I Love Blind Items ! #6 *Absolutely no drug or weight blind items and talk allowed*

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yes i know hunny. :)
sorry i misspelled.
half a mil i meant to type :)

so i'd say about 1 mil is what I've come across as price for such models (this is just speculation, i don't state any facts)

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^ I got the feeling that the blind is implying that the model is there doing nothing... Poly, Kroes, Kloss all those models are ther working.
Toni Garrn is also in Cannes...

This I can believe at a stretch, but to me Bar Rafaeli seems more likely. The reason this implied model could be doing this is probably because her resources dried up? I mean you'd have to be pretty desperate to even consider going this route. Lets be honest, Bar's career isn't exactly flourishing.
I am Sir to ask but where these blind items come from? Who is the source behind the info?
It's a very serious accusation, more than just shade. I'd like to know the source, too.

I imagine the author wont be touched since they didn't actually single anyone out, but what about us?? Especially considering the names mentioned so far. Next thing you know we'll all get a letter from these girls' solicitors charging us for slander!

Can the mods please delete my posts. I wouldn't last a day in prison.
pretty sure it's not toni, she hadn't even arrived when the blind item was released. (and it says the person "has been front and center" in cannes.) it also says that everybody knows who she is, which makes me think it cannot even be Bar.
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I imagine the author wont be touched since they didn't actually single anyone out, but what about us?? Especially considering the names mentioned so far. Next thing you know we'll all get a letter from these girls' solicitors charging us for slander!

Can the mods please delete my posts. I wouldn't last a day in prison.

The people who are able to pay that amount of money for one night with a high-class escort have probably committed greater felonies in the getting of that fortune than any of us can imagine, let alone put down in words on a message board. Or else we'd all be at their game. Even the working girls. On the scale of crimes, thinking someone can command thousands of dollars for the pleasure of their company is almost a compliment.
Half a million for one night? That's crazy. Can I get in on it too? Lol. I find the price tag to be the most shocking part of that BI. Otherwise, stories about these type of things seem pretty standard when it comes to Cannes.

BTW, could it also be Chanel Iman, or is she not famous enough? What about someone like Petra Nemkova?
Wait, I know who it is...

Adriana Lima :lol:

:lol: Now there's a thought!! Of course her fans will argue that she's got Maybelline and loads of other financial prospects, but it could be her.
Half a million for one night? That's crazy. Can I get in on it too? Lol. I find the price tag to be the most shocking part of that BI. Otherwise, stories about these type of things seem pretty standard when it comes to Cannes.

BTW, could it also be Chanel Iman, or is she not famous enough? What about someone like Petra Nemkova?

Chanel is actually there working. She is in a new movie that is showing there DOPE
You remember when he turned up in a small, out-of-the-way-of-Hollywood town not too long ago, for no apparent reason? He was trying to go undercover. Because it turns out, he was there with a woman…a very attractive woman… who is not his wife. They were seen holding hands at the hotel. But can you ever really hide? No. Not even out of the country. Not even by the sea. He ended up getting busted by fans and the local media got a hold of it. And the thing is, he told his wife that he was somewhere else. He and his companion have been having an affair for some time.


Of course it’s not the first time. He thought it wouldn’t get back to her that time in Oklahoma and that didn’t work out for him either. His wife forgave him then, as she always does, patiently supporting him as he works through his issues and compulsions. But he can’t help himself. When things are going well, he will always find a way to f-ck himself up. And now, finally, she may have had enough. Has she had enough yet? It isn’t instant forgiveness. Then again, he’s not exactly working hard to put it back together either. The temptations are too hard to resist. Last time he set his reputation on fire though, it was easier to forgive. And she helped him rehabilitate his image. Could he come back from betraying the perfect wife, walking out on a perfect home, and breaking up the perfect family?

From http://www.laineygossip.com/Has-she-had-enough-yet-blind-riddle/39643

Is this Brad Pitt??
The last bit about helping him rehabilitate his image makes me think of Ben Affleck and Jen Garner. But if there are news of him spotted then it should be easier to pinpoint the identity, right? is that the case with Pitt?

The thing with this type blinds imo is that we don´t know how these marriages work, they might have an open relationship so this idea that he´s cheating and she´s forgiving him are just thoughts of conventional relationships that might not apply.
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