I stopped watching ANTM after season 1 LOL. But I watched clips of Winnie...I don't know whether it was production editing or if that was who she truly was/is, but to add to her claim of not getting booked for jobs after the show, I can see why people avoided her.
I understand where Winnie's coming from. If you compare with others reality shows ANTM is very shy in producing stars of any type. Look a Gigi, her carrer started at Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, like, ok that a lot of nepotism happened with her, but if you wanna use the "media exposure" card ANTM is a fail because, unfortunately, people don't take it serious the model business, and Tyra failed in trying to show people otherwise. People love models, but they dont think that is a real profession, they dont respect that, even the fashion industry does, because if they did Gemma Ward would not be around being treated like, idk, a rookie?

For example, RuPaul, he did something marvelous with the drag community, he really showed to the world the value of the drag culture and he build a real platform to his girls, I know that Im talking about totally different things, but still showbiz, so, Tyra... whats good??
Just...why...I think the VS success has gotten into her head.

Victoria’s Secret model Kelly Gale has been accused of "fat shaming” for posting videos of herself working out in front of the fast food joint In-N-Out.

Gale posted videos of her doing her workout in front of the California restaurant on her Instagram, and people were not happy about it.

“We’re at… In-N-Out? …so I guess I’m having my pear!” Gale said in a video before taking a bite of the fruit, Hollywood Life reported.

Gale then set up her workout equipment at a table outside the restaurant, and asked her followers: “Who else works out at in n out?”

In full view of customers, Gale did leg lifts, jumped rope, and other exercises.

“Not gonna pretend that I work here guys cause I don’t,” Gale captioned a shot of the outside of the building with the location tagged.

Her friend then brought her celery, carrots, bell peppers, and baby tomatoes in a final video.

Gale’s posts have since been removed from her Instagram.

The internet did not respond well, and users accused her of “fat shaming” because of her location choice, “condescending” tone, and captions.

“Who the hell does @KellyGale_ think she is? How dare you #fatshame others? #kellygale @innoutburger is the best and you can eat whatever you want Ms. Gale but please don’t be so pathetic and unkind to others. #Entitlement is not cute #InNOut,” twitter user Khadra Moha, who uses the handle @Khadra 217 wrote.

Victoria's Secret model Kelly Gale accused of 'fat shaming' after workout in front of In-N-Out - NY Daily News
Source: NYDailyNews
Hahahahaha. I bet that in her head she was thinking that she was doing some bad*ss activism against ultra processed food, but girl VS is not a place that you can be and thrown woke shades at the same time. What a stupid situation.
This looks pretty bad! not to mention the new anti-vaxxer 'boyfriend'!

"Ms Horwood also claims, according to the documents, that Ms Macpherson was “pressuring the board throughout 2018 concerning her financial situation” after separating from her former partner, American property billionaire Jeff Soffer."

Ms Horwood said in a statement she had regarded Ms Macpherson as a “close friend”.
I'm not buying it. This is a businesswoman who's previously launched successful brands. An oral agreement when you're dealing with millions at stake? She's just throwing The Body (who still calls her that??) and her controversial bf as scapegoat

“I entered into this agreement on the basis of an oral agreement that I had had with Mr Jones and (others including Ms Macpherson) that the shares would be held by me and I would have the opportunity to acquire them,” the affidavit reads.
i also find 'the body' name slightly odd to refer to an accomplished woman in her fifties who hasn't been a swimsuit model in literally decades. She uses it a lot in her personal branding so i guess she likes it?
Those Models today... I remember those days when Andi Muise was active she was always so sweet with her fans and you could write private emails with her, even in the height of her career, always so humble and nice.
And now? Stumbled upon these gem
I'm sorry but this is entitlement. Celebrities don't have an obligation to answer to fans. They are human beings, just like anyone else. And just like anyone else, sometimes we get entangled with work, emotions, life, and answering a DM on social media is not a priority.

I always found some of those instagram fan pages really creepy. One thing is to moderate a page showcasing someone's work, another is to have these super extensive pages that comment, discuss and share every little step of someone's life (be it private or work).
I'm sorry but this is entitlement. Celebrities don't have an obligation to answer to fans. They are human beings, just like anyone else. And just like anyone else, sometimes we get entangled with work, emotions, life, and answering a DM on social media is not a priority.

I always found some of those instagram fan pages really creepy. One thing is to moderate a page showcasing someone's work, another is to have these super extensive pages that comment, discuss and share every little step of someone's life (be it private or work).

100% agree. A lot of the fan pages for models (and celebrities in general) are really creepy and that post is definitely very creepy. If models engage with their fans on social media, fine...if they don't engage with their fans on social media, also fine. She doesn't owe anyone a private message or like or comment or anything. Who knows, this fan may have been overly excessive in constantly messaging her that Nadine may have felt uncomfortable engaging with her because it could open a whole can of worms.
The thing is Nadine asked her for support. She created her first fanpage Tumblr for example. Engaged with her and then ghosted her. It is ok if you let the person know that you too busy to engage. We have all the same worth. Just be polite.
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The thing is Nadine asked her for support. She created her first fanpage Tumblr for example. Engaged with her and then ghosted her. It is ok if you let the person know that you too busy to engage. We have all the same worth. Just be polite.

What do you mean she asked for the girl's support? Did she reach out to her fanbase and say "someone make me a fan page"? And today's responses to online sites is the equivalent of receiving a letter back from a celebrity in the old days when fan mail was still alive. You'd be foolish to keep expecting response mails from celebrities. This girl is a Stan.
I also think this girl needs help, this is so creepy. Have you read / seen Misery? Well that didn't ended very well. :hardhead:
Apparently Kendall Jenner will be revealing something personal tomorrow on Twitter.


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