Despite my initial expectations, a lot of the content is decent. I really, really like 'Easy Street'; for me I miss these kind of narrative (or documented?), group stories that, yes, were formally the terrain of Weber I suppose. Particularly the casting of Joan, Binx and Anok together for example feels quite powerful.
Tyler's story is the other decent one. I find it ironic that a photographer who made his name as the first black (American) photographer to photograph the cover of Vogue often ends up shooting in vast fields of South East England. This story is the classic garden feature that they have been doing for over thirty years now...with Meisel, Weber, Leibovitz etc. The styling is quite nice there.
Sadly with a cover like that and Gigi jumping on a trampoline in images that one of the production assistants on set could've executed better in two minutes on an i-Phone camera, this issue still makes me despair!