H&m Hits Back At Lagerfeld

classic1908 said:
In a Vogue article on Marjorie Raein (socialite who appears to wear a 14-16), it was mentioned that Chanel makes clothes up to a size 20. I know that society designers who play to an older audience (Oscar de la Renta, Bill Blass, Carolina Herrera) do have 16s, 18s and in the case of Blass/Oscar, 20s.
So I LMAO @ the Kaiser.

I've seen pix of Marjorie and if she's a 14-16, the camera must add significantly more than 10 pounds. (I think Carolina does a great job dressing Marjorie--she should fire the others.)
Diorling said:
A size 12 isnt even that bad, IMO. It's not like we're talking about people with body ruching and pleating. I do sort of like the larger sizes, that means I could very well fit into womens. :p

I agree. I used size 12 as an example because I think that is the highest H&M goes in North America, no? :unsure:
tott said:
Yeah, just like ex-smokers can be the most annoying anti-smoking people.

I hate those people! They think they' so righteous and I just love waving ciggies in their face as they're salivating. :D
fashionista-ta said:
I've seen pix of Marjorie and if she's a 14-16, the camera must add significantly more than 10 pounds. (I think Carolina does a great job dressing Marjorie--she should fire the others.)

LOL. I've seen her in Oscar (I am a de la Renta fan) and Behnaz Sarafpour. I think she generally looks pretty good. She found what works for her, and sticks to it.
Hope we're not getting too OT here, but I've seen pix of Marjorie in Oscar too ... don't know about Behnaz. But I'm in the same boat, I've got figure flaws too (don't most of us), and it looked to me like Carolina was hands down the best at making them look like they weren't there at all. I would love Carolina to have a go at mine, but I'm afraid couture just isn't in my budget ;)
I saw on Amazon where Karl has a book out about his "diet". Basically it's tips for starvation. I guess his hopes are women buy the book, starve, slim down, then buy his clothes so he won't have to make "plus sizes"?
He had to have known the average size of H&M customers before he put his line out. So, he knows that H&M isn't Chanel couture (which I thought the whole reason of his line is to "reach the masses" instead of the small portion of the population who can actually afford Chanel? correct me if I'm wrong, I don't know much about the line) and that the average size isn't 0-8. Which makes me think that it's all a publicity stunt. THat, or he's just tacky.
Great to know now he is praising Stella collaborating with H&M as he use to slag her off as just a t-shirt designer when she succeeded him to design for Chloe.
I saw the whole collection in the big london H&M's and thought the clothes were awful - dull , boring and nothing you couldnt put together yourself from an average jumble sale. Perhaps that should be the issue on this thread - who cares what sizes they were - i wouldnt buy them anyway!
These kind of people are the problem in our society. The disgusts me so much because they push young teenagers to be anorexics and develop other eating disorders just to fit in to the "ideal woman."
Karl needs to calm down. He who is without sin let him cast the first stone.....and Karl has no room to talk about fat people because he was once BIG! THAT crap DISGUSTS ME!!!!
I am slim but it really pisses me off that Karl behave like a KING OF FASHION and says who can wear his clothes :angry:
hey i know this is really off subject but would anyone know where i can view john galliano spring/summer 1995 collection aka the old hollywood collection with the car in the background. i looked on firstview but didnt have it, if you could please tell me it would be greatly appreciated!!!
Karl´s clothes for H&M from last season got up to a 70% off where I live cos they didn´t sell anything and they didn´t know how to get rid of them.
when i was in london, his stuff was onsale to at H&M. He never should have done it in the first place.
Mr. Fabulous said:
isn't he gone? :innocent:

I can't stand him..

totally agreed i used to like him for his work on the chanel stuff, but now i lost complete respect for him.


this is a rather touchy subject and i dont usually share this with people but i used to be obese... a size 14 and i dropped weight after 2 years of struggles with myself after a long series of just tumbling out of control and depression from my grandpa's death, but i dropped to a 4.

and it insults me so much that he said that.

i mean, seriously.

people aren't obese because they want to be they're obese but its because they have self image problems, depression and everything else.

im so frustrated.:angry:
I was a size 14 and 6'. Different measurements look different on certain heights. I now have lost some weight because I'm not happy with the chubbiness around my stomach area and am now a size 6-8. I don't care if being overweight is unnatural, sure its not okay, but the thing is most people are overweight, and fashion is a business, not just an artform. Karl will lose a lot of customers over this...

It also offends me because I didn't look that bad at a size 14. Overweight isn't good, but curviness is, and a size 4 6' model isn't very healthy looking(note I said healthy looking, not that they weren't healthy).

Also if there are no clothes for overweight and obese people, what are they supposed to wear? I hope they don't go around naked.

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