Chloe Paddington Bags (February 2005 - March 2010)

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To everyone that has the new lighter paddy's, how is the lock doing? Is it still as vulnerable and chippy?
I just bought the black hardware paddy satchel but I'm thinking of returning it because it's so heavy. How much lighter are the new paddy's?
Chloe-Babe said:
Thanks Velony

If anybody is still looking for a rouge, NAP have just added it back into the UK sale, it really is a great price now for the bag :)

unfortenately it's been sould out (again?) in the meantime :( even if still showing up on the UK-website.
i'm so sad since this was a fantastic price and i'm lurking around the rouge one since last autumn - but the price always really backed me off.
seeing it today for this great price maybe was just to good to be true, but well... does anyone of you have the 'castro' colour? is it a nice wine-colour or more brownish?
good pictures / links anyone?
230079504644 rouge paddy starting bid £500. I think this may be real - can't see the padlock, stitching or embossed logo clearly enough, so you may want to e-mail the seller for close up pictures (I love some of the dodgy locks on the fake bags - either tiny stitches or giant 'chloe' logos). Not sure if the seller will shop overseas, may just have been overlooked in their postage spiel.
oh my god...honestly, I am finding it so hard to type right now...

I went to my local Neiman Marcus, and looked through their sale table to see if they had anything interesting...and I found a black Chloe Paddington Cross-Body...totally gorgeous, and totally on sale. The price was $1180, down from $1975. There was also an extra 25% off the bags on the sale table, which would bring it down to $868. I think to myself that it's a pretty good deal. (The bag in question below)

(Credit: Post #11095 by member Pinkie, in Chloe Paddington Bags thread on

However, there was a slight, nay, HUGE problem: the bag was missing the lock! The SA tells me that she will call the vendor to see if they can send a replacement lock, and that the lock would be sent to me for no extra charge. YET, If they cannot provide a new lock for the bag, she will give me an extra 10% off discount, which would put the bag down to about $796. Add a $50 gift card discount, and it goes down to about $750. I tell her ok, I'll buy the bag...and see what turns out with the whole lock problem next week.

Afterwards, I go to Saks Fifth Avenue, and what do I see on the sale table? The SAME exact Chloe Paddington Cross-body bag, only in the Castor color (a gorgeous wine red color). I look at the price tag, it says $1800 without any markdown notes. I take it to the SA, and ask her to check the price for me and she tells me the bag is...$530!!!! She also mentioned that if I open a saks account, I could get an extra 10% off, plus a $25 gift card, making the bag total to be $480!!:question:

Now, I have 2 chloe paddington cross-body's...and ideally i'd like to keep only 1. I absolutely LOVE both the colors...the black one is totally bad-*** rock 'n roll. The Castor is very lady-like, and is the epitome of "Chloe". There's no mistaking the Castor bag for anything else. However, the black one is significantly more expensive than the castor...I'm talking about a difference between $480 and $868, in addition to the possibility that a lock for the black one may not be supplied. While I would love to keep both, I don't *need* both.

Honestly, I just don't know what to do. What do you think? Should I keep both? Should I take the black one, even though she may not be able to get me a new lock? How much are new locks anyway? I am thinking that the lock would be a lot more expensive than the $86 discount from the 10% savings. Personally, I think they should give me a discount equal to the price of the lock if they can't get me one...

Thanks for listening to my bag soap opera...please let me know what you think I should do!

P.S.- The SA from saks said they have additional Paddington Cross-Bodys available for $530, in Castor and Nutmeg. Please PM me if you are interested in her contact information...I will supply you with the SKU so she can locate it for you.
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Talk to the SA from NM and see if she can give you a discount that is equal to the cost of the lock, after all the paddy's design is all about the lock.
I'm sorry, but I'm not sure how much a new lock will set you back by.

You sound like you love both a lot and if you think both colours will fit well into your wardrobe, keep both if your budget allows. After all, who needs more than one bag ;)
But if you must give one up, it's really up to you which one you think you'll love less.
Do you have a pic of the Castor bag? I don't think I've seen that color before.
Hm, I think I would wait until you hear back about the lock from Saks. I think it depends on whether they can find you a new one for free. Personally I wouldn't want to keep that bag without the lock if I wasn't 100% sure I could actually get one (not for that price). Does Chloe sell the locks separately at all? I think it's especially t he lock that makes the bag so special and recognizable.
Velony: Here is the classic Paddington satchel in Castor:


It's a gorgeous deep brick red / burgundy. It melds so well with the brass colored hardware! The leather is so thick and squishy...really, it's my second most beautiful bag (next to my stam, my first love!)

On another note, I have a new issue with the black cross-body I mentioned is missing a strap loop which is necessary to keep the two sections of the shoulder strap together. Honestly, I can't believe they accepted this bag as a return in this condition. First of all, it's missing THE most important part of the bag (the lock), and the strap loop. The more I think about it, the more I think it's unacceptable they put this bag back on the floor. In addition, one forum member indicated to me that she got the same exact bag for $698, while mine was marked down only to $1182!! I don't know what the deal is with NM, but I really hope they can explain this anomaly.

I asked the SA who I dealt with yesterday if she could locate another new and intact black cross-body at another store. She said she couldn't locate it today since they are in the process of getting ready for the Last Call sale, but that she will call tomorrow. Apparently, bags are being to Neiman Marcuses all over the place for the big sale...
*moonie* said:
unfortenately it's been sould out (again?) in the meantime :( even if still showing up on the UK-website.
i'm so sad since this was a fantastic price and i'm lurking around the rouge one since last autumn - but the price always really backed me off.
seeing it today for this great price maybe was just to good to be true, but well... does anyone of you have the 'castro' colour? is it a nice wine-colour or more brownish?
good pictures / links anyone?

how much is it on NAP's sale?

The 'castor' is more like a burgundy/bordeaux out in the sun, and like a very dark brown without the light. i would say its really a nice color!
do you have to worry about the hardware chipping on all of their bags??? im looking to purchasing a chloe ascot......any help would be much appreciated as im an uneducated new chloe lover... :blush:
miaou, i called saks and they dont have the cross-body paddies in stock anymore:( you are so lucky you got a good deal! did you get the lock for your black one?
shoptfs said:
miaou, i called saks and they dont have the cross-body paddies in stock anymore:( you are so lucky you got a good deal! did you get the lock for your black one?

Yeah, I heard that the cross-body paddy sold out of saks this past weekend ! I'm surprised that there were even any left!

I'm still waiting on the SA to get back to me about the lock. I called the Chloe boutique in NYC to see if it is possible to order a new lock, and how much they cost. The girl on the phone said that you can order new locks and that they cost about $100. But, she told me to order the lock through Neiman Marcus, since I bought my bag there. So, we'll see...hopefully the SA can find another black cross body so I can exchange it. They shouldn't have put this bag missing a lock and strap loop back on the floor in the first place!
Does anyone own one of these 2 clutches ? I have a doubt abour the color. Don't want it to be too "shimmery". What do you guys think ?
Is the right one a metallic gold? I saw the left one on sale on nap and was tempted to get it but then I wasn't sure about the color of the lock. I like the shiny hardware better, I think.
Velony said:
Is the right one a metallic gold? I saw the left one on sale on nap and was tempted to get it but then I wasn't sure about the color of the lock. I like the shiny hardware better, I think.

it's the silver metallic. but I think I prefer the blue one. :blink:
omg its so cute i want to get another paddington! how much is the metallic one? theyre on sale?!?!
How are paddingtons in terms of weight? I'm thinking of getting a medium or mini but am worried since people are saying paddingtons are so heavy.
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