Carine Roitfeld leaves Vogue Paris *Update* Emmanuelle Alt named new Editor-in-Chief

besides, Julia became quite a tastemaker in the past few years, not to mention a pretty successful model with several campaigns under her belt already.
Personally, I've always found it rather ironic that Anna Wintour is constantly derided for sticking to the same formula (classic American sportswear, same five to ten models, studio shots with goofy expressions shot by Demarchlier/studio shots with crazy hair shot by Meisel), when really, Carine has been doing the exact same thing- just with primarily French designers a lot more skin. :innocent:

that's not true. with American Vogue, i always have the issue that is seems to be 'one page - one designer', pretty much the same styling and combination as seen on the runway, just on a different girl (if that) and in a different location.

Carine, at her best, filled her magazine with editorials where the models would wear a mixture of different brands, mixing high and low (i remember one, i think the model had a huge afro, and she wore a Haute Couture jacket with a pair of jeans from H&M). imo Vogue Paris presented a way to wear those individual designer pieces, standout pieces, to combine and mix & match.

Vogue US generally lacks that kind of fun imo.
besides, Julia became quite a tastemaker in the past few years, not to mention a pretty successful model with several campaigns under her belt already.

Don't tell me that you think she deserved those campaigns and that she didn't get them thanks to Mom being VP's EIC...
i'd never say she actually DESERVED those campaigns (she's quite basic, even tho Tom Ford Black Orchid image make her look INCREDIBLE!). all i'm saying is that she DID get those campaigns (through whichever means) and that therefore she's in the public's eye.
^I get you. I think I just had a problem with the expression "successful model" :lol: I'd have rather prefered reading "basic it-girl whose mother is VP's EIC which explains why she got campaigns" but I guess that's a way too long adjective :lol:
that's not true. with American Vogue, i always have the issue that is seems to be 'one page - one designer', pretty much the same styling and combination as seen on the runway, just on a different girl (if that) and in a different location.

Carine, at her best, filled her magazine with editorials where the models would wear a mixture of different brands, mixing high and low (i remember one, i think the model had a huge afro, and she wore a Haute Couture jacket with a pair of jeans from H&M). imo Vogue Paris presented a way to wear those individual designer pieces, standout pieces, to combine and mix & match.

Vogue US generally lacks that kind of fun imo.

... which they do every month. :p

Just like Vogue Italia will take a hot issue and parody or commentate on it with high fashion
Just like Vogue UK will pretend that everyone in Great Britain lives in London and vacations in the country
Just like i-D will have a bunch of mediocre covers, instead of one good one

Everyone's got their something. I'm not hating, just commentating. ;)
i'd never say she actually DESERVED those campaigns (she's quite basic, even tho Tom Ford Black Orchid image make her look INCREDIBLE!). all i'm saying is that she DID get those campaigns (through whichever means) and that therefore she's in the public's eye.

I totally agree. Moreover Julia isn't just Carine's daughter. Her first occupation is to be an Art Director. I don't know who she works for but that could also explain her presenc eon the front row.
I'm bummed Carine leaving.:( The last few VP issues didn't float my boat but I think I might miss seeing Daria or Lara on the cover of VP every other month.

Wouldn't really be surprised if Alt got the EIC.
I can not believe in this. I love VP and without Carine, it wouldn't be the same magazine any more. Anyway Vogue love you Mum!!!

And who will be next EIC??? Emanuele could be great, she's got quite the same spirit as Carine. Katie Grand would be great too. Please no Anna Dello Russo in VP. I like her, but he doesn't fit there.
i don't know how to feel about this...
i hate that the advertisers could have so much power over the creative side of any magazine...
i don't think they should have any influence at all...frankly...
* call me an idealist, i know...

i am not a big fan of the politics and back room deals that happen regularly in this industry ...

part of me is thrilled that someone so high profile is having to deal with consequences for their inappropriate actions...
but ...
it's not the way i would have liked it to happen...
not because anyone threatens to pull their advertising...
but because it's simply not an ethical way to do business...
she was getting away with all of it...ALL OF IT>>>
until a big enough advertiser flexed their muscles...
and that is disappointing to me...
in general...
ethics and fashion don't seem to go together...

on a related note...
conde nast, in general, has been cracking down on their magazines who aren't the most financially successful...
first this...
i have been secretly afraid for some time now that they would try to do some sort of makeover at italian vogue actually...
because that is perhaps one of their least profitable publications, in terms of cold hard $$$
now THAT would truly be the end of an era...
and, in truth....
that might actually be the end of Fashion ...with a capital F...

let's just hope that vogue italia isn't next on the conde nast chopping block...
i have been secretly afraid for some time now that they would try to do some sort of makeover at italian vogue actually...
because that is perhaps one of their least profitable publications, in terms of

I remember Franca Sozzani mentioned in interview with Aliona Doletskaya that Vogue Italia is one of the best-selling Vogue's and especially in New-York it's best selling foreign magazine (not only among fashion titles)
I'm bummed Carine leaving.:( The last few VP issues didn't float my boat but I think I might miss seeing Daria or Lara on the cover of VP every other month..

