Vogue Italia May 2010 : Daria Strokous & Kirsi Pyrhonen by Steven Meisel

What a sensational, gorgeous cover! :woot: I love the overall structure and I'm so glad to see Daria. I can't wait to see the main ed.
How amazing would this have been with Joan and Hind on the cover, I'm dead positive the result would've been more compelling.
Overall, I like the execution, layout, and styling, but the casting leaves me with a stale aftertaste.
This was definitely a huge surprise :) Kirsi & Daria werkkked it
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Daria :woot: I'm so glad to see her on the cover. And finally some new girls on a VI cover again.
It looks amazing.
Definitely a fascinating image - hard to decide whether it's a bird or a monkey on Kirsi's back there. I really like Daria. :blush:
Fantastic cover, finally something really amazing again from Vogue Italia. So happy for Kirsi ^_^
I can't believe how terrible is this. And it's bad because it's infinitely cheap and at the same time it tries to be good, glamourous and original. The pose is awful and the color of the background makes look everything even worse. It could have been the cover of Vogue Korea.

Meisel can do the best and the worst, but lately he only does the worst. I hope he gets his act together for FW10 campaigns.
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Cover is great, I love the pose, but I don't ever heard about this girls.
How fantastic is this :buzz:

Daria looks amazing and Kirsi looks friggin awesome!! Love this cover, love the (unexpected) line-up and I cannot wait to see the rest of this story :heart:
Bigger resolution :wub:


Daria looks like Mirte in the shot.

This shot is too lackluster for me so it doesn't make the cover a standout. I like the lighting though, it provides a sense of mystery to an otherwise boring studio portrait. The pose is great too. But still too so-so for my taste. Hoping for an issue filled to the brim though with beautiful eds. :heart:
Love the pose, models and colours, but it is not summery or glamorous, at all.
more like heidi [mount]
i still don't get why he couldn't just take the beautiful heidi instead of the u**y storokous

:blink: Because they look nothing alike, maybe?
who the hell are daria strokous and kirsi pyrhonen...?!
I feel so behind not knowing who they are....

:rofl: me too. I have to say that the cover basically combines everything I loathe about the industry at the moment. Go figure.

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