I couldn't follow what she is talking about because of all the things she was putting onto herself during the talk. :shock:

I didn't think it was humanly possible to put that much product on one's skin!

I do believe that Naomi is in a position where she can close/open doors for models, but comedians? And wanting to take credit for Elsa's comedy career, so unrelated to fashion? Doesnt make sense to me. Unless of course Elsa wanted to book covers and fashion campaigns. Sounds like there's more to this story that she's not sharing.

But let's just be honest, meangirling in fashion is as normalised as changing your underwear. It happens on ALL levels which is why who you know is so important in fashion - for when the time comes to leverage that connection for both good and bad.

I believe the girl, but she's not giving the full story.
I didn't think it was humanly possible to put that much product on one's skin!

I do believe that Naomi is in a position where she can close/open doors for models, but comedians? And wanting to take credit for Elsa's comedy career, so unrelated to fashion? Doesnt make sense to me. Unless of course Elsa wanted to book covers and fashion campaigns. Sounds like there's more to this story that she's not sharing.

But let's just be honest, meangirling in fashion is as normalised as changing your underwear. It happens on ALL levels which is why who you know is so important in fashion - for when the time comes to leverage that connection for both good and bad.

I believe the girl, but she's not giving the full story.
Her fame came via the fashion industry. She was trending online and popular on tiktok and Instagram then fashion brands and publication started giving her mainstream popularity which seemed rather sudden and unexpected. Wouldn't be shocked if Naomi played a part in her getting the fashion popularity thus where the miscommunication is. Naomi helped her get ahead in the lucrative fashion circles but also found when she already had her thing going on maybe not as lucrative. The video seems useless tbh, I was worried when she mentioned private jet but thankfully it wa snothing.


Elsa x Valentino collab



teenvogue IG
The Teen Vogue cover and Valentino collab came after and likely as a direct result of Naomi’s attention. Elsa started going Viral during the pandemic and Naomi featured/promoted her back then, in 2020. You can see multiple YouTube collabs still up on YouTube from that period on Naomi’s channel. Did opportunities go away because Naomi was blackballing her or because Naomi simply stopped handing her opportunities and moved on? I think it’s a fair question to ask. Because no disrespect to Elsa, who I think I used to follow back in the day, but it doesn’t look like she still makes the kind of videos that made her viral in the first place, and she seems to have plateaued at an unremarkable 2ish million followers. Perhaps opportunities just dried up because the 15 minutes were over.
Unless it's a legit cry for help, anytime someone makes a video disparaging a person it's probably about stepping on someones back with the goal of getting an extra bit of height.
Vivi Orth talking about her experience of opening the Dior show and her interaction with Sasha Pivovarova who told her that if she f#cked up something, she would be f#cked up everything!

Vivi Orth talking about her experience of opening the Dior show and her interaction with Sasha Pivovarova who told her that if she f#cked up something, she would be f#cked up everything!

Well I'm not trying to be annoying or anything but Sasha was right as Vivi was opening...The opening is pretty important.
Just came across an article that chronicled the racial experience Anok had with brand Zara, early on in her career. Luckily she held on to her boundaries, and although the negativity and blacklisting...she is "that" girl everywhere honey!!

It was also featured on The Root :

So who was the photographer...? Zara works with big names, or was it an "unknown" cause they were most likely shooting lookbooks?
Unfortunately, another Brazilian model is a victim of violence, this time Letícia Birkheuer... Her husband attacked her in front of their son.


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