Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2008 - Please see first post before posting*UPDATED

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Oh yea, um have you checked google trends! LOL!! Adriana outshines KK in news any day and has for years! (The only time KK has come close recently is due to her non existent belly button which isn't something to brag about) I'm sorry but being big locally in NYC! I'm sorry is not as big a deal as being big normally all around the world such as Adriana.
The only reason Adriana isn't in the NYC blogs is because she's always traveling and she doesn't hardly party ever. She hates partying unless it's for a special occasion.
KK signed her contract in the 4-5 month of 2005 (she has a 3 year contract) which was right about the time this year she dissapeared from VS, hmm everything else? Uh no. Which would have been enough time for them to decide if they still wanted to offer her a contract or if she wanted one (probably a bit of both) which would have taken her to Paris with the other angels, she probably filmed her part and then once they decided she wasn't going to be an angel completely pulled her parts.

The only other angels that will most likely get a press release from VS and ed would be Heidi, Adriana or Ale. Because they are main faces of the company.

They've most likely taken down her video, and left a bit of her profile up for insider reason. But if she was an angel all the facts wouldn't add up and conveniently they wouldn't have taken her video down out of all the angels. Like I said I still adore KK, but it's pretty much time to face the facts she isn't an angel. If someone would like to post the facts that dispute the facts she most likely isn't an angel go ahead. Like I said I adore her but I'm willing to admit I don't believe she's an angel. And I do believe if all you're going to wait for is a statement from someone or a news article when her contract expired close to 6 months ago most likely then.....I think you're going to be waiting for a long time. heck Izabel was gone for a long time and we only recently found out about it and she had the same track record in KK in all of this....

and happy here you go..
"As for official statements, the Victoria’s Secret chief creative officer, Edward Razek, said “the long and fruitful relationship between Gisele Bündchen and Victoria’s Secret has reached a conclusion. We wish her all the best and thank her for her extraordinary work. She will continue to be a visible part of the world’s sexiest brand through the remainder of the year.” Gisele’s sister, Patricia Bündchen previously confirmed to a Brazilian website that contract renewal talks had broken off. Bündchen’s agent also gave confirmation to PEOPLE magazine that “Gisele’s contract is finished.”"

And I think that's your answer as well...even Gisele's images and etc stay around even though she's done...most likely that's what they are doing to KK right now.

Anyway I'm done with this, the facts add up that she isn't an angel, and until I see proof IMo that she is an angel I'm not going to count her as one because there really isn't anything to back up the fact. Honestly if I had to pick an angel to go it wouldn't have been her.
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There are times I miss the line up and her
I miss this Tyra, Heidi, Gisele, Adriana, and Ale.

While I'm glad Dri, and Ale have moved up the ranks I miss the simplicity of the line up above.

and....I'm starting animations for a 2003 set....
I personally really, really like Adri ( I'm a HUGE fan) but I'm starting to get a bad headache from all this Adriana vs everyone else in the whole entire world. We all have our faves and while she may be THE top model to some, to others she isn't, plain and simple. It depends how you look at the business. She's gorgeous, truly gorgeous and was absolutely one of my faves this year. That's the truth. But, we really should be just a teensy bit openminded because there are many, many, MANY ways to spin it to get a person's fave model to be "the best". The operative word is SPIN. IMHO, to be a true "supermodel", you have to be involved in all facets of the business all throughout your career, not just "sometimes". That's the definition that has always been the measurement. Today, the word supermodel is used much too loosely. And, the best??? Again, it depends how you spin it. One can't be selective about what they point out as "proof" and leave out the negatives for making a case. As far as KK goes, she certainly, for sure, deserves a formal announcement but may not get it based on how that stupid company treated her and humiliated her with "zippergate". That was shameful. I've spent a great deal of money at VS just because of KK , Ale, Miranda and Gisele before them. And, there are many models who make me interested in other clothing items besides lingerie. (And, I won't bring up my absolute fave, Tori Praver, because I don't want her ripped to shreds) ;) This was just my opinion and how I feel about stuff and it is not my intention to offend anyone. I just happen to prefer objectivity. I find there are two sides to every story and the truth is usually somewhere in between....hence the objectivity angle.
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See I think people are getting me wrong. Is Adriana my favorite model? Yes. Do I think she needs to be everybodys? No. I understand people have different tastes I do. But I do get upset when I feel like she doesn't get what she deserves from a company she's worked her butt off for (aka The Heidi problem) but I'm willing to admit as much as I love Adriana, she's not as famous as Heidi, or Gisele for that matter.

All I'm simply stating is that Adriana is in fact more famous than Karolina, and to the general public Adriana would be the supermodel out of the two because she's much more well known. For Victoria's Secret to release a statment you really have to be one of their top selling faces which is Heidi, Adriana and Alessandra. Adriana and Alessandra have five year contracts just like Miss Gisele did, which made it quite the big deal when she left because she was one of the main faces of the brand. The Models such as KK, Selita, Miranda, Marisa, or Doutzen aren't going to get as much press as Adriana, Ale, or Heidi if they left the only ones that would come close would be Miranda and Marisa. I'm not insisting everyone like Adriana or think she's better, I'm saying when the facts add up against sanity then you have to be honest with yourself and say Hey this is possible and it's most likely what happened. It says nothing about KK as a model, it's just that she left VS...all in all it's not that big of a deal. Hence why we never heard anything about Izabel leaving, and on a scale of VS, she's honestly about equal with Angel status.

