Carine Roitfeld leaves Vogue Paris *Update* Emmanuelle Alt named new Editor-in-Chief

according to someone from l'Express (a french newspaper) Jennifer Eymère from Jalouse was approached to take the role.
I honestly think someone pressured her a lot to resign.. which basically means she was fired.
I understand she wasn't everyone's favorite (especially not Conde Nast's) but god, she rocked Vogue Paris!
maybe she'll continue contributing to Vogue Paris as a stylist. That would be nice.... unless well Balenciaga doesn't like that.
maybe she'll continue contributing to Vogue Paris as a stylist. That would be nice.... unless well Balenciaga doesn't like that.

I hope so! But I doubt they really want her in their team, lol
according to someone from l'Express (a french newspaper) Jennifer Eymère from Jalouse was approached to take the role.

Hahaha, she's a young girl barely over 30 years old, the daughter of Marie-José Jalou, president of Editions Jalou.
Well.. changes are always welcome. Honestly Vogue Paris was boring at the end, always the same.
I'd really trust Ms Mouzat. She is a smart woman and could bring a sort of intellectual approach to the magazine. Moreover, if Condé/whoever asked for that wants more "timeless fashion", I'm sure she could be good at that. I'd love to see a quieter approach of chic. SM, old people kissing, over-exposed female intimacy and babies thrown in the air were fun for 10 years, but it's getting old, tired and cliché.

Don't get me wrong, I think Ms. Mouzat would be perfectly capable of running the magazine and would bring a new approach to fashion. Unlike some of you, though, I was an extremely strong admirer of Roitfeld's aesthetic for the magazine and I can't imagine that Mouzat's will be similar.

If Mouzat becomes EIC, surely she won't keep Carine's old team, which makes me wonder: what will happen to the oh-so-talented stylists like Anastasia Barbieri, Emmanuelle Alt, Geraldine Saglio, Veronique Didry and Melanie Huynh? Will their gifts of sartorial brilliance be wasted due to no outlet which to channel them? Or will they take their talents elsewhere, and, if so, which magazine?
^Honestly? I don't know. I could see some of those you mentioned stay and show their talents in the nouveau VP. Actually, maybe all of them but Alt. It seems to me that she can only do one kind of styling... I don't know if you get what I mean. About Mélanie Huynh, doesn't she work freelance now? She could still work for VP.

Anyway, I'm excited to find out how all this will turn out... I guess the first months will be hard for the EIC. S/he will have to impose his/her vision of VP. Some might dislike it and I feel like I'll avoid reading VP's threads in the mag section for a while, just not to have to read one million "I miss Carine" blablabla :lol: -- if I'm pleased with what I see, that is :lol:
Somehow, I must say that I agree with him.

this is becoming uglier and uglier...

Agree to about the children and putting a 15 years old on the cover.
Jeee, but to be honest some changes would be interesting. It was a bit predicted who would be on the cover.
What kinda doesn't make sense to me is if she was fired, why would she be continuing her post till the end of January? Wouldn't they just let her go on the spot?

Whatever the outcome of the new EIC I just hope it's someone who is French to the core. That's one thing I really loved about the mag.
Don't get me wrong, I think Ms. Mouzat would be perfectly capable of running the magazine and would bring a new approach to fashion. Unlike some of you, though, I was an extremely strong admirer of Roitfeld's aesthetic for the magazine and I can't imagine that Mouzat's will be similar.

If Mouzat becomes EIC, surely she won't keep Carine's old team, which makes me wonder: what will happen to the oh-so-talented stylists like Anastasia Barbieri, Emmanuelle Alt, Geraldine Saglio, Veronique Didry and Melanie Huynh? Will their gifts of sartorial brilliance be wasted due to no outlet which to channel them? Or will they take their talents elsewhere, and, if so, which magazine?
thats a really good question, if all of the team leave VP it will be such a shame.It would be very sad for me to see Barbieri,Saglio,Didry and especially Alt,for whom I have a huge admiration. It would be a great lost for VP to lose them, I think it would be nice to see the old aesthetic mixed with Mouzat's own aesthetic.

All of this if Alt doesnt become the new EIC, I really wish she gets the job, I feel like she deserves it.
^ I really also do hope, Alt gets the job. She is the perfect successor for Carine. But I am a but hesitant though because she works like Carine and would mean no diversity at all. VP would be the same
I cannot believe people see as a bad thing the fact Carine was unrestrained and didn't pander to everyone's interests. That's exactly what made VP unique it's a rarity nowdays.

Personally, I've always found it rather ironic that Anna Wintour is constantly derided for sticking to the same formula (classic American sportswear, same five to ten models, studio shots with goofy expressions shot by Demarchlier/studio shots with crazy hair shot by Meisel), when really, Carine has been doing the exact same thing- just with primarily French designers a lot more skin. :innocent:
I don't get why people think a new EIC would mean that the magazine is suddenly going to have diversity in regards to models, photographers, and designers? The next one is going to have her own favourites as well...
It really surprises me how everyone thinks Alt will be handed the EIC position just because she is next in line...This is not a who's-next-in-line-to-the-throne scenario...

It would be a huge mistake and a huge shock if Alt got the position..She has far more consulting duties than Carine in the first place (and much more public) and considering the drama surrounding Carine's extra cash duties there is no way Jonathan would let her carry those jobs as EIC..

They will bring in someone from a Journalistic background..A more Franca/Anna type figure who is not divulged with shooting/styling everything in the issue - (Grand/Roitfeld)

Believe it or not but it is not as simple as finding an incredible stylist to become EIC..It takes much more of a business type figure who can accommodate and satisfy the needs of the publication for its growth..

As for Carine's departure it was a very badly kept secret that she still consulted for many brands at top fees and styled many campaigns....

As for the new EIC it would be great to see someone from outside the French media circuit be appointed however there is no-way Katie or Grace would get (or want) it..
It really surprises me how everyone thinks Alt will be handed the EIC position just because she is next in line...This is not a who's-next-in-line-to-the-throne scenario...

It would be a huge mistake and a huge shock if Alt got the position..She has far more consulting duties than Carine in the first place (and much more public) and considering the drama surrounding Carine's extra cash duties there is no way Jonathan would let her carry those jobs as EIC..

I'm with you on this thoughts. Don't get me wrong, I love and adore Alt especially her styling skills but in my own opinion, she doesn't seem to suit well in the position of EIC. I don't know why but that's what I just think. But who knows, right?

How about Fabien Baron? :lol: I know that it's HIGHLY DOUBTABLE since he has Interview Magazine and he wouldn't trade his position in the magazine to be the new EIC of VP. :D ^_^
I'm with you on this thoughts. Don't get me wrong, I love and adore Alt especially her styling skills but in my own opinion, she doesn't seem to suit well in the position of EIC. I don't know why but that's what I just think. But who knows, right?

How about Fabien Baron? :lol: I know that it's HIGHLY DOUBTABLE since he has Interview Magazine and he wouldn't trade his position in the magazine to be the new EIC of VP. :D ^_^

Baron and Templer team would be epic and quite amazing for VP but yes I agree, I don't think he would leave Interview again especially after he/they were denied the EIC position at Vogue Homme International that was handed to Carine..
does this mean that Julia will finally stop having a pseudo reason to be at every front row!
^ Yes but sadly I think Julia will continue to show up meaninglessly.

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