Jeans Tucked Into Boots

john, leave dead horses out of this, i hate that expression, its it possible that this trend is an extension of equestrian chic and it looks damn good when worn with confidence, I believe to pull it off [well] you have to be confident and isnt that what makes most femme and homme ensembles look great?

first and foremost, its not a deposition so please dont be so long winded, this is a forum for people's views, no one wins or loses (unless we get tired of reading too many words).
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i think the tucked look AND the cropped/knee boot look are both lovely, and i agree that with confidence, you can pull off ANY look.
A softening process has begun with me and this look. I'm starting to admit that boots themselves can be lovely no matter what jeans they are tucked into. Don't like them together (for fashion/style purpose), but a good pair of boots is a good pair of boots.
^ touche...I agree wholeheartedly. when boots are good they are sooooo good
it's one of my favourite looks for fall/winter and i wear it a lot.
i don't see how it's a big deal really, if you wear boots with skinny jeans you don't really have a choice to tuck them in or not..
I don't really think of this as a trend, but maybe it's only because I'm so saturated with it I can't think of doing it any other way. I never tuck pants into boots, only jeans. And any cut of jeans too (except for wide leg but I only have summer-weight wide leg jeans so the argument is null). I tuck in whatever (winter) jeans I want, boyfriend, skinny, even bootleg. With bootleg I flatten and fold the excess around my calf so when the boot is on they look the same as skinnies. I only do this with higher boots though, ankle boots don't apply to this rule. But honestly with tall boots that go to at least midcalf, I don't think it looks right any other way. I think most of my boots would look silly if I worn the jeans legs over them, and I think pants look silly tucked in so I don't wear other pants with boots (except with ankle boot b/c I don't have to tuck them in then. Part of it for me is that most of my boots are a little clunkier than flats or pumps would be so I would feel stupid with a heavier toe peaking out of pants, but with the whole boot showing it looks right. I dunno... I could elaborate more an give examples but I don't feel like it's that big of a deal. I'm not losing sleep over it.:innocent:
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You know, I've figured something out on this look recently. It was an upper 90-degree day here in Houston, and I saw some femme in a white casual shirt, some indigo blue skinny jeans, and some cute caramel-colored mid-calf boots. And yes, tucked in. Now what I'm starting to realize about this look is that I've always thought of this as some sort of cold weather or miserable walking look. However, I'm now thinking that this is somewhat a look of toughness. Perhaps a "fierce" look or style. Or to quote a wrestler, "stomp a mud hole and walk it dry." I remember from the "Shoes: Yay or Nay?" thread or the "Yay or Nay?" thread in which someone posted boots that look like wrestling boots. Someone noted this as a way of saying "don't tread on me."

So I brought this thread back to share this new look of the boots-into-jeans style exercise. The only real thing I've noted was how I think this is a look of toughness rather than for braving cold weather or poor walking areas (like flooded areas, lots of mud, trekking through snow, etc.). I'm now looking at this style as a look of toughness or character... but I'm still not crazy about this look. When it was about wearing tall boots with appropriate-length capris or culotte pants, I actually loved it. Now, it's like a "must wear" style for anyone wanting to show off their boots in this kind of way. Even... in 97-degree weather.
See, while I love this look, I don't even feel like it qualifies as a trend. I feel like this is a classic look.
See, while I love this look, I don't even feel like it qualifies as a trend. I feel like this is a classic look.

Absolutely! I love how you can make it whatever style you like as well - high heeled boots for a more dressy look, or big slouchy boots for a grunge style.
The was the question about pictures showing guys wearing the look:

I remember an outfit from Ermenegindo Zegna FW 09/10 showing an outfit similar to jeans:


For me the change to jeans would not make such a big difference.
It is a classic look, but one that I would prefer to see on women instead of men. imo
I'm trying to figure out the right way to wear jeans tucked into boots. I want it to look sorta like the Zegna picture. Finding mens knee length boots is not easy though. And then I would need to find the right cut for jeans. It's a classic look but, there are alot of little details that must be considered.
I have my ankle boots, but I just don't like it. I also think it's overkill with snow boots or Arctic boots if it isn't that cold outside. The look is stupid (to me) in warm weather unless it's flooding (and you would need rain boots instead). I'm sorry... I'm not buying this look. Again... I see it more function than style, so I'm not liking this look too much. I also wonder why hardly anyone's doing the capri (including denim capris and flood pants) + boots anymore. I've found this more tolerable.
I am still mixed about this trend. It looks chic on some people but I guess it is really how people wear this look.
I think it depends on the the boots, like jeans tucked into uggs just looks tacky.
Yeah, I'm not keen on men wearing things tucked into boots. For me it will always make me think 'period drama'. But each to their own!

Timmachinedream - same here! Like gimmethatbag said, I think it's a classic look, not a trend as such.

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