Again, I'm not trying to convince people I'm right, I'm trying to show you the facts that are there that prove the fact that it's most likely KK is now longer an angel. Again if she continues being an angel after this I will gladly take back my statement, but I would bet everything I have that she isn' does that mean that everybody should swear by this no....let the facts speak for themselves.

I believe KK has a better career outside of VS, and I wish her the best outside of it.
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Another opinion, just my own way of thinking about it. I think they have too many Angels. The term is getting used so loosely. IMHO, the only girls who should be Angels now are Adri, Ale, Miranda, KK and Iza. And, maybe not even KK any more since she has been treated so shabbily. I adore Doutzen, adore her but I'm not sure about her in the show. However, she will sell in that catalog and keep the classy lady aspect of it all. Things are changing so much with VS. It used to be so classy and the show certainly was. Gisele worked it! Tyra worked it! Heidi worked it! Now, we have the girls I mentioned before who still bring a certain amount of class to the show and they have decided to turn VS into something entirely different and I for one am disappointed. No longer is anyone really looking at the lingerie and saying "wow, I have to have that" as a result of the show. I love Behati and Candice and some of the others for PINK. But, the status of being an Angel has been tarnished and it means really nothing any more. You really need to be on top of your game to be an Angel, in my opinion and too many Angels spoil the pot. The Fantasy Bra used to be the highlight. This year, I wouldn't even have known who was wearing the Bra is I hadn't already seen the pics. Adri deserved the attention before struttin the Bra. Who got the attention though? Heidi. C'mon!!! That was disrespectful. I doubt if many in the audience even paid attention to the BRA. I heard no big whoops and hollers about it. It was all so anti-climatic after Heidi did her thing. Adri and The Bra did not get the attention they should have. You'd think they would want it to based on how much money the darn thing cost! I don't know. VS is going down a slippery slope, again, in my opinion.
I know somewhere I made the comment that Tori would be good for VS and I was told in no uncertain terms that she didn't have big enough boobs! WHAT?? Let the bras sell themselves. If they are what they claim to be, they will make any girl have gorgeous cleavage. That is what will make the lingerie sell.
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I have to agree Heidi needs to go, when she steals the spotlight from the fantasy's totally unnecessary she just needs to go.With Iza gone now, and possibly KK, the angel line up is as follows (I removed Heidi, because she does nothing but the show...ugh)


Like I said honestly I have no idea who is going to open that show next year unless it's Adriana Again (which I love her but no) and Ale (and she deserves it but I want her to get a bit more presence) None of the girls have the oomph to open the show or the star power. So loosing KK like it looks like they are doing isn't good. I thought Doutzen would be that girl they needed but after seeing her performance this year it makes me think no.
Oh, yeah. I forgot Selita. I am one of the few, I guess, who likes her. So, I think the only girls qualified to be Angels are:
Iza (even though I guess she is going? Or is that an assumption?)

Four or five are enough to be called Angels. The rest can do their work in the catalog just fine and some in the show, but not Angels. That's what I think. ;)

Then, you could have The Face of Pink, probably Candice or Behati.
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yep Iza is officially gone, and I think it's pretty safe to assume KK is gone, and Eman is an angel :)

And I couldn't agree with you more on your list. I like Marisa now but she still doesn't fit vs very well IMO.
I believe she signed her contract earlier this year but it hasn't been officially announced but it's well known she's an angel :) She's currently in the Bahama's with Adriana shooting the swim catalog :)
Oh yea, um have you checked google trends! LOL!! Adriana outshines KK in news any day and has for years! (The only time KK has come close recently is due to her non existent belly button which isn't something to brag about) I'm sorry but being big locally in NYC! I'm sorry is not as big a deal as being big normally all around the world such as Adriana.

That wasnt the point I was trying to make. I know that Adriana is more famous, no one is denying that. No one is trying to make KK more famous than Adriana. Im actually a big Adriana fan and have follwed her career for years. In fact no started comparing thier fame except YOU. Not everything is about Adriana. Try to look at things objectively.

Im just saying that, because of who she is, the career she had and the fact that she is a big name on the NY social scene and in the fashion world, something big like this happening to her is going to get written about in the NY outlets and fashion blogs. Like I said she gets mentioned alot. We should hear something, even if VS doesnt "officially" make a statement like they did with Gisele.

BTW being big in NY is nothing to shrug at either. Its the biggest media outlet in the world and doesnt just reach New yorkers. You make headlines in the Post or the Times or WSJ ect, you make headlines all over the world.

Thats the last I will say about this subject. As always, mileages vary.
I'm sorry but Ale is not that famous to warrant a press release, most people haven't even heard of her! She didn't even get to open a segment until this year and she's been with VS how long? After Heidi and Adriana, I'd say Selita is the most important. She got to wear the million dollar bra last year in just her third show as well as open that segment, and the final one this year. She get's the most applause and is recogniseable outside of the modelling industry. Even Miranda get's more press than Ale!