Honestly, I won't feel the same. I'm tired of seeing daria and lara on the cover. I would like to see some celebrity on the VP cover for once...
^ There're at least 2 covers of celebrity each year.
Aren't celebs who are on the cover of US/UK Vogue, enough?
^^ Noooooooo!!! I don't want to see celebs on VP covers. It's enough to see them in US and British Vogue. For me VP and VI are great, because they DON'T use celebrities. And if they do, they choose well. No crap, just beautiful stories.

The worst part of this is, that probably magazine will be changed. And probably not in a good way. I'm tired of all those conservative mags, that don't deliver any emotions. VP was outstanding. And I will miss that for sure.
^^ Noooooooo!!! I don't want to see celebs on VP covers. It's enough to see them in US and British Vogue. For me VP and VI are great, because they DON'T use celebrities. And if they do, they choose well. No crap, just beautiful stories.

The worst part of this is, that probably magazine will be changed. And probably not in a good way. I'm tired of all those conservative mags, that don't deliver any emotions. VP was outstanding. And I will miss that for sure.

This has always been an interesting objection to me.

Online, I constantly read fashion followers complaining of too many celebrities being on the covers of fashion magazines; even the "letters to the editors" in magazines like US Vogue will occasionally publish a reader sharing said sentiments. But if so many people are desperate to see models on covers, then why are model cover issues the worst selling? Why do stale, beige stars like Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Anniston consistently sell magazines?

Fact of the matter is, the magazine industry has to roll with the punches and change with the times. A magazine like Vogue Paris is massive and has to sell- that means to clothes whores and middle class moms alike. It's not Love or i-D; the stakes are a lot higher. I wouldn't be surprised at all if, years from now, envelope pushing, challenging fashion is pushed to the margins (namely independent magazines) while the high fashion rags turn into Cosmo with higher fashion and without all the sex tips. Until then... we'll always have Italia, right?

(Of course, this could all just be hyperbolic and presumptive, the new VP editor could be just as rock and roll as Carine, and everyone will be as happy, naked, oiled up and Terry Richardson-shot as ever)
^perhaps models on the cover appeal more to the subscriber crowd where celebrities grab the newsstand crowd better. as much as people complain, i do believe american vogue has achieved a balance in the type of celebrities it chooses to place on its cover. i believe vogue paris could do the same. there exist many celebrities who have selling power, but could present the right amount of edge to satisfy the core vogue paris crowd.
I remember Franca Sozzani mentioned in interview with Aliona Doletskaya that Vogue Italia is one of the best-selling Vogue's and especially in New-York it's best selling foreign magazine (not only among fashion titles)

Hmmm.... that would explain the stack of at least 12 Vogue Italia November issues I saw at the Barnes and Noble on Fifth and 45th St. about a month ago. The same store only had 3 or 4 issues of Vogue Paris on sale. I found it quite peculiar.
^ Yes but sadly I think Julia will continue to show up meaninglessly.

you think?
This is a bit like the banker's wife who, after her husband's firm goes bankrupt 'inexplicably' misses her place on the MoMA board of trustees (Desperate Lehman Housewives anyone?)

Front rows are 'expensive' seats for every label's PR so I wonder for how long they will be able to give them away to the Roitfelds if that offers no return for the brand whatsoever.

I mean, Carine will continue to be influential, but she probably won't be as widely powerful if she starts working for a specific brand or group of brands.
From her throne at vogue, her control span was much wider, let alone her negotiating power... so i wonder what will happen to Julia or Vlad (both seemed to be successful at art dealing and whatever-it-is julia does).
^perhaps models on the cover appeal more to the subscriber crowd where celebrities grab the newsstand crowd better. as much as people complain, i do believe american vogue has achieved a balance in the type of celebrities it chooses to place on its cover. i believe vogue paris could do the same. there exist many celebrities who have selling power, but could present the right amount of edge to satisfy the core vogue paris crowd.

exactly, I'm talking about that balance that is missing in the issues of vogue paris. It is actually more fun to see an "interesting" celeb at the cover from time to time than an "empty" model "without history", just chosen for her physical features. and seeing kate moss again on the cover of vp makes everyone throw up a little...

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