Coloured tights

Softgrey- I thought the same thing too about bright colors, but was hastily told this a few posts back. Just saying... :innocent: :D

And its ok to laugh, I sure am! I can't walk on it at all, but I know <insert diety(s) of choice> were looking down and laughing. I had packages to return that went flying everywhere as well:lol:

I looked cute though! It was a new outfit and I missed shopping and lunch with my mom (I'm visiting home for the holiday). At least I have family to wait on me hand a foot (pun intended) for a few days B)
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they say age is an attitude...
and my attitude is ....i will leave the bright tights alone...:ninja:
i actually have quite a few of them..
lime green, orange, yellow...but i think they are going to stay in the wardrobe...

**you are funny. ..hand and foot....:lol:...
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Me in a rush on the way to lectures...the dress exactly the same shade.

And then today in Manchester some sneaky street snapping !
This couple were great the guy was a teddy boy.
Just won this vintage dress on Ebay & since its to cold right now Ill wear a jacket or cardigan & Im thinking tights. What color do you guys think would look good with it? I only have plum right now but Im thinking about more & I think I saw red, green, blue, orange & yellow... or if theres some other color?
Heres the dress...
i got some awesome pairs in calzedonia while in italy
a lovely patterned one and purple grey and electric blue
tiff- cute dress..
i think the obvious choice would be bright blue or yellow...and if you are nice and young...maybe that's how you want to go..

but i don't like being obvious...
so i would be tempted to do something more creative and original like maybe grey the way that girl with the yellow dress did it with a navy top under......or navy tights with brown boots and a grey top?..maybe add a brown belt as well?
seems like it would tone down the orange as well...

*pls post pics when you decide...:flower:

kagood-purple grey sounds really good- sort fo dusty you mean?...i'd like to have some like that..

i :heart: your pics Ap cool is that couple!!!..:woot:
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i could go for some of those purple/black jester tights actually.. kinda mod with a black dress.
tiffany, I was about to suggest grey as well. I really like it with orange... Navy sounds good too..
Also I think it would look great with a pair of ribbed dark purple or eggplant colored ones..
^^ and i bet you looked fab

Ive just realised everyday since i first posted in this thread ive wore coloured tights lol
i got some awesome pairs in calzedonia while in italy
a lovely patterned one and purple grey and electric blue

yes I adore calzedonia..they have the best colors and the tights are very soft and last ages ^_^ every winter they made this offer, you can buy 4 colored tights and get 1 free...I've so many tights, that 2 or 3 colors I haven't worn yet!!
Tiff- I say navy, it was the first thing I thought of. Since the dress is orange, a rather bright color, I say a darker colored pair of tights. Grey sounds good to me too. Very cute dress too btw! :)

Per the "jester" tights, I saw some similar ones at American Apparel. Not my cup of tea at all, but maybe a different color combo might be more appealing to me.
i think you all have a PROBLEM :lol:

I love colored tights too.. but I don't have any boots and that's my favorite way I've seen them worn! I guess I've got some shopping to do!

Here they are on the Pucci runway (
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A few more Pucci, I prefer the muted look a little better.



Colored tights to me scream Karen O or Jenny Lewis... for some reason.
ApertureRomance - I love the way you mixed the blue and looks lovely :flower:
colour tribe, its not the colour but who wears them that matters with coloured tights...You wear them well :)

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