to have. She has everything wrote in a script. If her psyche is not the strongest one then perhaps since she didn't developed she adapts her role's personalities (Bella, Joan Jett) and when she's not working, personalities and mannerism from people who she's close to. I don't know, just thinking out loud.
I agree with boss. It is hard to read that. As I've said before on other sites, he is a vey handsome man, but I didn't become a fan until I saw interviews and felt like he was genuine when being candid in those interviews. If he is ****ing her, it is a complete 180 from the personality I thought I saw in him (mature, sophisticated, witty). What mature, sophisticated and witty 23 year old MAN wants to spend ALL their time (and lately it is all his free time) with a moody, immature teenager? Altho, anymore it seems as though he has no personality, so I'm starting to believe they might be the perfect couple shippers believe them to be. At the very least, he has allowed Kristen to chop off his balls - she constantly talks over him in interviews, he no longer replies candidly to personal question, etc... He even answered personal questions when he was with Nina. IMHO, he has allowed her to dictate his life - at least the last few months. Sorry, it may or may nor be true, but that's how I feel and please don't hate on me for it.
i dont get why people hate Kristen so much anyway
Perez really pisses me off with how he posts about her.
half times I want to email him and rip him a new one.
i always skip posts made about her on his site cause hes an assshole
yep, they said they're going to harm her in case she appears on the premiere and since it's a public board ppl read it (cus there's been a fuss around twitter and them so ppl read a bit more) and then girls from team_kbitch contacted kristen's team.they were actually stating threats ?
thats sad.
didnt you say that someone tried to contact her people or something ?