So in a world where women are sharing stories of sexual abuse, lack of access to education, unequal pay, domestic violence, seeking asylum from war in their countries etc...the highest paid "supermodel," caked in make up, is talking about how her most raw and personal struggle is acne while also announcing a million dollar deal with Proactiv!? How tone deaf is this girl?! There is no way she is actually using this cheap, basic skincare when she has millions and access to top dermatologist and expensive/high end treatments. This is so incredibly tacky and disrespectful on so many levels. I really hope it backfires. Brands need to start being weary of having this puppet be their face. This is like Pepsi 2.0 and a follow up to that tone deaf comment about "what ever the F those other girls do."
She should have just announced her new ambassadorship and left it at that. Is this family really that tight for money and attention that they need to resort to tactics like this?!