The Skinny Jean Scene #1

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:lol: true! I split my time between London, UK and London, ON so it's a mid sized city. The guys to me, don't wear baggy jeans, just typical straight leg. Pretty rare to see skinny jeans on guys here though girls wear them nonstop so.....
i don't think it's dying out at all. people need to design some shoes to go with it. all my boots only look cute with skinny jeans.
i saw a girl wearing the straight cuts with boots today and it was all baggy around her knee. it made her look frumpy.
skinny def has a purpose
boots over skinny jeans..i do this because i love my boots, but it's getting blah seeing it everywhere.
but i agree with you in that finding great shoes for skinnyjeans is hard.
i've been looking for some very skinny/tapered high heeled and hidden platform boots that go with 12''-10'' skinnies. the only thing that has come close = prada, unfortunately way too expensive for me right now. :/
...and then outside of chucks and other skinny gym shoes or flats there's not much else i'm able to wear with skinnies either.
i dont like skinny jeans at all. i didnt like them in the 80s and i dont like them now. a lot of girls look like pears in them / o well just my opinion. i am probably all alone with this because everybody seems to be in love with them.


I think a toothpick looks worse than a pear.
I think most heels or ankle boots go well with skinnies, I dont usually have a problem finding shows. Only thing that doesnt really go are some wedges and ankle straps.
I'm sorry for some reason, I thought I wrote my post up there about not finding shoes in the WIDE LEG jeans thread!
What was I thinking?
Yes, I don't have a problem finding boots for skinnies, I have a major problem finding them for flares.
Skinnies are always IN and will be. Trust me!
No one, now that they have experienced it will want to bunch up jeans in high knee boots from now on and we all know that boots are always high in the fall.
^ I agree! I will not let go of my skinnies in long long time. The wideleg might come as a secondary option, but skinnies is the look for me! I guess the bands I listen to have a bit of an impact on this. ;) But if you think about it, rocknrollers have pretty much always worn skinny jeans..
I agree. I just purchase a pair of wide leg jeans which I like but skinny jeans will always be my staple.
Yeah skinny jeans are great. Especially for tucking into boots so my feet can stay warm. It is soo cold. I need to dig my dads skinnies out of the attic tonight. For me.
I need some advice from you guys... what kind of shoes would you say work best with skinny jeans? For men, I mean. Also, in your opinion should skinny jeans be worn with slimmer-fitting shirts or normal/baggier fitting shirts?

This is of course going to be objective, but I'd like to hear what you guys think. Thanks :)
toddiot- on men, i prefer skinny jeans to be worn with slimmer shirts.
Well skinny jeans , I dont think will disappear anytime soon , and when they do go out of fashion probably by early part of next decade ,they will just be worn by the people who wore wearing them originally skinny rockers . Honestly though they are very hard to pull of and lot of girls WHO should not be wearing them because they make them look fatter than they are . Most girls wear it because they want to be part of the scene or follow celebs . Honestly only girls with boyish thin frames rock this jean the best , kate moss par example . Lot of my Asian friends have this figure and they really good in them but for 5'7 curvy *** girl like myself ....big NO .
disco, im 5-6 in size 26 in skinnies. i have a small waist in proportion to my hips.
i dont have the biggest self esteem but i do think that my legs look better than flares.
my bf, who by the way has dated super thin super models (not naming) even thinks I look better in skinnies than flares. he said it made me look stubbier.
im sure the flares look good on you with the high waist. im sure they do because anyone with that body looks good in those jeans.
i am curvy but have no *** at all. so the high waists make me look flat in the back and with wide legs...
are you Asian lost ??? Cause thats the same complaint from my asian friends , yes if you dont have an *** you should stay away from really high waists but you can still pull of a regular rises , low rise is good but thats odd your curvy but no *** ?:shock: Interestingly enough , though they look awesome in skinnies my Japanese friends want to wear wide legs ,mind you skinnies have been in fashion in japan since 2000 so the fashion there is changing and uniqlos wide legs is the new thing there , my friend says , here is a popular ad running in japan , the girl has no *** but she looks great in the jeans .
Well I have *** , the higher waist makes it look nice ,my older sisters wore it in the 70s and 80s , both wide and straight drainpipe but not super skinny like today. Yeah your body type is rare , curvy but no *** ?? Hmmm well personally I wear all types of jeans , I have siwy rose which I wear only with my chunky boots , I dont do the whole skinnies and flats , makes me look flat and I look like an EMO teen . OMG honey guys will say anything , ask me , lol , lots of girls on this forum say that , my bf says i look good in them , thus they are right . :innocent::innocent:Speaking from LOTS of experience.
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I need some advice from you guys... what kind of shoes would you say work best with skinny jeans? For men, I mean. Also, in your opinion should skinny jeans be worn with slimmer-fitting shirts or normal/baggier fitting shirts?

