I have observed that those who are most privileged do tend to understand this concept least. But I truly would love to live in a world where more people get it.
This is where I find issue with your argument. How can you quantify that observation? I just don't believe that you have to experience something in order to understand it. This isn't like saying I read a book on swimming and never been in a pool, but I'm pretty sure I know how to swim. Social concepts of inequality are not that difficult to understand and you don't need to have experienced it in order to do so.
^ Darn it, my whole reply just got blown away ...

Yes, I agree. I'm not saying it's impossible for anyone to understand, but when I find someone not understanding, a high degree of privilege is generally also present.

It requires empathy ... it's not just an intellectual understanding, I think it's also important to try to feel what it's like. Racism, sexism, homophobia and all the rest really create a huge burden on a lot of people.

I was talking with a guy at work recently ... I've decided that I need to try to have some meaningful dialogue with people who disagree with me, and he certainly qualifies. He refuses to admit that he (as a white male) has any privilege. Up by his bootstraps, grew up poor on a military base, blah blah and blah. He informed me that minorities 'just need to let it go.' I said that perhaps that's true, but one definition of privilege could be that a) not only were you not born with anything you need to let go of, but b) you don't have to listen to very annoying people telling you that you should let go of it. One day a ray of light may strike through that hard red-hatted head ...
Winnie just seems like bad news. I have heard nothing but negative things about her personality. For someone who is also struggling with being accepted in the fashion industry because of her skin, its crazy that she would say that to another black model. The best revenge is success, and Im happy for Duckie that she remained professional.
Don't know where else to post these:

instagram / shitmodelmgmt
I actually like Duckie's work. I've seen two edits with her, one for Australia and another for V by Testino, and in both she looked stellar. Certainly gave me hope for new models.
The other girl is just jealous because all her work look subpar at best, and given how she looks I find it odd that she dared to make fun of someone else's looks. Maybe she should just stick to those tacky What would you do? Segments on Youtube and stay out of high fashion.
Chrissy Teigen (3rd highest paid model this year according to Forbes, I don't know where she takes her money from though since she basically does nothing as a model) has said she'll be wearing Jean Paul Galliano on Twitter. It's not like anything bad but if you're a model you can't do this kind of mistake and also write it! :lol:

instagram / whoshighfashion
Looks like Markus has deleted his instagram account...
This was posted today by @shitmodelmgmt - they should probably vet their stories a bit better before posting...

Also from @shitmodelmgmt
I'm very concerned about the way **** Model Mgmt is going about this. By not vetting their sories properly, they're opening themselves up to liability - defamation and slander. Once that happens, the narrative will change, to those in power being "victims" by others who simply didn't make it in the industry or felt slighted and are holding on to grudges. It will then negate the real stories of the real victims.

I like that they're calling people out, I just want them to be more careful.
^Agreed 100%.

But then the other scenario is also quite frustrating, where that model girl (forgot her name... very sorry about that) was publishing tons of stories without naming anyone. I remember her telling that she was trying to find a way to out all these predators without anyone being repressed or having negative repercussions. I hope she gets around with it because as we can see from what's happening, the only thing that seems to be working-ish (still waiting for Bruce Weber to be ruled out of the industry... just saying) is when non-anonymous sources name names.
Pretty sure Sh*t management have landed themselves in some hot legal whatever. Exactly what I predicted would happen, based on the way they were going about things. I hope they are able to fend off the lawsuits.

Scott Lipps is supposedly one of those suing.
Pretty sure Sh*t management have landed themselves in some hot legal whatever. Exactly what I predicted would happen, based on the way they were going about things. I hope they are able to fend off the lawsuits.

Scott Lipps is supposedly one of those suing.

They said a while ago that Scott was the one suing. I want to believe that the others would stay away from bringing this more to light (Testino and Weber).

Just one question, as I really have no idea: what if she gets sued, she presents the accusations brought to her by other people, the court looks at the proof, decides to investigate the accusation and it gets proved on court? The truth of the actions matter on court? Can this backfire to the person suing? Not sure I'm explaining this well.

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