Model Casting S/S 14

Why on earth was Esther there, she literally made the cast that much more boring.

I quite enjoy a more classically beautiful girl than all razor sharp cheekbones and prominent noses and by her showlist last year others agree. I think Edie Campbell was the weakest link.
Most of the model at CK were total snoozers lol I feel the same way about Tilda. there's just no spark.
How could Manuela Frey not be there who opened last season? Strange.
Cassi van Dungen I mean... why would you want such a basic girl in your cast. She rates below Esther to me.
^^Disagree. she was a standout compared to all the other brunettes there. I also thought Julia and Marine were standouts. other than that...
How could Manuela Frey not be there who opened last season? Strange.

Same thing happened to Tonya Vasylchenko. Exclusive, opened/closed SS13. Nowhere to be found the next season or again this season. :( That's why I hate these CK/Prada casts. No loyalty.
I don't think CK is known for their loyalty when it comes to runway girls.. IN and then OUT

Yep, same goes for Antonina, Josefien, Daphne. I honestly think its better to just be a girl in the middle rather an open or close.
Individually, the cast was great, but altogether, a snoozefest. Loved seeing Ophélie, Kai, Cassi and Carla there, though.
you have girls like charlotte free, madison leyes, cassi van den dungen being exclusive to the 3 biggest NY shows but stunning girls like Anna Martynova are walking C List trash shows. Are casting directors going mad??
Dauphine would have been great. She's absolutely stunning.

The rest of the girls looked alike so much. I couldn't tell them apart at all. Semi-newbies like Josephine, Tilda and Marine do NOTHING for me and I wonder why they were even cast.
Vanessa and Carolina S were good, and I didn't even mind Edie.

Calvin Klein has the power to make a models career, but it almost seems like they deliberately don't want to. Costa even admitted in a statement.
You mentioned Dauphine, was she actually optioned for CK?

No just considered it strange she is nowhere unless she is part of that rumour about Dior but she wasn't CK exclusive last season which the rumour said the Dior Ex was.
Dauphine would have been great. She's absolutely stunning.

The rest of the girls looked alike so much. I couldn't tell them apart at all. Semi-newbies like Josephine, Tilda and Marine do NOTHING for me and I wonder why they were even cast.
Vanessa and Carolina S were good, and I didn't even mind Edie.

Calvin Klein has the power to make a models career, but it almost seems like they deliberately don't want to. Costa even admitted in a statement.

Where did he admit this? Do you have a link?
I was very let down that Dauphine wasn't a CK exclusive and I really can't work out what other brand she could have been optioned for, as she isn't really a Brokaw girl (despite doing PS last season).
The casting this week was the most boring that I can remember in a long, long, time. Actually, ever.
Yep, same goes for Antonina, Josefien, Daphne. I honestly think its better to just be a girl in the middle rather an open or close.

I don't think you would be saying that if Vanessa opened and closed :wink:

Same thing happened to Tonya Vasylchenko. Exclusive, opened/closed SS13. Nowhere to be found the next season or again this season. :( That's why I hate these CK/Prada casts. No loyalty.

Exactly. There is absolutely no loyalty at all.
You just know Maida & Rami shoved as much black girls as they could just to be off the hook. :lol: See? Did it hurt?

Boring cast overall, can't eve remember how the opener looked. Should've just go with Vanessa.

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