Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie News **Update Confirmed to be Engaged**

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"A low Vera" or something equally insipid. Julia gets a pass because she's "america's sweetheart' : average looking, mainstream movies, a "down to earth" personality. More women identify with her because they think they can be her or at least her friend. Would they say the same about Angelina who's supposed to be gorgeous,
^My understanding is that her husband's wife's name is Vera and she wore a shirt that said A Low Vera. I'm not sure when, and I haven't seen the picture, but a lot of people seem to have.

I agree with Harumi, but I really don't care about whether she ruined Brad and Jennifer's relationship. It's none of my, or anyone else in this thread's, business.
I can understand why Angelina is so reviled, although I may not agree with the reactions against her.
It's hard not to feel sorry for Jen, even I, that infinitely preferred Angelina as a celebrity(before the kids and the charities) and thought Jen was just insipid, could not help "being on her side". She was fantastically humiliated by her husband in front of the world stage, it's like every married women 's nightmare. I think the difference in this case is that everyone felt, that it was a total uneven match, that she simply had no chance from the moment Angelina set her eyes on Brad, yes people pitied her and were on her side, but they also did it in a a way that seem to advised resignation, like it was understandable that any man given the chance would be crazy not to choose Angelina Jolie. So the blame totally shifted to her. And then came the gorgeous Kids, the sainthood, the public displays of affection and Jen looking like she got stuck in a limbo. So until Jen is seen by the public to move on, the way we perceive that she lives her life, is like a permanent reminder that she is a wronged women.

I do not believe in Homewreckers, I may question the morals of a woman that steps out with a married man and is willing to be a third part in a marriage, but she doesn't have to respect a woman that bears no relation to her. She has to answer to herself in the affair, but the husband certainly has to answer to his wife. Brad Pitt was low, anyone that believes the marriage was over when he started dating Angelina needs a reality check, marriages have highs and lows and the truth is that he cheated on his wife. Regardless of the state of the marriage, the affair ended up being a catalyst.

The ironic thing is, in the end of it all, Brad Pitt is no match for Angelina, he's like a shadow of his former self and something got lost along the way. What looked like a loss of a amazing catch for Jen a couple of years back, is simply looking not so appealing now.
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I always enjoy her interviews because there's a degree of honesty but something I never understood is when Angelina stated she would never be with a taken man due to her own parents relationship but looking at her history the opposite holds true.
^ that happens often. with everyone.

my mother always says, dont ever say never.. b/c you will end up doing it..
Brad Pitt was low, anyone that believes the marriage was over when he started dating Angelina needs a reality check, marriages have highs and lows and the truth is that he cheated on his wife. Regardless of the state of the marriage, the affair ended up being a catalyst.

Yes, like i mentioned before, why is it that the man is never called out when these things happen?
He hasnt been bashed much. Its all about angelina.

Sure, her name is great which is why its in everybodys mouths, but in all honesty, if she had in fact waited to hear from him that his marriage was over for him, thats all she needs, dont you think?

Highs and lows happen, but when its over for you, its over.
Jen has been photographed like a drowned puppy for the past few years and tbh she seems to enjoy that 'spotlight'.
she's pathetic imo. ive never liked her from friends days, and back then i didnt like angie either but jen has done nothing but play the victim.

The ironic thing is, in the end of it all, Brad Pitt is no match for Angelina, he's like a shadow of his former self and something got lost along the way. What looked like a loss of a amazing catch for Jen a couple of years back, is simply looking not so appealing now.
This I don't agree with because I think now he looks like a man instead of the ken doll look he had for years, the only problem is that fungus on his chin. Brad Pitt will always be Brad Pitt even now, I can't tell you how many people are still holding out hope that he will get back together with Jennifer which I wish she will just come out and say been there done that instead of refuting stupid rumors and not touching on the tabloids pathetic portrayal of her but then she was just waxing poetics on how great he is and how awful Angie is just a year ago.
I don't think Brad's lost it. Anyone growing old is going to be a shadow of their former selves in some way.
I don't agree with that view.
It is the responsibility of the people who make the vows and the commitments to respect their own relationships. If a married person doesn't respect his/her own relationship (by straying or other ways) then why should anyone?

Don't take one line or whatever from the whole of what I have said. I don't place blame solely on Angie or the third party. Of course I think people should respect their own relationships I just don't like it, from my perception, other people get involved in someones else relationships.
I think it´s also a matter of the images in people´s minds: Jennifer was Rachel on Friends, she´s "bubbly" and America´s sweetheart. Angelina is a dark character who used to cut herself, has tattoos, gave her brother a kiss on the lips, she´s like a shock to suburban american housewifes. Of course she´s to blamed, not Jennifer or Brad... for all we know Jennifer could be a b!tch behind closed doors...
I remember reading an Angie interview in Allure where she said that Brad wanted kids and Jennifer didn´t and that that was one of the main reasons for their breakup. I believe that. Jennifer seems more preocupied with her perfect hair than anything else, that´s what I get from her.
"A low Vera" or something equally insipid. Julia gets a pass because she's "america's sweetheart' : average looking, mainstream movies, a "down to earth" personality. More women identify with her because they think they can be her or at least her friend. Would they say the same about Angelina who's supposed to be gorgeous,

average looking? lol, yeah, that's not according to most people. Also, as far as down to earth goes, that might be true enough as I hear that Julia and Angie have had a common interest, hehe.
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if she had in fact waited to hear from him that his marriage was over for him, thats all she needs, dont you think?

