Kristen Stewart Cheated on Robert Pattinson #1

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I never believed it up to this point but this makes their whole relationship look like a PR stunt, imo... just when they're getting ready to start promotion a pic surfaces? how convenient...

My best guess is that this was a PR relationship with a little bit of sex thrown in - and that he is royally pissed at her for making him look like an idiot.

As I said, all he has to do is grit his teeth through this promotion stuff and then find someone much hotter - in conjunction with some sad story about how when you loose trust it can never be regained but he still wanted to give it a chance...
PRs are most probably behind this whole situation and Its working, there are pix of the " rekindle couple" Everywhere on the internet.
What is going through Rob's mind ? Is it just for the money , does he want to give her another chance ??
The fact that the pictures surfaces now is very convinient for BD promo
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Can't wait until Lainey comes out with some blog about how in love they are and how Rob doesn't care what the world thinks of him, he just wants to be with her, etc etc etc
BTW I dont think it's a PR thing - I think they were/are together. But these images were probably a little encouraged by Summit.
My best guess is that this was a PR relationship with a little bit of sex thrown in - and that he is royally pissed at her for making him look like an idiot.

As I said, all he has to do is grit his teeth through this promotion stuff and then find someone much hotter - in conjunction with some sad story about how when you loose trust it can never be regained but he still wanted to give it a chance...

Yup, pretty much what I've been thinking.
They must have signed some kind of contract or something 'cause I can't explain this situation in any other way. Why would he take her back after she humiliated him in front of the whole world. It's not helping his image. He was doing so good on his own.
^yeah, i'm pretty sure he lost any chance he had to get guys to like him and take him seriously, something he needs if he wants to become a real leading man.
after his initial interviews he got a lot of sympathy (not only from girls) and without Kristen he would have been able to shake off the twilight-stigma, but now he's lost all that, he just seems so insecure.

i gotta give it to Kristen's pr-team though. after the f*ck-ups after the scandal broke, they turned the situation so well in Kristen's favour. first the ridiculous sexism claims, then the age-excuse and then every magazine was writing about how badly Kristen was being reported about (well, she cheated with a married father:rolleyes:) and made it seem like she was the victim in the situation. she got out of this scandal practically unscathed, her fans are still supporting her because she's ~oh so rebellious~ and the media is back to kissing her *ss.
IM sure Rob was genuinely in love with her over the past three years. But who could forget having cheating on when it was known worldwide.
I guess we' ll find out about the real of their relationship after BD promotion is over.
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I think their relationship was real and Kristen just picked really bad timing to have an affair. Now they are almost forced into rushing into a reconcilation because of work. But also Kristen really begged to get him back - that seemed real. He is probably a really nice guy and couldn't stand her crying and acting like a fool to get him back.
I think their relationship was real and Kristen just picked really bad timing to have an affair. Now they are almost forced into rushing into a reconcilation because of work. But also Kristen really begged to get him back - that seemed real. He is probably a really nice guy and couldn't stand her crying and acting like a fool to get him back.

That's definitely how his PR team is going to sell it after the Twilight deal is done.
I do not believe this relationship is or was PR stunt. People seem to be in awe of PRs, yes they can create spin but they are not genius, arranging for two movie stars to be seen on an apparent date it's not the same as creating a sort of cat and mouse game with the public that would force this two to be in each others company and their friends almost permanently. In the case of this two believing their relationship was a PR stunt would be believing that their PR Team had some sort of massive masterplan, that went against all the rules of PR, they hardly did promotion of Twilight together, to be PR and could predict quite accurately how the tide was turning. How the public would react. I think this is giving their PR team way too much credit.

