^ He is but the poor man can't help it.
What he could do is dress to flatter his boxy little figure.
I have never seen calves look a big as his do in the boots w/ his jeans tucked.
Sooooo unflattering.
ok! i see good intentions in that post so i think we should stop bashing poor scott and start helping him
anyone seen the "tell anna wintour how to revamp vogue" thread?? ... or something like that. anyway, same idea!!
this is my ad hoc top five for the peas of the world... (summarized idea: think vertical lines. dont think horizontal cuts. exception to the rule: scarves. see rule number four)
rule number one: careful with layering! i'm not saying it ain't cold in New York and all, but wearing a coat over a quilted vest over a jersey over a shirt may not be a good idea. coat over shirt is enough! blizzard? blizzwhat? irrelevant! btw, the coat's shoulders cut 1/2 inch too small gives the impression of a narrow(er) shoulder
rule number two: forget skinny pants! something a little bit looser (straightish), that has a rather high (medium to high) rise.
rule number two: let them pants be long!! it looks great when thom browne shows his ankles, and guys in cuffed jeans may "have the look" but i'm sure they also have the size. it seems size does matter.
rule number three: no tucking in the pants into boots. it has the same effect as the previous rule. cutting the silhouette in pieces destroys the loooooooooong and leeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaan look that the leg is supposed to have.
rule number four: scarves. worn tight and UP, they shorten the neck (even more). worn loose and down (almost-in-your-chest kind of thing) they narrow your shoulders.
rule number five: buttons in shirts and coats. coats go unbuttoned (blizzwhat? NO!) a shirt w/ a button "too" opened is a nice vertical line.
anyone wants to add more? any shoe advice? throw away CHUCKS maybe?