Jeans Tucked Into Boots

Wow! This is a really old post. Sadly it has been taken on by everyone! When I say everyone I mean everyone. It's a good look. I love tucking my jeans into my Hi-Top Vans but man. I always will, well most likely.
love the look!! lindsay lohan wears it really it well. i wear my dark blue skinny flare jeans tucked in my brown Aldo boots :D
I love skinny jeans tucked into boots. They look fab with little kitten style heels. Cowboy Boots also look hot!
does it make the thighs look bigger? i always have the feeling my fat* is bulging out like a muffin even though im 43kgs. =S and i also wear them with skin tight jeans.
I have knee-high flat suede boots and they look sooo good tucked into my indigo skinnies!
aizawa said:
does it make the thighs look bigger? i always have the feeling my fat* is bulging out like a muffin even though im 43kgs. =S and i also wear them with skin tight jeans.
Generally not.
Lagerfeld's figured it out; has made a tongue'n'cheek interpretation of the trend at Chanel.

Really high boots with the jeans attached! So your tights actually get tucked into the jeans.

A little funny for me but interesting.
It is a classic but then people have been wearing them alot more often now. I :heart: this look. I love wearing skinny legs with my flat scrunchy black leather ones, it makes the winter outfit alot better.
I decided I'd revive this thread since this post is more specific about jeans tucked into boots rather than discussing a trend. It was originally intended for "Trends You are Sick Of," but I've brought it here.

Why hide the boots? Well I look at it like this... do you "hide" boots when dressing up for work (dress slacks + boots)? I think it's a cleaner look with non-skinny leg pants. I could understand the silhouette, but I just don't like the look as a style, and especially not on warm days like yesterday here in Houston. I was upset that even my own mother sported jeans + Winter boots one day coming home from work. The look is more functional to me than stylish. I may compliment the boots, I may compliment the jeans/pants, but boots over jeans/pants. I've even seen this look in video game characters of the 1990s. And unless you're a soldier, do ranch work, or a fisher, I've disliked sleek boots worn over jeans/pants especially in warm weather or when it's not really cold or tough to walk in.

Maybe not a trend, but it's a style I've disliked since... about 2005 when I've seen most every femme try out this look. I headed out to a lovely cafe in the Houston Galleria area (not the lovely mall), and one lady sported indigo blue jeans with a black Barack Obama top and red knee-high boots over the indigo jeans. Like your boots? That's fine. That's why we have skirts and shorts and stuff. A better alternative are cropped pants with well-defined legs. Just don't make the mistake of cropped pants with cuffed Winter boots. That's a big DON'T for me.

I haven't liked this look since first talking about it years ago. It's still an ongoing tug-of-war for me on tFS. I don't like the look. End of story. You're almost required to tuck in jean/pant legs if you're wearing boots with skinny jeans since it would be tough to wear boots with skinny jeans/pants with chic boots with the tightest of skinny jeans and pants. Even then, I'd rather wear pumps or high-heel sandals or something if I were a femme. Skinnies and leggings and such are looks I'm burnt out on regardless.

Just don't like the look. No way in Hell I'd try this (speaking as a homme and in response to someone saying more hommes should try this look) with my ankle boots. Just don't like the look no matter how many times my views get counterattacked. Hasn't been one exception to the rule that I've seen this look be proven stylish to me.
Hmm...I definitely don't think the look would work with guys (I see guys in their baggy jeans tucked into their Tims or something) but I still love the jeans tucked into boots look. It IS practical with skinny jeans and in cold weather, I tuck my jeans into my UGGs (I broke down and bought a pair) or Hush Puppies. I don't think I'll tire of it!
I don't wear skinny jeans, so I'm not going to be sporting this look (speaking as a homme). I've hated the look when either it's not very cold or when you're not walking around in rough conditions. Some of you may recall when I hated this look last weekend when I've seen leggings paired with Winter boots... on a WARM day! If it's not bitter cold or tough to walk in or not part of some occupation that requires tucking in legs to your boots (like a cowboy or a fisher), then I hate it as a look. I need no reason to sport UGG-type boots or really sleek boots if it's not bitter cold or rough to walk in. I don't want to sport the most monsterous boots possible just to show off on a not really cold day. You have no choice but to sport this look if you're wearing skinny jeans and want to wear boots. And really (and maybe it's just me), why wear boots with skinny-leg pants and jeans? I normally think warmer weather with some sort of snug-fitting slim pants. At least have something to kind of breathe with. But the resurgence of boots over jeans (mostly skinny) has made this look almost required for those who love their boots to wear with skinny-leg pants and jeans. I say resurgence because I couldn't remember in the 1990s or early 2000s in which jeans into boots becamse popular. It was maybe 2005 when I first seen the jeans into boots style first emerge along with that crime of bringing back '80s style that year.