From day one i believed they would go back together, Pattinson never comes across has this resolute individual, he seems quite laid back, i do not think he has the backbone to muster energy to be very outraged about this. The public was outraged on his behalf. He still likes her, he must have been pressured from all sides, PR team included, and he took her back. Probably exactly as he would do if the eyes of the world were not on him. A mistake in my opinion.
Well actually I think it's nice that they are back together. I'm sure Kristen learnt her lesson. Robert is such a good guy by forgiving her.
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I also believe they were a real couple. Not everything is a PR stunt. While I do think its coincidental timing that they get back together right before their movie release, I don't necessarily think that means they didn't want to get back together....
who does this benefit? even before there were news about them getting back together, selling of the tickets for BD2 was going over the roof and hitting records compared to all the first four movies so far. these movies sell on they own at this point. even if they wanted to pimp these two even more to get that money, they could've just keep planting the stories all over the place - from radaronline to us weekly etc. without the actual pics.

this does nothing for rob pr wise. it actually only worsens it cus he's perceived as a person "without a backbone" etc (these kind of comments are all over the place, including tfs) and he sure as hell won't be getting any recognition by the male base he needs and is obviously trying to warm up too with two of his next projects (both action flicks to an extend). this is a pretty silly pr move to make for someone claiming to think carefully and strategically about his career (and how to prolong it as much as possible). i doubt his team advised him to do this.

kristen's image is gonna get some help from this by pr, but she's always had a complicated persona in public, so there's that. she'll always have the scarlett a on her back for the scandal.

i have no doubts summit/universal is partying it up, putting even more pressure on them and will continue to plant more stories,but these two..seems he either forgave her or they were in an open relationship. sometimes it's just that easy.
the reconciliation might not be PR, but the rest definitely is. why else would we get an official statement, something we never got during the previous three years. they could have kept it quiet and dealt with it privately. and these outings were also pretty obviously staged, just days after pics of him with some other girl at a party surfaced and people were saying "pics or they aren't really back together"

Kristen obviously is the big winner in this situation. when the person she cheated on can forgive her, why shouldn't the public? this is a huge advantage for her pr-team.

and Summit may not need them as a couple for selling tickets, but it looks much better when they can present them as the golden couple. there's still a huge "Robsten" fanbase and they want to see them together. i don't know what summit had planned promotion-wise, but i'm sure their breakup was a huge problem for them (planning interviews, photoshoots, tv-show appearances etc). now everything is back to normal (as surely, nobody will be allowed to mention the scandal)

the only loser in the situation is Rob
I do not believe this relationship is or was PR stunt. People seem to be in awe of PRs, yes they can create spin but they are not genius, arranging for two movie stars to be seen on an apparent date it's not the same as creating a sort of cat and mouse game with the public that would force this two to be in each others company and their friends almost permanently. In the case of this two believing their relationship was a PR stunt would be believing that their PR Team had some sort of massive masterplan, that went against all the rules of PR, they hardly did promotion of Twilight together, to be PR and could predict quite accurately how the tide was turning. How the public would react. I think this is giving their PR team way too much credit.

From day one i believed they would go back together, Pattinson never comes across has this resolute individual, he seems quite laid back, i do not think he has the backbone to muster energy to be very outraged about this. The public was outraged on his behalf. He still likes her, he must have been pressured from all sides, PR team included, and he took her back. Probably exactly as he would do if the eyes of the world were not on him. A mistake in my opinion.

Masterplan? Who says that PR has to be a masterplan? All it is is basically an exaggeration of something trivial - they've turned an at best f-buddy off-and-on relationship into a Goethesque drama for teenagers all over the world to swoon over.

It's so easy.
the reconciliation might not be PR, but the rest definitely is. why else would we get an official statement, something we never got during the previous three years. they could have kept it quiet and dealt with it privately. and these outings were also pretty obviously staged, just days after pics of him with some other girl at a party surfaced and people were saying "pics or they aren't really back together"

Kristen obviously is the big winner in this situation. when the person she cheated on can forgive her, why shouldn't the public? this is a huge advantage for her pr-team.

and Summit may not need them as a couple for selling tickets, but it looks much better when they can present them as the golden couple. there's still a huge "Robsten" fanbase and they want to see them together. i don't know what summit had planned promotion-wise, but i'm sure their breakup was a huge problem for them (planning interviews, photoshoots, tv-show appearances etc). now everything is back to normal (as surely, nobody will be allowed to mention the scandal)

the only loser in the situation is Rob
agreed on all points. i was just more talking about the PRness of their reconciliation and how it doesn't change the whole situation upside down. is it positive for kristen and summit? sure. rob? nope.
Maybe they decided that they should settle differences or at least become friends again, or else red carpets are going to be awkward as hell. There's definitely some PR going on as well. But I don't think we can jump to conclusions like they're pretending to get back together for the movie or that he's an idiot for taking her back.
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