UK Vogue June 2016 : The Duchess of Cambridge by Josh Olins

Care to elaborate before calling me sad?

You might have misunderstood me though. I didn't say I want to be in either position but if I had to choose than i'd rather be a royal than an attention-seeker. And I bet Kate works harder than the average Kardashian...
Royals will be critized for everything they do while (most) entertainers can do whatever they want. I bet you and I have no idea how that must feel.

Your post was kind of misogynistic hence the sad part. What's wrong with an independent, successful woman having an active social and sexual life? When you marry into royalty you may climb to the top of the social ladder (at least for some people) but you can say goodbye to free will.

And celebrities are also criticized constantly, just for different aspects of their lives. If you're royal you're living on taxpayers' money, so criticism on your lifestyle and expenses is the least you can expect.
A simple Google search will list all the charities she's involved with, and official visits she attends. I think it's very important that we grasp the situation she's in. She's not in the same position as Madonna or Rihanna who can pubicly air their opinions on anything at any given time, however contradicting. She's a representative of an institution, and to some extent, a country. And when you factor the whole Diana media circus, who wouldn't blame her for maintaining an almost nondescript personality and set of opinions?

And I too agree with Blue Orchid (shocker!) regarding the blatant cherry-picking at play here. I don't even think her peers (Charlene of Monaco and Letitzia of Spain) are faced with such fierce detractors. People (I'm sorry, but this is much more common in women than men) are so obsessed with this idea of rolemodels. Somehow the idea that she went into being Duchess and motherhood with her eyes open seems so deplorable. Because nobody believes a woman can think for herself? Surely that should be the very first criteria for rolemodels: the absolute freedom to make your own decisions and live by them.

I agree, I couldn't care less about role models but come on Ben, she's particularly Lazy, even for a Royal. They both are. She has a stepford wife thing going on that Is totally unnecessary.

The older generation of royals do not seem to have the same problem, say what you want about Charles but people are not going around calling him work shy, even Harry seems to have carved his place. It is a problem specific of Will and Kate. So I can understand that people find it grating that she's feted simply for marrying someone, when she's no different from a wag.
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Moderator Note:

OK, we've gathered everyone has different opinions regarding the Duchess of Cambridge. Please, everyone, let's move on from the whole role model debate and discuss the cover and issue at hand. Thank you!
Any news on other content? Will this issue be thicker than usual? Also did Kate decide to have Josh shoot her? Or did Vogue pick the photographer?
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Someone stated it was their biggest issue ever however Alexandra posted a photo where you could see it from the side, showing the spine and I have to say, it didn't look any larger than previous September or March issues.

Alexandra Schulman Instagram
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I'm also curious to know what/who else is inside, provided this is supposed to be the thickest issue ever (hope not too much restrospective stuff).

And too bad they didn't put Baby George on the cover too, he's such a photogenic style icon! :D
Its apparently the biggest issue ever, which could just mean 5 or so pages more than the largest issue they have ever done, which is Cara's September 2014 cover, 460 pages.
The cover is so simple, but the preview is fine. I can't wait to see the whole content.
First off, I refuse to believe this is their biggest ever issue... 460 pages. So same as Cara's. Inside we have editorials by Testino, models styled as per each decade. Tim Walker has a big one with models and celebs, Bailey shoots Joanna Lumley and Jennifer Saunders with Georgia May for the Ab Fab movie and on first glance, that appears to be it for editorials other than Catherine's
First off, I refuse to believe this is their biggest ever issue... 460 pages. So same as Cara's. Inside we have editorials by Testino, models styled as per each decade. Tim Walker has a big one with models and celebs, Bailey shoots Joanna Lumley and Jennifer Saunders with Georgia May for the Ab Fab movie and on first glance, that appears to be it for editorials other than Catherine's

Thanks! :flower: So subscribers have received their issues already?? It's really quite disappointing that Vogue didn't capitalise on the hype and ink a similar deal to US Vogue/Amazon. I'm very keen on everything mentioned so far, hope Lucinda styled the Testino edit. And I hope the models are not made up of just new-ish girls.
This was a newsstand copy, not my subs copy.

Tim Walker's ed is styled by Kate Phelan, it references previous Vogue shoots amungst other things, so each shot has a little bit of blurb about where it's comes from. It features Kate Moss (with Lila), Erin, Helen Mirren, Ben Winshaw, Naomi, Charlotte Rampling, Tilda, Karen Elson, Lily Donaldson, Stella Tennant, Keira Knightley (love her shot), Georgia May, Jerry Hall, Eddie Redmayne

Testino's ed is styled by Lucinda and has Stella, Kate Moss, Erin O'Connor (so happy to see her feature) Sam Rollinson, Rosie, jean Campbell, Karen Elson, Edie, Ruth Bell, Jourdan,
I really thought Ab Fab had next months cover
It's a shame, it would have made such sense for the age issue too. Guessing it's very, very unlikely now though that they're inside, so July's cover is wide open again.
Quite surprised to see a handful of copies in my local store earlier on, so obviously I couldn't resist and just had to make a purchase (even though I'm due my subscription copy). The cover is absolutely gorgeous in person, the gold masthead and fonts complement the shot of the Duchess beautifully, really does feel very celebratory. :heart:

Can only echo honeycombchild's sentiments regarding the review.. nothing more to report but SO MUCH to look at!
It's a shame, it would have made such sense for the age issue too. Guessing it's very, very unlikely now though that they're inside, so July's cover is wide open again.
I guess that could mean that the speculation about Kim being on July cover might be true after all.

Thanks for the roundup, looking foward to this issue in print.
Great. Let's follow up an almost impossible get on the cover with the world's most widely available celebrity.

I know someone asked previously about what the article would be, it is indeed written by Alexandra and does have a few quotes from Kate, but it's not an interview. It's a diary of the shoot really, from her point of view, with references to what Kate thought about things, did, etc.
This was a newsstand copy, not my subs copy.

Tim Walker's ed is styled by Kate Phelan, it references previous Vogue shoots amungst other things, so each shot has a little bit of blurb about where it's comes from. It features Kate Moss (with Lila), Erin, Helen Mirren, Ben Winshaw, Naomi, Charlotte Rampling, Tilda, Karen Elson, Lily Donaldson, Stella Tennant, Keira Knightley (love her shot), Georgia May, Jerry Hall, Eddie Redmayne

Testino's ed is styled by Lucinda and has Stella, Kate Moss, Erin O'Connor (so happy to see her feature) Sam Rollinson, Rosie, jean Campbell, Karen Elson, Edie, Ruth Bell, Jourdan,

Thanks for the review honeycombchild ! I'm really looking forward to seeing these two editorials.
Saw it in the shops. didn't buy it as i subscribe.
got home and no issue :(

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