I Love Blind Items ! #6 *Absolutely no drug or weight blind items and talk allowed*

Hmmm... interesting. But are there any rumours of his marriage being on the rocks?

Yes, I´ve read rumors but I don´t know how reliable are the sources...
(starmagazine, celebitchy)
One attendee at The SAG Awards had an interesting report about a certain celebrity couple.

We were all in an area where there were no cameras, and it was clear that they were having some kind of problem. She was really annoyed and wouldn’t even look at him. At one point, he said something (I don’t know what) and grabbed her arm to try to get her attention, but she wasn’t having any of that. She yanked her arm away and said “Get away from me!” Not loud, but loud enough for several people to hear. Then she rolled her eyes and walked away. It was shocking. Five minutes later I saw them sitting a couple of tables away from me. The camera was on them, and they were all over each other, kissing and smiling. It was shocking. I had no idea that both of them were such good actors!

The couple was at the SAG Awards because one of them had been nominated for an award. We do not know what their argument was about.

The latest issue of Entertainment Weekly contains an article about several Hollywood actresses, including Reese Witherspoon.

Reese tells a story about a particular film role that she turned down.

About four years ago I got sent an awful, terrible script. And this male star was starring in it, and there was a girlfriend part. And I thought, “You’ve got to be kidding me. No, I’m not interested.”

They said, “Well this actress is chasing it, that actress is chasing it: three Oscar winners and two huge box office leading ladies.” And I thought, “Oh, that’s where we’re at? You’re fighting to be the girlfriend in a dumb comedy? For what?”

And by the way, two Oscar winners did it.

The coupling of celebrities on another competition show worked so well that this show is trying to stir up some faux romance on their own program!

Producers have been putting out rumors that the male cast member’s wife is upset that he is getting too close with the female cast member.

No. They are having problems as a couple, but it’s definitely not because of his relationship with his costar.

We don’t think this tease will be successful like it was on the other show. If the costars were separated or single, that would be one thing. But trying to hint at a flirty/cozy/secret relationship when married people are involved is odd.

Oh well. Anything for ratings!

Remember when we told you about the young film actor with the fake girlfriend? Well, we have an update for you!

The actor and his team are getting nervous that the rumors about him are not going away, so they are talking about doing some damage control… in the form of an engagement and/or marriage!

They are working through the logistics for a secret engagement, a public engagement, and a secret marriage, so even they don’t know how far they are going to take it yet! They may move some of these events overseas so the witnessing/legality of it will be questionable.

If they go through with this, the first step is teasing the engagement. This will start soon. Jewelry shopping, putting on and taking off rings to keep people guessing, him meeting with her family, and hints about proposals.

All fake of course. But the girlfriend is excited. The fans will be, too. And with an “engagement” or “marriage” under his belt, those pesky rumors may go away!

This young actress does not have very good taste in boys.

Her ex-boyfriend was too old for her and cheated on her. The current one isn’t much better. When someone asked him what she was like, his answer was “Annoying. But at least she’s rich, so I don’t have to pay for anything. Plus [dating her] gets my name out there.” Nice.

She likes to to lecture young girls on self-esteem. Given her shaky family background, perhaps she hasn’t had great guidance on how to choose boys who are good for her own self-esteem!

This superstar is a true triple threat: singing, dancing, acting. Some people refer to the man by her side as her boyfriend. He isn’t.

Sure he’s always there, escorting her to events, and cozying up with her for photos. But his job goes beyond that. He is actually her assistant. Her first assistant handles her phone, her emails, her schedule, and travel logistics. He is her second assistant. Our superstar pays him a salary.

He is her second assistant but we call him The Sherpa because his main job it to be her companion and her bag man (like for a President). He makes sure that she has everything she needs all the time.

He is her escort to all these events because he looks good and he does what he’s told. He’s protective of her and the kids and she likes that. They are actually good friends (well, as much as you can be with your employer). I’ve never seen them do anything more than give each other a quick peck on the lips though.

She likes him because he never says No to her. If she says, “Play with the kids,” he does it. If she says, “Carry my shopping bags,” he does it. The only thing he won’t do is carry her purse. He will carry her cell phone and her lipstick, though.

When an actor wins an Oscar, you would think that it would practically guarantee him a lifetime of good roles in good films. Not necessarily.

