Coloured tights

What's the maximum age for wearing this?

i think you can make the look work no matter how old you are..

though if you're out of your 20s i think you should probably stick with the more muted colors..
burgundies, dark purples, navy blues, dark greens, chocolate browns..
they look more sophisticated than a lot of the louder options...

though i think it also depends on the person's personality..
bright colors can work on 30+ people with a more quirky or eccentric sense of style...
I second Chrissy M's point, especially when it comes to the more muted colors. I don't really look at wearing say, burgundy or deep purple tights as any different from black ones. Or you could try textured tights in a more classic shade like gray or chocolate brown, and maybe expand your tights wardrobe from there.

However, if it fits your look or personality I would say something like bright cobalt or crimson could still work, especially if paired with a relatively simple outfit. Hey, if you've got the legs for it, why not?
I saw a very old lady wearing mustard coloured tights with a turquoise trapeze coat, once.
It was reaaally chic.
I just went thru the entire thread. Lots of great photos and ideas. Tiffany, I didn't realize you posted a picture of the orange dress. It's really cute. THe one picture that gave me the most inspiration is this yellow dress with the grey tights, that Softgrey originally posted. I am so challenged with yellow's, yet it's a good color for me. I :heart: this look :D
edit: please do not quote images
thats amazing
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though i think it also depends on the person's personality..
bright colors can work on 30+ people with a more quirky or eccentric sense of style...

Definitely. A colleague of mine is in her early 50s and has the most amazing collection of brightly coloured and patterned tights - she's known throughout the profession for them. She is wonderfully eccentric, completely brilliant and wears them like nobody else ever could. :heart:

I love this thread!
^Oh that sounds amazing.
known for ones use of colored tights - that's what I'm aiming for in the future :lol:

.. :heart:
Where I live people don't dress like that. I see trench coats, dark colored tights, and ballet flats.
^^then i say, you should wear it and show them how its done! :D
^ Yeah! I've found that if I go the eccentric, unique route to dressing myself, its actually much more appreciated than you'd expect. People seem to appreciate risks when exhibited by others in a way that works best. I'd say wear what you love and feel good'll be surprised! :-D
I agree, if you want a dark purple, like a plum color, try HUE or DKNY which can be found at most department stores.
^ Yeah! I've found that if I go the eccentric, unique route to dressing myself, its actually much more appreciated than you'd expect. People seem to appreciate risks when exhibited by others in a way that works best. I'd say wear what you love and feel good'll be surprised! :-D

you know i come from a small town in middle europe but im living in England right now and ive always been very inspired by the british i dressed like that at home too (coloured tights e.g) and of course some ppl were :blink: but then there were ppl who just stopped me and said 'wow i really love your outfit' or infront of the toilet of a club saying 'you're wearing red tights, omg i would never dare to wear that but it just suits you, i love it' :heart:
i looove colored tights for my school uniform.
my uniform is a light grey shirt with a dark grey plaid skirt, so i like to wear hot pink or purple opaque tights with it. i got mine at h&m. :D
I'm IN LOVE with tights!! I mostly wear black, but in different textures of course (I love the ribbed ones), but I've ventured out and bought some different colors. However I'm still trying to decide what they will look best with!!
In the new Marie Claire with so classy nude, pregnant Xtina on the cover

" The Bad..

Bright Tights

There was a time when we were convinced that candy colored hoisery looked good on grown-ups. That time has passed. "

I disagree because of Blair and I just bought red tights at target
Does anyone know where to get thick coloured tights online?
I love the tights I have but they are getting a little thin for the cold weather here.. I was looking at Wolford's polar fleece tights but they only seem to have the usual black, grey, browns.
^ E.G. Smith makes thick (mostly) cotton tights in lots of colors. You can find them at I've ordered from them before, and they're pretty speedy.

I also found this weekend the two colors I was looking for. Teal, called "Mallard," by Hue for $4 at TJ Maxx. And burgundy ones by DKNY at Macy's for $11.
i was just looking at the inez & vinoodh thread in behind the lens and aliensexfiend posted an old editorial with maggie rizer in it..
featured a bunch of colored tights looks :flower:

check it out if you're interested ^_^
Me in a rush on the way to lectures...the dress exactly the same shade.

And then today in Manchester some sneaky street snapping !
This couple were great the guy was a teddy boy.

Off-topic: I never knew there were still teddy boys around in England. :lol: That's quite interesting actually.

This thread inspired me hugely so I bought four pairs of coloured tights yesterday. I'll post pics tomorrow. I can't wait to start wearing them. ^_^
Pictures (as promised):

These are very winter-y colours, plus summer heat is bursting everywhere. It's going to take me a while to be able to wear them.
^ah lovely winter-y colors.. Looking forward to seeing you wearing them :shifty:
I spotted a few colored tights on sale today I might buy them tomorrow if there are any left in the colors and the sizes I need.. ^_^

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