The best alternative look I've seen was one femme sporting legwarmers with her ballet flats. The look was kind of a way to wear skinny-leg pants with ballet flats and having that boots-into-jeans look without wearing boots. It was a great alternative, and I don't have much a problem with legwarmers.
Here's my opinion on this topic, how can you not want to tuck your pants inside the boots, to me it's clear common sense. Being from Tronto I almost remember my mother putting on my show pants and then tucking the snowpants or jeans in my boots.

A ) It keeps those bottoms away from the harsh elements and
B )It looks really odd when you pull your pants over, why hide your boots you might have well just put on any old broken boots and called it a day.

I had no idea it exsisted as a so called "trend" I thought it was just something that required logical sense...seeing that I live in a place with harsh winters I assume thats where this idea came from. I guess I see where you comming form Jhon, as too why sport the look in the heat but then again some people cant sport their legs and rock a skirt or cropped pants. nd I dont agree on the alternative look ..jeans+leg warmers+ballet flats looks awfully wired to moi. It totally contradicts the whole boots and jeans theory you've cooked up. I do have to side with you on that girl with the obama shirt and indigo pants ...I can only image. And before I babble on too much I do agree that the legging's and boots look has almost reached it's expiry, wearing leggings as pants as a matter of fact is getting old.
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God... I don't think I'm EVER going to win this argument on tFS... I think it's reached its expiry already. Especially with Winter boots warm or not severely cold days. As if it snows here often. Last time I remember snow was on Christmas Eve back in 2004. I had worn some longjohns under my pants on that 32-degree day full of snow flurries. I don't think this look was too apparent back in '04 here in this area.

Some just use this time of year to show off their boots. The feeling of "it's Fall/Autumn, and all the other girls are wearing this look, so why don't I?" It's not like you have something special to show off if wearing UGG-like boots because everybody (generalization) seen UGG boots, and they're a dime a dozen. Cropped bottoms with tall boots is an alternative and one I'd go with if I were a femme. Only as long as the boots aren't Winter boots under capris (which is stupid to me). Well, that's another thing. Rolled-up pant legs are a better alternative than simply wearing boots over jeans. That's if you like the look so much that you have to show off your boots in this sort of fashion. I'm the only one on here attacking this look for those that just want to wear the biggest and ugliest boots ever sold on the market. Even in my first post in this thread back on November 22, 2005; I've never liked this look. When I looked back on past comments, only a few thought this look was all played out when femmes attempted wearing UGGs into jean legs. I even remember seeing one teen girl with black pants tucked into rain boots on a hot day with no chance of rain for the rest of that day.

Here's an analogy of all of this. Is it a smart idea to walk through flood waters or go fishing with your pant legs down? No. Why? You get your pant legs wet down at the bottom. So you wear pant legs (I'm using pants and jeans interchangably) into boots to prevent them from getting wet. My brother had on boots into pants when him and I cleaned up damage in my backyard after Hurricane Ike came through Houston. But if you're just wearing boots into jeans just to show off your boots, I dislike the look. There's crop pants + boots, skirts and dresses + boots, even short-shorts + boots. I just think tucking jean legs into boots just to show off your boots isn't flattering, cute, stylish, whatever equates to "chic" to you. Just showing off your boots by tucking them into jeans is a poor look to me. Whatever happened to skirts and cropped pants rather than trying to go for some silhouette? I've NEVER hated cropped pants + boots. But no... because of the belief that skinny jeans are more important than life itself, we have this trend.

Shame. As a style, just because everyone else is doing it, some non-functional use... I hate this look. Go with this look if it's miserable to walk in or bitter cold. But just to sport the look because it's Fall/Autumn or because it looks "cute" is no excuse to try this look out. Care to beat this dead horse some more?
Here's my opinion on this topic, how can you not want to tuck your pants inside the boots, to me it's clear common sense. Being from Tronto I almost remember my mother putting on my show pants and then tucking the snowpants or jeans in my boots.

A ) It keeps those bottoms away from the harsh elements and
B )It looks really odd when you pull your pants over, why hide your boots you might have well just put on any old broken boots and called it a day.

I had no idea it exsisted as a so called "trend" I thought it was just something that required logical sense...seeing that I live in a place with harsh winters I assume thats where this idea came from.

Couldn't agree more:heart:... I live in a country with very harsh winters and to tuck in my pants is the most practical thing to do..

and I do love the look:blush:

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