Kendall Jenner is dating NBA star Ben Simmons
credit: ian mohr and mara siegler for pagesix
Kendall Jenner is dating Philadelphia 76er Ben Simmons, multiple sources tell Page Six exclusively.

An insider familiar with the duo said the romance has been going on "for a few weeks."

Another source told us the pair was spotted this week on a lunch date at the Beverly Hills Hotel. And a third source said that Jenner, 22, and Simmons, 21, were seen last week in Manhattan with a group of friends at the clubby Bowery restaurant Vandal.

"Security measures seemed to have been taken to ensure Kendall and Ben enjoyed their night hassle-free," said a witness. "They were smiling the night away with their friends."

Supermodel and reality star Jenner is rebounding from another NBA star - former LA Clippers player Blake Griffin, who was traded to the Detroit Pistons. The pair was seen avoiding each other last month at music festival Coachella.

Jenner spent Memorial Day weekend taking sexy bikini pictures with her sister Kourtney Kardashian, but then met on Tuesday with the 6-foot-10 point guard Simmons.

On Monday, Simmons was seen arriving at LAX and told TMZ he'd be up for playing with LeBron James amid rumors that King James could leave the Cavaliers after this season and move to Philly to join its burgeoning team of talented young stars. When asked if he could play with James, Rookie of the Year candidate Simmons said, "There's only one way to find out."

Simmons was previously linked to singer Tinashe after a flirty interaction on social media.

Jenner, meanwhile, keeps her romances very private. She allegedly also dated ASAP Rocky, and she addressed speculation in a recent Vogue article by saying, "I don't think I have a bisexual or gay bone in my body, but I don't know! Who knows?! I'm all down for experience - not against it whatsoever - but I've never been there before."

Tinashe's brother tweeted this (saying that Ben cheated on Tinashe with Kendall):

credit: pagesix
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Colour me surprised! This family's obsession with rappers and ballers knows no bounds. But question is whether Kendall knew he was still with another.
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Has the waiter considered maybe the model was like... trying to be funny? Idk this sounds more like jokingly whining than actually whining.

That was what I thought too reading this. I mean, even if she was serious (which I doubt), is it really a big deal?
(Not sure if this goes here, at Designer and insider behavior or Sexual harassment in the fashion industry so move it to a different thread if you want, but since it's a model interview I figured it kinda belonged here as well)

Basically Lais Ribeiro told Marie Claire Brasil about David Bellemere harassing her on set.

É com essa atitude de tomar a dianteira, seja qual for a situação, que Lais não titubeia em falar sobre questões mais sérias da indústria da moda, como o assédio. “Comigo aconteceu dentro da própria Victoria’s Secret. Estávamos numa festa em St. Barth, Caribe, depois de um ensaio de moda praia. Um dos fotógrafos veio me abraçar, achei que estava bêbado. Na sequência, me pegou mais forte e tentou me beijar. Empurrei-o na mesma hora.” O fotógrafo em questão, o francês David Bellemere, continuou trabalhando para a marca. Lais, entretanto, foi categórica ao dizer que não fotografaria mais com ele. “Perdi muito trabalho por causa disso”, dispara. “Depois, as modelos mais novas começaram a me procurar para contar outros absurdos sobre o David. Tecia comentários machistas durante as fotos, falava do peito, da bunda. Foi a gota d’água. Era uma veterana lá dentro e elas buscavam sempre apoio em mim. Relatei o ocorrido na mesma hora”, conta. Bellemere foi afastado definitivamente da grife em fevereiro. Depois do episódio, outros grandes nomes da moda, como Mario Testino e Bruce Weber, também foram denunciados.
(via Marie Claire Brasil)

Quick, rough translation (I can't really speak portugese lmao):

"With me it [sexual harassment] happened within VS itself. We were at a party at St. Barth after a swimwear shoot. One of the photographers came to hug me, I noticed he was drunk. Then he got closer and tried to kiss me, I pushed him right away" The photographer in question, David Bellemere, continued working for the brand but Lais said she wouldn't work with him anymore. "I lost a lot of jobs because of it" she says "But younger models started to come to me to share their own experiences with him. He said sexist comments on set, talked about breasts, butt. That was the last straw. I was a veteran there and they sought my support. I reported what happened right away" she says.
David Bellemere parted ways with the brand in February.
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Wasn't David the one who cried over those pesky 'feminists' and how his daughter had to hear the 'false' allegations against her father??
Said by Bella Hadid...

kahlana barfield brown for instyle
“People think I’m very confident, but I really had to learn how to be,” says Hadid, who admits to having felt awkward about her “big hips” and “weird face” when she was younger. Now, at 21, not only has she learned to embrace her distinctive features but she also wants to offer hugs to the detractors who leave negative comments on her social media feeds. “People think I got all this surgery or did this or that. And you know what? We can do a scan of my face, darling. I’m scared of putting fillers into my lips. I wouldn’t want to mess up my face.”
Wait, Bella is denying her surgery? Like for real? I have never seen such an obviously surgically edited face on a fashion model in my life.
It's as if they just get so used to their new faces that they think it's plausible to everyone that they've always looked that way. Nevermind that we've all seen your old pictures, right Bella? :rolleyes:
To me it looks like Bella only got a nose job, her lips look about the same to me when compared to her old photos, and the fat in her face has reduced probably from growing up...however, that nose job changed her face so much, that her comments about her face sound odd

As for Paris, I don't really get why she'd be invited to a Dior show (or awards and galas) or why she has so much media attention, I understand people getting famous for having famous parents, but I don't see the appeal. Also, the few things I read about the incidence only mentioned whips (or maybe riding crops?), nothing about horses being branded or having marks on horses even get branded normally?
This Bella quote is hilarious. I believe her when she wasn't always confident and that she had to learn to love herself and her looks, but "we can do a scan of my face"? What's that going to prove? We know she doesn't actually have implants in her, the main topic is the nose.
^I also think her brows seem higher, and her eyes perhaps a bit less hooded? Her eyes have a much more open look these days, and that is not typically something that happens with age...
Bella's comments are hilarious. I don't know how the interviewer kept a straight face!
Her lips don't look fake to me but I know they probably are. It's just that with most lip fillers you can usually tell right away. Well done to whoever does her lips I suppose. :lol:
Certainly no augmentation was done to the brain.

baaahaha. omg you are killing me today. :applause:

Honestly, the Bella quote is hilarious, yes. But also ... I mean ... the results of whatever work she's had done are pretty frigging spectacular. She went from "very normal looking girl" to "one of the most beautiful faces in the fashion industry". So it's a win!
^Oh, the lips are definitely part of the discussion :innocent:

*As per tFS Community Rules, please DO NOT quote images. Thank you!


This is Bella?! This looks like a totally different person.

It’s so dishonest my goodness!
I always thought that models are humans gifted with out of this world looks and then this, shame on her big time.
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^It irks me too. I don't care if her carved up face is beautiful, I have no reason to aspire to/care about beauty that required a complete surgical overhaul. Elsa Hosk is another one in the Bella category for me.

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