Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
i adore those too. they're so comfortable and so wearable.I love OTK boots, I find that they really keep me warm. As a lover of dresses and skirts, they are perfect for cold winter days.
OMG, Festat. Those are FABULOUS! I really love them. Suede, the perfect length and not hooker-looking at all. I can't tell if there are heels on the boots or not though.
These are my new wannabe-Givenchy suede thigh high boots.They cost about $70. The thing that sucks about these boots is that the sides keep slipping down. Other people that bought them never had the same problem though... I need to get double-sided tape or something to hold the sides up.
(My pic, obviously)
The worst fashion nightmare was shown some time in the past- jeans tucked into thigh-high boots or over-the-knee boots.