What effects do models have on you?

I'm just amazed and a tad jealous that most of them who are younger or about my age are earning bucketloads of money while I'm perpetually peniless and that my world revolves around grades.
They do have a bad influnce on me in terms of my body image. I''ll subconciously pinch my stomach and vow not to snack too much after watching runway videos.
Are they role models? Maybe..in terms of their streetwear. apart from that..not really. They induce me to want to smoke and not eat. LOL!
models make me feel more secure about being thin and flat-chested ^_^ (which is pretty huge for me since there is so much extra anxiety when one is flat-chested) but the negative impact is that i feel so short (i'm 171cm). i feel like my legs aren't long enough. i get quite jealous of those long legs! :shock: i also get jealous of their nice skin. :( but overall, they don't make me feel terrible about myself. i don't feel a need to shrink down to a size 0. and i appreciate the way they look in editorials and the runway. i usually go ooooh or look like this :woot: haha

If I see a beautiful editorial or something, they practically cheer me up. I can save the picture, watch it for a long time and start daydreaming a story around the photo.
But I have to admit, they DO make me want to be skinnier. Because I see the clothes look so good on them. But oh well...I keep on eating anyway
I'm jealous of their skin and the clothes they wear, but I guess I'm forced in some way to keep fit and avoid eating junk food.

They also make me feel more confident, like melrose_place said, about being a bit flat chested.
I've learned that beauty is as much about personality and grooming as raw materials. A lot of the biggest models were more cute (or even average) than gorgeous earlier in their careers, but are now practically worshipped for their beauty. And even with 'perfect' features, a model's career can fall flat if that's all she's got.
They make me hate my height (5'2) because i'll never be able to get away with wearing some of the things they wear...but they do make me feel better about being flat chested because that is one of my few advantages when it comes to being able to "pull off anything".
Seeing models in magazines never really made me feel conscious of my weight but as i work backstage at fashion shows seeing them constantly in real life definitely does - i'm thin by any normal standard but when you're around models it's pretty easy to become "the chubby one"...
Yeah, I'll help the BUMPING along too! :bounce:

I usually have to remind myself that modelling is an art more than anything so when I'm feeling fat, it doesn't matter because models are naturally they way they are like I am naturally the way I am.
Has the model / fashion world made you more aware of your physical flaws?

We all know how common it is to see so many people in select disordered communities using many images of supermodels to help inspire them to physically alter themselves. It's no secret.

Similarly we see hundreds of people here praise beautiful women, which is wonderful, but I wonder how does it affect you guys & girls? Do any of you look at these models and wish you could look more like them? It might be wishing to look facially similar, or have a similar body.. to any degree.

Does your interest in fashion affect your self-esteem and / or desire to physically change yourself and if so, how?

I'm so sorry if this kind of thread doesn't belong here; if I've done something wrong please feel free to delete it! :heart:
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edit: I think I got the thread wrong

I also would like to have some feautures models have of course
but I know I have my own look

it doesn't affect my self-esteem because I know if I would look like someone else I would still find something sI think someone other has better
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You can't wish for something you can never have.
I hate when models are used as thinspo. I hate when girls pray to be as thin as models but they can never look like models because not everyone in the world can be 5'9" with cheekbones that can grate cheese.

It used to affect my self-esteem but I now think of fashion as a play. Many people get cut or don't get parts in a play because they aren't the right character. I may be the perfect character for playing Mulan in a school production, but Gisele can't be.

Make sense? :flower:
This is a touching thread, yes a lot of models have made me feel inadequate and judge people around me more, which really makes me feel bad about myself becuase no one desrves it, Nobody choses the face they are born with, and we should really just be greatful that we are healthy and well. It's just that when you go to a particular model's thread it says things like "she's so beautful, I'd do anything to look like her" and when you see this on one page like 8 times in different connotations, then you realise it's 500 pages of priase it makes you think, well I don't look like that, so there must be something wrong, but what is it, my hair, height, weight, shape, face? So then I make myself feel really bad because girls like Anja, Valentina, and Doutzen are so perfect, and they were perfect teenagers as well as perfect adults, I look at Diana Moldovan and Irina Kulikova, who are just a couple of years older than me and I feel I should look like them, I should be as tall and I should be as pretty otherwise I'm not worthy of being around the people who I interact with. I know it's not the model's fault or the agencies, to be honest it's just hard to accept that some girls are just "perfect", and I'm not. Though really I don't let it get me down anymore, It doesn't really bother me anymore, it's so much easier to be happy.
No because I am satisfied with how I am. Yes, I still have flaws (which I knew about before getting into models), but I would say I have a good body and face and I could be much worser off! What does make me more insecure and inadequate is when people close to me start telling me negative things about my face/body. I couldn't care less if it's a stranger, but it really hits close to home when it comes from people you care about. It wasn't as if they even tried to say it in a nice way, either. Only my aunt tried to make me feel okay the fourth or fifth time by saying 'it makes you look good.' I think she could tell I felt like sh*t. :(
It affected me differently, actually. After getting interested in it I realized that models are humans too! Because, I used to be like majority of people thinking they don't do anything, just take couple of photos walk couple of runways and that's it. And the models I like are not picture perfect ones, but those with attitude and personalities, so no, being interested in modeling world didn't affect my self esteem in a bad way. It's just one part of the whole fashion world, which is what I'm primary interested in.
And being interested in fashion definitely helped me, style wise, I learned what goes together, what doesn't, and really got into artistic aspect of it.

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