Your personal fashion rules

wildcard said:
The only rule I tend to stick with is:

do not flaunt the muffin-top - wear clothes your size!
Thats my only rule too, DONT wear clothes too small or clothes that really isnt you.
stilettogirl84 said:
more women need to follow this rule....:yuk:
well, i more than make up by going panty-less whereever i can. at first it started out strictly because i didnt want VPL, but now i do it just for the rush of it..:p
having said that, i never ever reveal butt crack. i wear it under skirts or short dresses. i forget now why thats a good thing:p :D
Mm, my biggest one is to not wear clothing or accessories with obviously huge logos. If I do have a designer item with a big logo, I turn it around so you can't see it. I try to find items with the smallest or subtlest brand logos visible.

I don't want to be a walking billboard for the designer when I'm the one paying. And it's a bit ostentatious, like I'm screaming, LOOK LOOK, IT'S A LOUIS!!! I like my clothing to whisper, not shout.

I also don't like to buy the signature items from brands because it's recognizable when it's off season. Too trendy items loses its trend-factor too fast and you get sick of it.
No mixing black and brown in an outfit
No mixing gold and silver jewlery
!-Have fun! I like to dress simply but recently I want to get accessories that would make my outfits more interesting and fun.
2-Wear bright colors whenever I feel like I want to, no matter what time of year it is. In fact what better time for me to wear vibrant colors than during dreary winter, on a rainy day or on a day when I feel like crap.
3-Never ever wear obvious logos. I wouldn't want someone to be able to tell what brand I'm wearing from 5 miles away.
4-Never look cheap.
5-Just like what a lot of people said-Don't wear clothing that doesn't fit properly. Nothing too tight, nothing too bulky.
6-When I actually have enough money to start buying designer clothing, buy good quality items and only buy what I really love. Limit my wardrobe to things I feel good in. And do try to take advantage of sales on expensive items and don't spend too much money on things like tshirts.
7- Don't wear something because it's trendy but don't avoid things I like because they happen to be trendy at the moment. I could always wear it differently than everyone else.
8-Work on my posture. How someone carries themselves is as important as everything else, and I need to work on that.
9- Wear things that are flattering, even if it means I can't buy something I love.
10- Don't follow other peoples' rules. All style rules should be personal.
11-Don't impose my own rules on anyone else for the same reason.
  • the person above the clothes. Clothes should be like make-up, there to enhance but not to precede. Being an extraordinary person (as well as someone who keeps him/herself clean and generally takes care of herself) can elevate any outfit, and is anyway far more important....
  • only buy what you love or need. Anything in between is extraneous, and would not make you any happier. Wait for the good stuff.
  • ideally, clothes fit beautifully, and are versatile and rugged. Wearable in different times, locations, occasions, and can take whatever you throw at them.
  • color is important, but the neutrals basically go anywhere. Also, when I am plainly but well dressed, I feel like a road-warrior in a way :blush: Practical and simple.
  • deep red is a favorite color, besides light creams, whites, greys, and blacks. But any deep red garments should be worn sparingly; I have no clue how to properly clean and preserve it :(
  • a new one for me: choose clothes as if I'm traveling. So everything that one would look for in a travel wardrobe, except to do so when I'm not traveling at all. I just love the thought of a travelling wardrobe, it's so chic to think about, and I love how they're compact and versatile.
  • weird to say in a fashion forum, I guess, but: life over clothes. Goes with the idea of not buying more than what's necessary. I'd rather spend the money on a getaway weekend with friends than yet another purse
Know your colours.

Know your body lines.

Buy the best you can afford.

Don't expose your underwear or rolls of fat.

Don't wear flipflops.

If you insist on copying a celebrity, try to make it someone with the same figure as you.
  • Clothes should be fitted (my peeve is wide arms)
  • Pants need to be correct length; hemmed not folded under!
  • Sneakers rarely and flip flops almost never
  • Don't cheap out on eyewear
  • Don't overdo on accessories
  • Be nicely groomed and have a good posture
  • Keep it simple (i.e. branding, colors, layers)
  • Be confident
It's more important to be pretty, stylish and sharp than it is to be sexy.
Dressing "sexy" is overdone and more often than not, it's unattractive.
1. Dress for myself
2. Dress for my body shape
3. Feel good

That's it. I don't really have any rules because I never say never but obviously adhering to these 2 rules cuts out truly awful things.
no fur

keep it simple

don't necessarily follow the rules that are set in stone
- Layer
- Contrast textures
- Harmonious color palettes
- Use bright colors sparingly
- Accent subtly with accessories (scarves are my favorite)
Start with basic pieces in neutral colours (black, grey, white, navy) and add a feature piece.

Buy only what I love!

Only wear things that suit my figure...even if it does look temptingly pretty on the rack!
Always wear what:

- Suits your Body Type
- Makes you feel Confident
- Makes you comfortable
- Never say never. Try everything once. Forget that you look like an idiot, just give it a shot. :rofl:

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