This actor is best known for his role in a classic sports-related film. He won an Academy Award over ten years ago. He thought he was set for life. Well, he does work regularly, but he has chosen films and roles that have resulted in more Razzie nominations than Oscar nominations.

He thinks that his latest TV project is going to be the one to put him back on top. One director has his doubts:

Yeah, I saw it. It’s not a great performance. He overplayed it. He’s trying too hard. It’s distracting. Once you don’t believe he is the character, you can’t get that back. It’s too bad, because this really could have been the one [project] to propel him back into the spotlight.

If he’s looking for the spotlight, perhaps he can hit the campaign trail with that Presidential Candidate with whom he has a close connection?

This celebrity lives in a fancy penthouse apartment on the Upper West Side, between 60th and 75th street with views of the river. The apartment is so nice that the elevator opens up into the PH. But what surprises all of the guests is how many pictures of OPRAH are all over the place.

Pictures in frames all over the living room and a huge oil painting of Oprah in the dining room. Oprah’s face is literally everywhere. There is even a small picture of her in the guest bathroom off the lobby!

The celebrity is a famous TV personality herself, but nowhere near as famous as MISS O!

“It almost feels creepy,” one eyewitness tells Naughty Gossip. “No matter where you are in the place, Oprah is looking at you.”

While this couple normally loves feuds and drama, there is one topic around which they do NOT want drama: his sexuality!

Yes, they both know he’s gay. However, his music genre is not receptive to gay artists, so he has to promote himself as strictly heterosexual.

While he always seems to be in a state of irritation, the gay rumors bother him more than any others. They need to tank those pesky rumors right now, and are fishing around for options. They will offer to partner with enemies on future projects; counter with rumors designed to convince you that he is straight; and even pay people off if they have to.

Anything… as long as you stop saying that he is gay!

Better Eddie than Matt Damon. Do women, men, anyone even find Matt Damon attractive? He's so bland. On a serious note, that would mean Alicia is a homewrecker.
If true, I think the "husband" in question is the one who should be called a homewrecker.

1. It's either Nicole and Keith or Naomi and Liev. There have been tons of reports about the latter splitting up in the last few weeks.
7. Cuba Gooding Jr
9. Kanye for sure
^people online are saying it´s New Year´s Eve from 2011. But if the interview it´s from 2015, then she got the script in 2011. A movie takes a while to be made and released so it could be a movie from 2012 or 2013.
Over the last few years Neeson has transformed into one of the most kickass action men in movie history, but before that he was more renowned as a romantic lead. So, with Valentine’s Day coming up, I wonder what Liam’s plans are.

I’ll send out a few bunches of flowers to various people and I usually just say ‘from an Irish admirer’.

Is he involved with anyone?

Yes, but I’d embarrass her if I said her name, she’s incredibly famous. I’ll have to do my best for her. It’s amazing how far a simple bunch of freshly picked flowers will go in a lady’s life, I find.

Liam was photographed looking quite gaunt last year – he lost the weight for a role – and he tells me he is quite equanimous about getting older.

Before I pass the mirror I feel 43. When I actually look in it I think ‘no, definitely 63’, especially if I haven’t been to the gym that day. I think I’m a bit more philosophical about all that stuff than I was when I moved out to Hollywood in 1987. I’m fitter than I’ve ever been in my life so that has to count for something. I want to stay on this planet for a long time to come.

Interesting observation at a Super Bowl party in San Francisco this past weekend. One celebrity saw two other celebrities – an actress and a singer – standing together at a party.

As soon as [Celebrity] saw them at the party, she said, “Look at them. Those two are SO thirsty!” I told her that I thought they made a good couple and she started laughing and said that they “definitely” are not a couple.

She said that they are friends and they both love publicity so they are pretending to date. She said that [Actress] does this all the time with famous guys. She also said that [Singer] is gay and his last girlfriend had an actual contract to “date” him and the two of them never f*cked. Not even once.

Although they have supposedly broken up, we have one note to add that may serve to explain the dynamic between this athlete and this female celebrity.

She wanted him to behave like he was so in love with her for the cameras, but he was seeing other women the whole time. She knew the relationship wasn’t serious for him but she wanted it to look serious so she would do things so other people would think he was in love with her. Like at the end of last year she sent herself flowers and pretended to everyone that they were from him. He didn’t send them. He thought that was weird.

