Model Casting S/S 14

^ Jasmine Tookes for S/S 2012, and Melodie Monrose for S/S 2011 I guess.

I didn't really like the cast at Gucci. First of all Julia Nobis, and secondly there were just too many random filler newbies. The exclusive opener and closer wasn't so great either. I liked Sasha, she really has that Gucci vibe.

The shoes were probably hard to walk in because nobody could.
I agree, the cast was weird, too many newbies and no Iris Van Berne or Lin Kjerulf....I thought Frida was the loyal type? Happy to see Fei Fei and Sasha Luss finally walk for Gucci though!

Nice to see the big girls finally show up after a boring LFW!
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What a disappointing opener/closer at Gucci. Waste of an exclusive too. Just so unremarkable and forgettable. If Frida was gonna go with 'new blood' for opening/closing, should've gone with Katya Riabinkina.

The cast overall was ok. Nothing special, but not awful either.
^ I have to disagree, I think Amanda was a great choice to open and close, she brought a maturity and sex appeal that only a 23 year old who has been in the business for nearly a decade can do. Katya is amazing on the runway but I don't see sex appeal when I look at her, I see a girl who can walk well with a beautiful face. Katya will surely kill it this season, but Amanda could either hit or miss and I think it is her time to finally hit it big after so long in the industry.
Too bad Aymeline wasn't at Gucci or is she skipping this season...

Ieva Laguna is having a very successful comeback, followed by Jasmine Tookes. Also, Madison Leyes on Brokaw exclusivity. Hind Sahli was around in NY but things didn't seem to work in her favor. I'm hoping that Ymre's return to the runway will be impactful. I want her back on the map.
You know, I would've loved to have seen Jasmine Tookes at Gucci. Tbh, I feel like she fits the brand perfectly. Dsquared2's cast was just a bunch of leftovers, seriously. Only models I recognized were Irina K., Jasmine, Vika, Xiao and McNeil, which I don't understand why they didn't have any one of them open or close? The opening girl needs runway lessons ASAP.
Gucci's cast was okay, nothing remarkable.
Alberta's cast was lovely. Loved seeing Josephine and Jasmine there.
I havent been awake since the Gucci opener, Julia N. @Gucci eventually kicked my bucket. This girl just cannot be expelled from the catwalk jeeez, wake me up when she retires for *** sake. Gucci overall was a letdown. Where was Ameyline? or Jasmine, Iris, Linn? And what about Melissa T.? She's been a Gucci fixture since5 or 6 seasons.

And how random was Ymre at Dsquared? So much for exclusive hopes I guess. Does that mean she didnt book a single show in NY? God I wish she has something meaningfull going on this season..

Other random observation; why was Carolina Sjöstrand, or bird girl as I like to call her, booked on a string of C-shows in LNDN after her CK excl. ? Hello Management? And since Im ranting; Where the *** is Erjona Ala?

Oh my head is spinning and we're hardly halfway the season :wacko:
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What's even more random is Holly Rose opening Dsquared. Lame.

Samantha Gradoville and Ymre would have been perfect at Gucci.
Why Joséphine Le Tutor is being booked for everything in sight is so beyond me. I suppose she has that 'elegant/mature' vibe about her but gahh she's so damn boring.

I can at least get on board with the Ieva Laguna come back because she's a hot girl who's relatively versatile.
Oh yes, where the hell is Aymeline? She can't afford to skip the runways!

Ymre at DsQuared was... disappointing. I was hoping she were a Prada excl. but alas. Hoping to see her there anyway.
Why Joséphine Le Tutor is being booked for everything in sight is so beyond me. I suppose she has that 'elegant/mature' vibe about her but gahh she's so damn boring.

I can at least get on board with the Ieva Laguna come back because she's a hot girl who's relatively versatile.
I think Josephine is getting booked because you gotta admit her walk is insanely strong. even though her look is super bland. same with Katya R in my opinion.
^^^ Poor Lindsey's hair looks like a wig in that picture! :lol: I'm also glad Daria is walking shows now! Any news tho about Prada tomorrow? Apparently Lima is in Paris so I don't have to worry about her showing up again. :greengrin:
And what about Melissa T.? She's been a Gucci fixture since5 or 6 seasons.

I think it's time she considered taking a break. I'd rather have her agency pull her out since I don't think it's going to get any better for her this season
I havent been awake since the Gucci opener, Julia N. @Gucci eventually kicked my bucket. This girl just cannot be expelled from the catwalk jeeez, wake me up when she retires for *** sake. Gucci overall was a letdown. Where was Ameyline? or Jasmine, Iris, Linn?

You're trying to say Lin has a better walk than Julia? :lol:

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