What makes a good male model?


Look at models like Luke Worral and Cole Mohr - they're the new 'it boys' and theyre not that adonis sort of aesthetic.

They have 'a look' and people admire them for it.

Male modelling is becoming more and more like the female realm. Its becoming more and more about being 'weird beautiful' and also 'awkwardly skinny'.

I think the key is being unique, standing out. All the successful high fashion models have traits that set them apart from commercially good-looking models, but still cater to a wide variety of people. Some models have the skinny look and the weird beauty but I don't think industry in general is shifting in any direction. It's all about finding your niche in the biz. Some designers do look for a specific look but it's not like agencies are purposely scouting out guys that are skinnier or weird. It might seem that way based on castings for shows or booking jobs but there will always be plenty of jobs for the muscly guys even if Dolce & Gabbana decides to go for models with less bulk or if another designer decides to try a new look. There really is no definitive "look".

Sure Cole might have walked a ton of shows this season, but then again Danny Beauchamp, Sean Harju, and the other runway kings walked just as many or even more.
Is this true? For example, David Gandy for D&G? Or Baptiste for Karl?

to be quite honest, to be a male model is probhably the least glamorous job in the fashion world..
unlike girls who are driven around, paid well and often get their own appartments after a year or so, guys have to use public transport like the metro, they dont make much money and usually only break even.

i think you could compare being a male model to being a male escort in a way. they are generally treated as 'sexual' objects by photographers and designers.[/B][/B] to be a great male model i think the guy has to be very open and not take himself too seriously but know where to draw the line because of corse, all the gays are going to want a piece and generally male models are straight.

there are exceptions to what ive just said for example guys like mathias L who is so elegant and beautiful that he works non stop in high fashion, but for the majority, its all panties and ***

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