Their baby was born a few months ago. For two people who really love publicity, it’s odd that the parents haven’t sold the first photo to anyone and haven’t displayed it themselves. So, what’s going on? We are hearing two stories.

The first is that they wanted to sell the photos. However, they couldn’t get as much money as they wanted AND a cover (they wanted both). It would be embarrassing to have to lower their demands, so now they need to figure out a different way to release the photos.

The second is that they have been hiding the baby – even from some people who are close to the family – because there was a physical problem that needed to be corrected.

There was a problem. That’s why they were in the hospital a few days. That’s why nobody in the family used the word “healthy” to describe the baby right after the birth. They have been stalling on the public unveiling because they wanted to wait until the problem was fixed.

They know that you are damaged. They know that you are mentally ill. However, when you first came into the family, you were a rich and famous performer, and you were willing to play their game. That gave you an automatic pass on all your flaws.

Now that you are experiencing a reversal of fortune, though, it’s time for you to go.

Because you are still famous and attract a lot of attention, this won’t be fast. As long as they can continue to control the narrative and profit off of you, all the drama is good.

The best drama? Making sure everyone knows that YOU are the bad guy. YOU are the damaged goods that they tried really hard to accept and heal and save with their love and compassion.

As long as your wife comes out of this richer and more famous and able to feign innocence, you have served your purpose.

Lamar or Kanye?

Not everybody at last night’s Grammy Awards sings for a living. One woman was thrilled when she finally got to meet her favorite movie star (who was on stage at one point)… until she got close to him!

“I went in for a quick hug and —- Holy F*ck! He smells like a homeless person on a hot day. I’m not kidding!!! It was like this horrific mix of piss and b.o. and rotten cheese and alcohol. I was only near him for a few seconds but even that was too long. I had to walk away because I was literally gagging.”

This female singer was supposed to perform at last night’s Grammy Awards.

We were at the [X] party and somebody brought up [Singer]. Somebody else said that they were at her rehearsal and she she sounded just fine. This industry exec asked, “So what happened?” A couple of people gave each other the side eye like no one wanted to say anything, but then one of them pulled him aside and whispered something to him. I don’t know what they said but the industry exec’s eyes popped open and his jaw dropped and he said “Really? Wow!” like he couldn’t believe it. It seemed like it was something pretty bad.

This singer had a great night at The Grammys. His model girlfriend? Not so much.

I was hanging with them for about 15 minutes at the [X] after party. He had one of the best nights of his life but she was just miserable the whole time! Didn’t smile, didn’t talk to anybody. Just stood there with this blank expression on her face. Don’t know if she was bored or high or hates him or hates life or what.

Conversation at a Grammys after party. Thinking that this female singer was friendly with one of the evening’s performers, someone commented to her, “[Performer] really killed it tonight, didn’t she?” Singer sniffed and said, “Yeah… if ‘killing it’ means ‘beating it to death with a hammer’!” Then she laughed. Mean girl!

This young male singer was a performer at last night’s Grammy Awards. We have two interesting notes. First, although he may deny it, his song was absolutely about his famous ex-girlfriend. Second, during rehearsal, he gave very specific instructions that the camera was not to pan to her at any time during his performance.

1 has to be Johnny Depp lol.

2 and 5 are respectively Rihanna and Bieber. Rihanna's last-minute cancellation was indeed fishy...she finally puts out an album and scraps what would have been her first official performance for it? And for the Bieber thing, I've always wondered how much power the bigger stars command at award shows: who they sit next to, when the camera gets to be on/off them, what award they present, etc.
1. Johnny Depp

2. Rihanna

3. The Weeknd & Bella Hadid

5. Bieber & Selena Gomez
We have a fascinating peek for you behind the scenes of this intense TV show negotiation!

The producers of this popular prime time network show have a strict budget for their cast. They typically don’t negotiate salaries with potential cast members. However, they may make an expensive (and questionable) exception for one guy.

Producers don’t really care about the guy himself. He’s not a big name and he has no talent. However, they do care very much about Mr. No Talent’s girlfriend’s family!

Producers want him to guarantee that the family will show up for filming… AND will talk about the show on social media. In exchange, Mr. No Talent wants more money than any other cast member… AND a guarantee that he stays on the show for X number of weeks!

If Mr. No Talent does wind up doing the show, you will know it is because a member of the family successfully negotiated this highly unusual deal.

