Model Casting F/W 08.09, Cruise 09

What's with all the Abbey she the new Catherine or something :huh:
Eh. I think Abbey is rather unattractive. She reminds me of those troll dolls I played with as a kid when I combed their hair down. She's prehistoric fug, imo. But I also disagree with how (not the fact she is, but how she's achieving it) she's having a big season. She's not my cup of tea in looks or personality. Squished face with a cheap nosering and a sort of appeal that to me radiates something easy.
Exactly how is she achieving it then? :huh: By doing all the right shows and by appearing in the Dolce & Gabbana ads? I don't think that's any different than how a lot of other girls got their breakthrough (not D&G per se, of course)
Exactly how is she achieving it then? :huh: By doing all the right shows and by appearing in the Dolce & Gabbana ads? I don't think that's any different than how a lot of other girls got their breakthrough (not D&G per se, of course)

I don't think you get how I mean. B) I can PM you, though.
Alyona and Suvi seem to be a package deal again. You take one, you get the other!
^What's funny is that last season we were calling Irina Kulikova and Anabela Belikova the new Alyona Osmanova and Alana Zimmer. I suppose that this season Alyona and Suvi have been cast together more frequently though...

And the Brazilian triplets (Carolina, Caroline, and Daiane) seem to have new competion in the form of the East European triplets: Adina Forizs, Alana Kuznetsova, and Anna Gushina. :shock: :lol:
daiane conterato & carolina pantoliano seem like a package deal as well.
Triple AAA is the best thing ever. They're spectac. Must admit Adina is my fav of them!

Casting trends are somewhat bizarre this season. It'll be interesting to see how Milan and Paris unfold. I can see Triple AAA raising the bar even more due to their appeal to the Paris set. Milan will be dominated by Women Milan, per the norm, so picking a star off that train.

Praying, hoping, and ready to sacrifice goats Abbey Lee does not do well there. I just can't see her at any of the major shows in Milan besides the Dolce's and DSquared and maybe the trashy Cavalli, but Fendi? NO, KARL. NO.
So let me guess, Abbey's sleeping her way to the top?

Anyway, in Wayne's latest update he's talking about Ali, then he says "Those Elite kids are very smartly polishing up those quirky yet classic girls they keep uncovering. Don't sleep on that board! Check out the Top 10 Newcomers tmrw morning and you'll see...."

Calvin's tomorrow, right? Another Elite girl? Or is there another Elite girl doing well that could nab the Top 10 newcomer spot? If he is talking about Calvin, right now, ones I don't think we have seen yet have been Barbara Pecsi, Lauren Hanawalt, and then of course, all those on the board without showcards :lol: and ones not on Elite's board yet such as Pulse's new cutie McKell M (but she may be a little too young though).
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Calvin Klein today will be very exciting. It will be interesting to see, not only the exclusives, but which of the other new, known girls that get the few remaining spots. Calvin usually use few models compared to many other shows.
Oh, is it today? I have no clue what time it is in the US :doh:
Oh, is it today? I have no clue what time it is in the US :doh:

I have no idea where you live, but it's scheduled at 4 in the afternoon in the US. That's 10 in the evening where I live, and in about 11 hours from now. :flower:
Praying, hoping, and ready to sacrifice goats Abbey Lee does not do well there. I just can't see her at any of the major shows in Milan besides the Dolce's and DSquared and maybe the trashy Cavalli, but Fendi? NO, KARL. NO.

Seriously if Abbey does Chanel or Dior in Paris, I'll start to scream and break everything.

I can't wait for Calvin Klein! What happened to Toni Garrn? I haven't seen her around.
Miwa, Toni has been on a Calvin exclusive.

Omnis, thanks :flower: So that makes it around 6 or 7am tomorrow morning for me (I'm in Australia). Damn :lol:

Yeah, I'll definitely be interested and excited to see which other, non-exclusives, will be in the line-up too.
^I'd say maybe Natalie Keyser at Calvin Klein... :heart:
I've been wondering about Lauren Hanawalt. Kind of expected her to do well, and she should be in town (as seen on COACD), so I bet she is/was at least on hold for an exclusive.
I think the casting so far has been the best in a long time although there are too many Supreme girls on the runways.

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