I feel so bad for Zuo and I hope that she can bounce back form this. Unfortunately with the impact of social media it really doesn't take much these days to make or break a model's career.
inb4 Zuo Ye controversy I really feel bad for her. She didn't control any part of it and she was just working and people painted her as a "traitor" just because she only did her job as a model. I'd channel that hate to the one who came up with that concept.

Kinda reminds me of an actor in a superhero TV show who got hate just because of the character he portrayed because he "got in the way for a (non-canon) ship", if I have to spill some tea.
It's the same for actors; Lena Hedy of Game of Thrones has spoken about how people give her dirty looks in real life because of her character on the show. It's crazy.

And that Model amusement park is going to fail so hard. Who is giving Ms Banks all this confidence to do this doomed project?
It's the same for actors; Lena Hedy of Game of Thrones has spoken about how people give her dirty looks in real life because of her character on the show. It's crazy.

And that Model amusement park is going to fail so hard. Who is giving Ms Banks all this confidence to do this doomed project?

1) The craziest would be people sending extreme threats because they hate a character. I can't say if Lena has received this though because I'm not within the GoT fandom (actor Chris Wood is prime example for this)

2) Let's just see if the project would last at least a year, but maybe I need a clearer look of how the park would look like (read: more details).
Lmao, an actress complaining about getting dirty looks is definitely not the same as having death threats sent to you and your family only because you happen to form part of a campaign which insulted an entire country.
But seriously, are people still that invested in tv series to be nasty to actors in public? I've always thought that sort of thing only happens with soap opera fans. I remember when I was about 7/8 my mum dragged me to the mall and there happened to be a Corrie signing. Some people hurled appalling insults at the actress who portrayed what appeared to be an adulteress. They didn't care that there were kids present. But that's the norm for soap operas. Fanaticism is what drives those shows. Nowadays when everyone is engaging in social media vs real personas themselves, you'd think people would know a thing or two about acting.

Re Tyra, I think her model amusement park is way too late and I doubt it will be successful. Should've been at the height of the supermodel era when fans actually cared that much to tune into programmes such as House of Style. If they can't even be bothered to buy a magazine covering their favourite model, how will be support something as big as an amusement park?
But seriously, are people still that invested in tv series to be nasty to actors in public? I've always thought that sort of thing only happens with soap opera fans. I remember when I was about 7/8 my mum dragged me to the mall and there happened to be a Corrie signing. Some people hurled appalling insults at the actress who portrayed what appeared to be an adulteress. They didn't care that there were kids present. But that's the norm for soap operas. Fanaticism is what drives those shows. Nowadays when everyone is engaging in social media vs real personas themselves, you'd think people would know a thing or two about acting.

Mostly happens in sci-fi series, especially when the representation card is being played. Yet, the worst part is that if the representation ship they defend is non-canonical (a ride-or-die couple) that they had to hound the showrunners to make the ship happen and hurl things at someone who are against it, including to the actor who played a character who becomes a love interest of one of the characters from that non-canonical ship. Rahul Kohli and Chris Wood were the victims of such.
Idk they were incredibly civil about it...not sure if that counts as a “spat”
Idk they were incredibly civil about it...not sure if that counts as a “spat”

Other than Cara telling Jameela to go home and talk about other people with James Blunt, her bf.....yes, they were indeed civil.
I love Jameela and I think she often speaks some incredible truths but in this case I kind of disagree with her and many journalists who have almost celebrated Karl's death. Looking at the absolute huge amount of warm words and tributes from people who ACTUALLY worked with Karl, including very outspoken models like Karen Elson etc indicates that Jameela's views on Karl only come from a very superficial place. The fact that so many people associated to Karl have come out in his defence indicates that he wasn't in fact this monster Jameela and many other try to paint him as.
Those people who have come to his defense are people he’s associated with. Of course they’d praise them! He paid them!
Karl Lagerfeld's death triggers Twitter spat between Cara Delevingne and Jameela Jamil

Jameela: 'I’m saying we can’t blame an individual’s crimes on the industry they work in. We have to hold the very powerful people who hurt people to task.'

Only part I agree with here......

This is typical of social media these days and not surprising coming from Jameela.

I sometimes think these people love the attention that very aggressive, self-righteous people on social media give to them. Trying to make white people feel guilty and privileged is a common tactic sadly (and I am a minority who is pretty liberal). I just think this is humankind's reckoning for having the internet - things blow up to dramatic proportions and nothing factual really makes it, just emotional.
Seems like a few bad apples ruining it for the rest, IMO. I definitely think there are self-righteous social warriors, but I don't think everyone who speaks up is. It's a matter of starting a dialogue that doesn't offend, which is what was happening there. The "spat" only happened when Cara jumped in and defended Karl, who she knew personally. But aside from the wealthy clients and celebrities who wore his Chanel designs, most people saw someone who routinely picked fights by spewing off whatever negative thoughts he had about anybody else and seemingly nonchalant about any repercussions as a result of it.

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