If you give this popular female singer a hard time, you should expect to be the subject of one of her songs. You won’t be named, but she will make it clear that she is over you. (Hellooo Ex-Boyfriend!)

She is now working on a song that will discuss her conflict with this other famous musician. Someone who she made famous. Someone with whom she will never have sex.

Part of the song will definitely surprise you. Why? Because it’s rap!

It’s still a work in progress – and we’re not sure if it will even make the next album – but perhaps this will give her that edgier sound and audience she’s been looking for?

All TV shows require a certain amount of discretion on the part of their cast and crew when it comes to things like plots, casting, and what happens on the set.

This handsome actor used to star on a TV series that is now in limited reboot. He is only putting in a couple of guest appearances on the new show, but even that limited involvement was enough to tick off the writers and producers. Why? Because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut!

[Actor] almost got fired from Netflix when they were doing [TV Show] for talking too much and spilling out a lot of inside secrets. Good thing they shot it all at once and release it all at once on streaming. If it was on regular TV, [Actor] would have gotten the boot!

If the reboot is successful and is picked up for another full season, it will be interesting to see if our actor is asked back.

b. Taylor Swift (this can't be called a blind item when it's so obvious :lol::lol:)
2. Definitely Rihanna, something must have happened since her whole tour was pushed back to March.
1. Probably Johnny Depp.
2. Most likely Rihanna, even though it could just be Lauryn Hill.
3. The Weeknd and Bella Hadid.
4. Beyonce about Adele?
5. Justin Bieber.
It seems like all the gossip is about the same few people: Kardashians, Bieber. No one knows juicy stuff about classy celebs.
Just when you thought no one could beat Beyonce and her fake pregnancies, along comes this singer!

This singer is significantly older than Beyonce. She spends a lot of time at the doctor’s office. Much of it is for cosmetic work to fight off that aging process. Yes, she’s had a LOT of procedures over the years. However, she can’t tell the paparazzi that she’s at the hospital for cosmetic work. So what does she do? She covers her belly as if she is trying to protect a baby bump from prying eyes!

Actually, the fake pregnancy rumor trick serves a dual purpose. It deflects from questions about her face… and it helps keep that fake relationship in play!

It’s hard to say which of these of these frenemies is most deserving of an eye roll.

All three of these young female singers have done the fake relationship thing for publicity. All three have had lesbian encounters. All three have used other people to become more famous. All three are perpetual attention-seekers for both their personal and professional lives. All three think that they are role models for young girls.

That’s why it’s really dumb for one to criticize the behavior of the others. Glass houses, yo! This is going to come back to hurt her.

An Oscar- and Golden Globe-nominated actress who lives and works in LA is writing a series of articles for The Guardian. We’ve pulled out the bits that are blind-worthy.

This is about taking her mother to see one of her films.

If you asked my parents about when I became an actor, you would be met with a massive eye-roll. Early in my career, I took my mother to a screening of one of my films. During one of my more emotional moments, one that involved copious amounts of tears, snot and begging, my mom leaned towards the stranger sitting next to her and said: “I’ve been watching this exact scene since she was three, I’m so glad I didn’t pay for this ticket.”

The stranger happened to be a famous Oscar-winning actor who was extremely charming and according to mom, whispered back a version of Aristotle’s “The things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” And this, it turns out, is all I remember of the beginning: practice.

She goes on to talk about her current career and hints at the stories she would like to tell:

I have gone on to have a very successful career and, while the media and the public have their own idea of what success is, mine begins and ends with being paid to do what I love, and still being employed in movies and television years after I began. I have worked all over the world. I have long wanted to write some sort of book about my experiences, but without naming names it becomes rather boring rhetoric and yet if I do name names it’s a gimlet in the face at all the top restaurants and I’d probably never work again.

But there are such good stories …

When I was approached to write this column I thought the cloak of anonymity would be helpful in creating a frank response to many of the issues and stories I come upon in my industry. The vast pay discrepancies between male and female actors, the ongoing lack of opportunity for actors of color in leading roles in movies, how Oscar campaigns are run with political precision and what it’s like to audition for a director while he is heavily making out with his girlfriend, who is also really famous and really married to someone else. I will look at this as bringing you what I hope will be an interesting, insider vantage point, into some of the day-to-day and after-hours aspects of Babylon.


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