Catherine, Princess of Wales (Kate Middleton)

I don't think that's true. I only follow Kate for her style, which I have been since doing since she first came on the scene. Whatever she does in her personal life/work I am indifferent about. But people are going to have opinions that are not constant praise and this is completely natural. I don't see why people are defensive about this...and the constant Diana comparisons? That is what is in unfair and it's that sort of thing that incites the whole 'she will never win' 'it will never be enough' comments. Back to her style, then!

I totally agree with you on that......that is not at all what I was talking about.

And about the Diana I said before that is just inevitable.
Diana was slated to be Queen and now Kate is and so many other reasons, Kate is going to marry Diana's son and so on and on. It's gonna happen, right or wrong.
I believe (IMO) that the frustration is from the constant negativity on this thread that goes way beyond just members opinions on her style.
That's just your perception.
I don't believe there is a single person posting regularly in this thread that has never ever said anything positive about her. Even those who are most vocal in disapproving her style have made approving comments when they felt she hit the mark.
There is no value in half-hearted praise. I'm not going to start waxing lyrical for what, in my opinion, is a sense of style that oscillate between the mediocre and the forgettable just so people think I'm such a nice girl.

You may ask, why I keep coming back to this thread if I'm so consistently underwhelmed by her choices?
Well, I guess I'm insane in the way Einstein defined it: I keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results.

It's not like she doesn't have the potential to blow my socks off: she has access, she has a 'high-fashion' body and as you have noted her grooming is impeccable.
I don't think it's unfair to expect from her something more than 'meh'.
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That's just your perception.
I don't believe there is a single person posting regularly in this thread that has never ever said anything positive about her. Even those who are most vocal in disapproving her style have made approving comments when they felt she hit the mark.
There is no value in half-hearted praise. I'm not going to start waxing lyrical for what, in my opinion, is a sense of style that oscillate between the mediocre and the forgettable just so people think I'm such a nice girl.

You may ask, why I keep coming back to this thread if I'm so consistently underwhelmed by her choices?
Well, I guess I'm insane in the way Einstein defined it: I keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results.

It's not like she doesn't have the potential to blow my socks off: she has access, she has a 'high-fashion' body and as you have noted her grooming is impeccable.
I don't think it's unfair to expect from her something more than 'meh'.

My perception - yep you're 100% right on that on

You keep coming back to see different results......
maybe that's the issue. The results you want. She has the results she wants.

And the same here, what you expect. I'm glad she is doing what she is comfortable with.

Anyways, I'm off for a flight home for the holidays. I can't keep up on this debate any longer. But you guys have made it good, lots of good opinions. It was great for passing the time in the airport.

Happy Holidays Everyone!!:santa::flower:
I feel bad for how much she's getting compared to Diana. I feel like she's being set up by the media to be criticized because she'll never live up to the larger-than-life-Diana.
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The "hater" comments are IMO unfair. People are let down and frustrated. William is the face of the "new monarchy" (or whatever the British media wants to call it) and whoever he was going to chose was going to be the "new face" with him. She is a future Princess and Queen. She needs to up her game. She is no longer just another private citizen hanging out and it's not like she doesn't have the resources. She may not like it and it may not be fair but she has expectations on her to represent the British public, in personality and style.

William is very conservative, as is the crowd he hangs around. He may represent the future, but he still holds on to old-school ideals like all those aristos he hangs with. Royalty is never going to be a modern concept, no matter how young and hot the newbies are. This is not a group of people who are fashion forward on any level. So the idea that Kate is going to be as glamorous as say, a princess of Monaco would be allowed--is just not gonna happen. She has to toe the line.
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Too many haters!!!

:huh: Can someone enlighten me to why anyone on God's green earth be hateful or jealous towards Kate Middleton? I mean, she has no great beauty, rarely does she display any sense of style, she is not marrying some sexy wanted billionaire who will give her the world. Heck, she doesn't even have a career to speak of @ almost 30. You might say, she is marrying the son of beloved Princess Diana and one of the oldest European monarchy in the world. However, entering the Windsor House its not what it used to be, besides endless ribbon cutting, nasty media that will point out her every transgression and fickle public that hold no loyalty to the Monarchy beyond the Queen, why would anyone wish that upon themselves? :innocent: There are plenty of extremely wealthy titled men and women in the world without the insanity that comes with her new position, so I neither hate her (she has not done anything to offend or harm me or loved ones), nor do I feel the slightest envy towards her. Wish her the best of luck, because she will need it.

Here are some of the new magazine profile of her and her family:




source: US magazine - Young royalty site!
William is very conservative, as is the crowd he hangs around. He may represent the future, but he still holds on to old-school ideals like all those aristos he hangs with. Royalty is never going to be a modern concept, no matter how young and hot the newbies are. This is not a group of people who are fashion forward on any level. So the idea that Kate is going to be as glamorous as say, a princess of Monaco would be allowed--is just not gonna happen. She has to toe the line.

This is a really good point. The British Royals are known for their ability to be diplomats on the world stage and also to inspire the British people during hard times (for example, during World War 2). With the exception of The Duchess of Windsor and Princess Diana, they have never really been known for their fashion sense: they've always been critiqued for being on the frumpy, dowdy side at worse or being not chic, not fashion forward at best. (Even Jackie Kennedy was quoted as being "unimpressed" with the Queen's fashion upon meeting her.)
I notice she always rims her entire eye with eyeliner. It only makes her eyes look smaller.

She should also seek a facialist. She's so young to have skin that has no vibrancy. She has no youthful glow at all.
^I agree with you on the eyeliner. I think she thinks it makes her eyes look bigger. Put it doesn't! plus it makes her eyes look super round. And her beautiful green eyes don't pop out as much with the eyeliner.

As for her skin, i just think she doesn't use any face creams nor bronzers or foundation. I think that thats were the "problem" is. Because her skin is clear!

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