I personally love my skinny jeans, they're pretty much the only pants I wear when I have the chance, lol. I really wish that more guys in my area wore skinny jeans as well, I've only seen one other guy wearing them, besides me. I woudl agree that it's easier for men to pull of skinny jeans than women, but only if they are thin men, otherwise it's just terrible. And also, men, there's a limit to how skinny the normal man can go. I mean, I have a pair of Ksubi's that are amazingly tight, almost as tight as I'd imagine leggings would be, but I only wear them with certain outfits, there's a certain balance you need to have to rock them well, and I've seen the ones without the balance as well, and it looks horrendous. I just wish that men would try out skinny jeans, but also know when to stop/how to wear them and when to. New Year's resolutions, men?