As for KK, I think she's too good for VS and she's better off without. She doesn't need to play second fiddle to the likes of Marissa and Ale! She has the best walk in the show so it's VS' loss if she is no longer an angel!
All I'm going to say is I will be totally surprised if it's mentioned 1 year from after her contract ended...
I think people are in for a shock when they're won't be and she isn't in any commercials, or any launches or anything and people will make up excuse after excuse than just accepting the fact she isn't anymore..heck look at now. All the facts scream she isn't an angel and people are clamoring that she is...but I'm done with the subject...time will tell.

Anyway, I was saying Ale because Adriana, and Alessandra have the biggest contracts with VS (5 years, all other angels hold 3 year contracts) and Heidi's fame.

Also never ever judge applause by the CBS version...because most of it is can tell because you look in the audience and you're hearing this big roar and maybe 10 people are clapping. So never say any model gets the most applause unless you've watched an unedited the unedited versions I've seen of past shows it's def Heidi, Adriana and Ale who get the most applause.
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CoutureChic, I actually agree with some of the points you mentioned, but the problem I have with you is that you always seem to talk as if you were telling a gospel or what you said is absolutely right and therefore cannot be challenged. It's the way you write irks people, I guess, therefore I feel like some people will disagree with you because IMO, just IMO, you talk like you are ramming your opinions down people's throat.
Personally i really hate this show, i have no idea why it is such a big deal at all. It makes those models look silly n brainless. Some of the scenes irk me are as follow:

1, when Miranda finished the ballet segment, she ran while screaming "running ruinning", I am like, oh plz, don't do that no more it is disgusting.

2, all the airkissing are just so vulgar n trashy, it is just too much.

3, Selita, would u plz disappear for awhile, u ain't in lv or jil sander once, not even for DG where they cast lots of unrecoginised models. Selita, stop acting you r in the same standard of Adri or Doutzen, who have done lots of high fashion stuff. Selita, you ain't nobody the only thing u do is just VS. And every time she overacted like you are kate moss. Marissa, on ther other hand is way better than Selita, at least she is a normal girl.

4. Another disgusting person is a black lady talking about how a guy approached her. OMG her voice is so rustic and her action is so ganster-like.

5. Behati's instruction for pink section? so ********.

6. all the models backstage singing? like they are singers and KK plz don't shake like that no more (during pink section), ur figure is not suitable for this, it is for little cute asian girls.

7. "Emily, gooo, goooo, babyyyyyyyyyyyy gooooooooooooooooooo" is so distracting.

8. plz what is with the last wing on Heidi?

9. all the pointing makes me feel so sad, why they have to do that? they really think they are the best people in the world? many scientists are polite n kind. PLZ, models don't do that, it makes ppl looking down on you.
It's not Emily, it's Abbey Lee. I understood Emily as well as first :lol: There's no Emily though.
As far as I'm concerned, I hope the next VSFS will be held back in LA. I understand they wanted to try something new, but the previous shows had more impact on me...
Personally i really hate this show, i have no idea why it is such a big deal at all. It makes those models look silly n brainless. Some of the scenes irk me are as follow:

1, when Miranda finished the ballet segment, she ran while screaming "running ruinning", I am like, oh plz, don't do that no more it is disgusting.

2, all the airkissing are just so vulgar n trashy, it is just too much.

3, Selita, would u plz disappear for awhile, u ain't in lv or jil sander once, not even for DG where they cast lots of unrecoginised models. Selita, stop acting you r in the same standard of Adri or Doutzen, who have done lots of high fashion stuff. Selita, you ain't nobody the only thing u do is just VS. And every time she overacted like you are kate moss. Marissa, on ther other hand is way better than Selita, at least she is a normal girl.

4. Another disgusting person is a black lady talking about how a guy approached her. OMG her voice is so rustic and her action is so ganster-like.

5. Behati's instruction for pink section? so ********.

6. all the models backstage singing? like they are singers and KK plz don't shake like that no more (during pink section), ur figure is not suitable for this, it is for little cute asian girls.

7. "Emily, gooo, goooo, babyyyyyyyyyyyy gooooooooooooooooooo" is so distracting.

8. plz what is with the last wing on Heidi?

9. all the pointing makes me feel so sad, why they have to do that? they really think they are the best people in the world? many scientists are polite n kind. PLZ, models don't do that, it makes ppl looking down on you.

Goodness I can agree on number 7! I was watching the show and during the PINK section the music features the laughing and I wasn't sure at times if it was the announcers back-stage or if it was actually the music. I just blahed at that completely. Plus, I don't think they need to know to go faster and it doesn't need to be so... well... robustly said.

"go go go go go Let me see that lollipop" or something of that nature... it just makes it seem vulgar and too much like the photoshoot from Austin Powers 2. "Okay you're an animal... yess there we go... you're a TIGER! You're TONY THE TIGERR You're GRRRRRRREAT..."

I'd just really prefer they didn't feature that in the show-- too everywhere.:ninja:
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