Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2011 - *Please see first post before posting*

I think thats a really nice interview Doutzen and Chanel seemed so relaxed laid back compared to there usual interview selfs
If Candice gets it it would be such a smack in the face for Doutzen and Alessandra (and I'm not just saying that cos I'm an Ale fan). Despite whoever will wear it this year, I hope the bra will be with white diamonds, rather than fug colours of recent years. Imho, the blue from last year which Miranda wore made it look cheaper, than if it were a bra like 2006 or 2007. Seriously, get rid of the pearls and put more diamonds on. It would also be great to see something like from 1999 or 2000 where the bras were pretty much covered entirely in diamonds/gems. Ugh I know it's a lingerie show, but I'd rather see more of the diamonds than the bra of the FB.

Candice is so over-used. She is on nearly every freakin' page in the catalogues. I really liked her at the beginning where she wasn't on everything and she was still a bit of a mystery. Now it's like "Oh, yeah, there's Candice... AGAIN." I think in the most recent catalogue that I got, there was only ONE or maybe two pictures of Doutzen. C'mon, seriously, what's the point of 10 Angels if the company uses one for mainly everything. Tut tut VS.
i still hope alessandra gets the bra this year!!
^totally agree & I'm not even an Ale fan:lol:.

I could've SWORN she wore one. Before reading this thread, I didn't even know she NEVER had a fantasy bra in the past:huh:. It's kinda an insult especially since she's been with them forever:ninja:..
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^ i know shes been with vs for so long n models like miranda, selita, marissa all got the bra before alessandra did!
^Well, we should get in touch with someone in charge at VS & get them to right that wrong:lol:
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^ i know shes been with vs for so long n models like miranda, selita, marissa all got the bra before alessandra did!

This is getting too funny :lol::rolleyes: Time after time after time.

For the 100th time - Marisa started working with the vs about same time as Alessandra. :flower: Just FYI. I lost count how many times I repeated saying that.

And so many people already posted here who know a thing or two how vs is and all that, saying that whoever gets FB is not about who 's been with vs the longest or who deserves it, lol. :lol: And did anyone ask Ale ? Fans may say whatever they want but models have an opinion too, right ? And may be Ale just doesnt want to get one ?

And even with all that in mind, really FB and getting it is not that huge of importance anymore anyway. :innocent:
^ ha ha. Juliax you can keep repeating yourself for the 101th time if you like. I dont care if marissa (or however u spell her name) started at the same time as alessandra did, i just think alessandra has been there for a long time and done alot of stuff to promote VS so she should finally get to wear it.

Sure ill just call alessandra now and ask her if she would like to wear the bra or not ... ha ha
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men if i was ale i would NOT care!
she have a multimillion dollar contrat! she doesnt work as much,yet she gets paid 2,3,4 times more than most of the models who have wore the FB for the last few yrs(Selita,Marissa) i really wouldnt care!! she can buy her own Fantasy bra if she really wants to get one! :lol:
Bottom line: Alessandra has been an Angel for longer than everyone except Adriana, & she's been very devoted to the brand for 10+ years, so she deserved the bra before Karolina, Selita, Marisa, Miranda or Adriana's 2nd time.

Sadly VS gives a crap about that & they'll give the bra to whoever they feel like it would give them more publicity.
^ I was with you until you said Karolina. KK started modeling for VS the same time Ale did, only difference was KK was a really high profile model early in her career and got the FB bra because her status.

I agree Alessandra should be the next in line for the FB (if not, then Doutzen should).
They started working at the same time but Ale has been an Angel for longer, I'm a huge fan of Kk & she was amazing in her FB both times but i always thought it was a joke that she got the FB twice before Adriana & Alessandra got it. I'm just talking about how long they've been contracted by VS, & Alessandra has been there for ages now & she's still waiting
if we want to split hair and go by "deservedness" we can also argue how some girls become angels while others remain fillers for the show (namely Isabeli or how Lais just shot into angel status in like a hot second).

i think the FB should be given to someone who can elevate the brand...KK & Gisele were HF models, Heidi was becoming a household name, Adriana and Marisa were on men's radar, etc. I'm not saying Ale is some second class model, but the fact is, the general public doesn't know her.
I think KK's first time was justified. She was a HUGE model in 2002. Just got an American Vogue cover, was literally everywhere in the fashion world... She was a much bigger model than Ale around that time (and Ale wasn't even an angel yet) so I can see why they gave it to her over Ale. Besides KK, I still think Ale should have gotten it over some others though...

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