This is of course going to be objective, but I'd like to hear what you guys think. Thanks :)

I find that Converses, Old Skool and slip on Vans, Dunks, they all work well with skinny jeans. I like to wear my skinny jean with sort of loose shirts (like I wear a XS, so ill go up two sizes to a medium for my tops), and even oversize shirts, only because I am VERY lanky, and I think it is just too much STICK proportion when I wear the tight top and skinny jean. But, for anyone else, I find that the top does not matter.
I need some advice from you guys... what kind of shoes would you say work best with skinny jeans? For men, I mean. Also, in your opinion should skinny jeans be worn with slimmer-fitting shirts or normal/baggier fitting shirts?

This is of course going to be objective, but I'd like to hear what you guys think. Thanks :)

I think pointy shoes, beatle boots (with a lil heel), converse chucks, high rise sneakers, and slipons look really hot on guys with skinny jeans!
You should look into Dior Homme's past campaings (Hedi Slimane's work) and see how they have paired the skinnies with different types of shoes. Very good examples IMO. :) Look the same source for shirt ideas too!

If you are tallish, wear a bit bigger/longer shirt..but it really doesnt matter. I think either way will look cool. :)
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disco, im 5-6 in size 26 in skinnies. i have a small waist in proportion to my hips.
i dont have the biggest self esteem but i do think that my legs look better than flares.
my bf, who by the way has dated super thin super models (not naming) even thinks I look better in skinnies than flares. he said it made me look stubbier.
im sure the flares look good on you with the high waist. im sure they do because anyone with that body looks good in those jeans.
i am curvy but have no *** at all. so the high waists make me look flat in the back and with wide legs...

I have the same situation! My bf who himself is a stick skinny (think Dior Homme boys) and always watches for my weight (in a positive way though) and is really really into fashion tells me HONESTLY that I look better in skinny jeans. Its not that he is trying to be nice to please me but he knows I dont want to be embarrassed to go out, so he tells me the truth. Also I dont wanna look huge compared to him (his legs are skinnier than mine) and he doesnt want that either.. Trust me Disco on this one. He is almost like a gay male friend when it comes to fashion and evaluating looks. ;)

If I wear flares that are tight from the thigh part, they make my legs look chubs.

Ill post my pic here again (its also in the high waist jeans forum), with me wearing high waist skinnies. I think by having a loose top part, my legs look skinnier.

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exactly miss60. my bf is the same exact way, not being nice, just honest. he is from the uk and definitely tells me like it is.
you look awesome. i have the siwy high waist kate jeans. i was wearing them in the early fall with a loose tank top by that line lawless, which has a nice fit. I would tuck it in and pull it out a little, then wear it with a old brown belt and brown boots.
everyone would ask me where i got the jeans. it made me look curvy but not like va va voom and from the side i look good.
it's the shirts that make this look happen.
I find that Converses, Old Skool and slip on Vans, Dunks, they all work well with skinny jeans. I like to wear my skinny jean with sort of loose shirts (like I wear a XS, so ill go up two sizes to a medium for my tops), and even oversize shirts, only because I am VERY lanky, and I think it is just too much STICK proportion when I wear the tight top and skinny jean.

Yeah, I agree with the slip-ons... perfect skinny jean shoes I'd say. Hey, what do you know, I'm really lanky as well. So I'll probably take your advice for the loose shirts. I think contrast works well in this situation. And yes, stick proportion is something I have to be wary about constantly. It's too bad because I like slimmer-fitting shirts, but then I also like skinny jeans.

...high rise sneakers...

High-tops! I've been in the market for these for quite some time now, trying to find ones I like while refusing to buy Nike... it's harder than you might think. Also, thanks for the Dior Homme tipoff :)

Thanks to everyone who replied with their opinions (it would also be appreciated if others shared their opinions). Karma for all! I don't know what it is or what it does, but it can't be a bad thing, right?
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