Your personal fashion rules

fashionista-ta, totally agree about no thongs, i find them so irritating.

no skirts below the knee, avoid the prairie look at all costs
no t*ts and legs showing at the same time
no tight clothing all over, must be one loose thing to avoid hooker look
no high heels with short skirts
no overalls (thanks hboogie for reminding me!)
no logos
no obvious brand advertising of any sort
no sneakers unless super casual, like moving or something
and, remember what coco chanel said, always take one thing off (like an accessory) before you leave the house so you don't look overdone or fussy
funny how some of the no nos from 2003 are back... platforms/chunky heels, skinny jeans, leggings, high waisted pants (though i've always hated high waisted pants, so constricting)...
Lena said:
for me its never wear nude tights with anything they so bore me :cry: :sick:

You mean people DON'T like the Hooter's waitress look? WHAAAA? nude tights rule! :woot: ..... not. hehehe

Don't wear head to toe of one designer
Remove lint from clothing before going out, and cat hair or dog (or any other pet) hair..

are just a few that come to mind.
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Im not very fond of "rules" in fashion, i think fashion is about creativity, but i still have a few:

-Always something black, grey or white in an outfit.
-Never to much colour.
-Always acessories.
Never pink and red at the same time.
Never too many colours.
Only leopoard print in small doses.
Underwear that matches the rest of the oufit, hihi.
I actually think that red-pink can be very hot if you pull it off. I've worn a pink u-neck sweater with a red woolscarf, a short, black jacket, red woolgloves, darkgrey drainpipes and white/red-vans.
The only rule I tend to stick with is:

do not flaunt the muffin-top - wear clothes your size!
markie said:
Don't wear head to toe of one designer.

This is one of the "rules" that I don't follow. I wouldn't copy something from the runway, and I often mix seasons. Practically noone would be able to tell *if* I happened to be wearing the same designer from head to toe.

This is just a rule to discourage fashion victims/fashionistas from looking ridiculous...
kan-i-ta said:
there is no excuse for fake (fake leather, fake fur, fake 'designer' handbags etc)
there is no excuse for leopard print (not even if it is prada)

I have to disagree here. Well not the leopard thing. :p I'd much rather wear fake fur than some dead animal. I just don't believe in fur. Leather is different. You get many uses from cows. Food, leather, etc...
I DEFINATELY believe in fake designer. I can't afford the real stuff. When the real thing is available at say, Wal-Mart, then we're talking. :blush:
You mean you believe in pirated copies of designer bags? With fake logos and all?
Elistariel: To be honest with you, i think that unless you're vegetarian you have nothing to say about real/fake fur. I dislike people who eat meat and complaints about "wearing a dead animal". So, it's okey to EAT the dead animal? Jesus, i would much rather be used as a jacket after my dead than be eaten.

I also disagree with you about fake designerclothes. When good highstreet-stores like ZARA, H&M and topshop exists, why buy cheap fakes, which in most cases has very bad quality?
Well, I guess she meant that fur is unnecessary, since most of us live in a climate where they do not need fur to keep warm, and meat, as humans need protein and that is a good source of it, is necessarily. If we are talking from the point that animals shouldn't be killed at all, then we can say she is not being correct with her statement. But I strongly suggest you check out the "Fur - yes or no"-thread, since this kind of conversation maybe getting off-topic :flower:

Some of my personal rules...

-Do not be a trend wh*re. If I see a nice trend, I might use it, but it is not necessarily to use the trends of the season or be "fashionable".

-No skirts that would go as belts or anything that shows too much skin. If I bare my legs, the top half should be quite covered, ie if I would wear a miniskirt (which rarely happens), I will wear a long-sleeved top. Swimwear is of course an exception.

-No leggins, logos or slogans. No fakes or replicas.

-No bad quality. Try to buy clothes that last longer than one season.

-Not too many colours...I prefer quite subtle and dark colours, and only one or two at the time.

-Do not try to fit into any "genre", but pick up what I like. Do not try to be anyone else, it does not work. Do not be a copy.

-Classics over "quirky" clothes. What I am meaning here is that I do not like to wear unusual clothes or outfits just for the fact that they are unusual.

-No garments which are ripped or discoloured or have lost their shape. In other words, everything needs to be in good condition. Clothes should also always be clean, and this goes over everything.

-Avoid too much accesorizing etc.

-Keep it simple and do not think too much.

-Make sure everything fits perfectly.
So long as it fits...
No fur.
Leather is allowed in tiny doses, sometimes.
(I'm against hunting, and the use of animals, so no fur or leather for me.....ah, the joy of being a veggie. :D)
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^ Well, most fur isn't gotten with hunting, but in a much crueler way...but I am being off-topic.
Actually, this is turning off-topic in more ways than fur being right or wrong... ;)

This discussion should be about what "general" rules you obey (or maybe totally ignore...), like "no white after labour day", and not your personal style rules and philosophies... Don't get me wrong, I find it interesting to hear what all of you have to say on this, but please make yourselves heard in the right place.

For instance, we have the thread 10 Things About Your Style which is an excellent place to post about your own personal style rules. :flower:
markie said:
Don't wear head to toe of one designer
this is a definite.

others i got by are no black & brown together and always leave the last button on your jacket undone.
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LVizo said:
I actually think that red-pink can be very hot if you pull it off. I've worn a pink u-neck sweater with a red woolscarf, a short, black jacket, red woolgloves, darkgrey drainpipes and white/red-vans.

People have different taste, everyone can't agree on everything.
The only style rule I follow is to wear what I like and not look like every other person on the street.

I think the "dont wear to much of one designer rule" can work both ways. For instance I see nothing wrong in head to toe "Dries Van Noten" or "Helmut Lang" because they are modern and ooooze style. But head to toe in something like "D&G" or "Cavalli" can look a bit try to hard or trashy.

But her we all know what works for ourselves right?
i never wear a whole matching jewelery set. either the earings, or the necklace, or the bracelet. the whole nine yards to me is too much

i also never go out bra less - even though i am not top heavy or saggy

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