Highs and lows happen, but when its over for you, its over.


If it's over you ask for divorce. Simply as. Most men when they have affairs say to their mistress their marriage is over, blah, blah, some women believe it because they are fools, others because it's convenient. If a man didn't start divorce proceedings, he's simply not fair game. I'm sure Angelina is no ingenue, marriages go through rough patches, people even separate to access the situation, but although a lot of things can be patched up, and affair is a catalyst. But the reality remains she didn't cheat on Jennifer, he did. He's been trying to whitewash the fact that he's a common cheater from day one.
^I know we've been down that road a thousand times, but unless you were hiding under their beds during the filming of Mr & Mrs Smith, how can you tell any cheating took part?
That would be an opinion, not a fact (I know some people consider falling in love 'emotional cheating' but I find it fairly ridiculous as, apart from Buddhist monks, nobody is master of themselves enough to control who they fall in love with).

I don't think anyone who believes what they both have said about their relationship (that they fell in love during the filming but only got together as a couple after Brad was separated) is in need of 'reality check' or naive.
Maybe given that there is no definite proof otherwise, some people are willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
I really don't care about whether she ruined Brad and Jennifer's relationship. It's none of my, or anyone else in this thread's, business.
Very true, that discussion is utterly pointless but you have to admit that the reactions these two provoke (and especially Angelina) is fascinating to watch from the sideline.
They would be a golden case for somebody doing Media Studies.
I think it´s also a matter of the images in people´s minds: Jennifer was Rachel on Friends, she´s "bubbly" and America´s sweetheart. Angelina is a dark character who used to cut herself, has tattoos, gave her brother a kiss on the lips, she´s like a shock to suburban american housewifes. Of course she´s to blamed, not Jennifer or Brad... for all we know Jennifer could be a b!tch behind closed doors...

GOOD point.

I remember reading an Angie interview in Allure where she said that Brad wanted kids and Jennifer didn´t and that that was one of the main reasons for their breakup. I believe that. Jennifer seems more preocupied with her perfect hair than anything else, that´s what I get from her.

Yes I heard this too. There was also something about their dead sex life for a number of years?!

If it's over you ask for divorce. Simply as. Most men when they have affairs say to their mistress their marriage is over, blah, blah, some women believe it because they are fools, others because it's convenient. If a man didn't start divorce proceedings, he's simply not fair game. I'm sure Angelina is no ingenue, marriages go through rough patches, people even separate to access the situation, but although a lot of things can be patched up, and affair is a catalyst. But the reality remains she didn't cheat on Jennifer, he did. He's been trying to whitewash the fact that he's a common cheater from day one.

Yes, you do. Maybe he had behind the scenes so to avoid creating a media scandal? We dont know and you know what, we never will. This has been hyped for so long with brad being such an a**hole, for letting angie take the blame competely. Jen, i have no words for aside from pathetic.. and perez hiltons famous 'manniston' - he hit the nail perfectly on the head right there.
anyway as I was saying, its been hyped for so long, that now its a worldwide debate, not just b/w us tFS-ers, but in general households or friends' discussions and yet everyone is stubbornly sticking to what they believe, so even if the truth did come out, people would say, oh its a rumour.. we know whats right (like hell u do)..

I just think after so many years down the line, they need to leave angelina ALONE. she and brad now have a family, kids etc and those little ones dont need to grow up with this drama.

If jen was as nice as she portrays herself to be, she would atleast think of the children and stop her drama.
Don't think Brad isn't vain like Jennifer for a second. I liked Angelina before Brad. Remember when she lived a quiet life in England.?? That farmhouse was gorgeous.

I find Julia Roberts aging fantastically. I actually find her more beautiful now than in her prime years and years ago.
^I know we've been down that road a thousand times, but unless you were hiding under their beds during the filming of Mr & Mrs Smith, how can you tell any cheating took part?
That would be an opinion, not a fact (I know some people consider falling in love 'emotional cheating' but I find it fairly ridiculous as, apart from Buddhist monks, nobody is master of themselves enough to control who they fall in love with).

Come on Harumi, we live in the XXI century anyone that thinks that when Angelina said that was the movie where their parents fell in love she was referring to the fact that even though he was married, they just fell in love and then waited patiently and chaste, for his marriage to end is indeed extremely naive. If my husband came up with that excuse i would simply laugh in his face. I still live in real world.:lol:

This is the same as saying that unless you see your husband actually having sex with another woman, the doubt always remain if he's having an affair or not if he denies it till the end. That is not at all how it works.
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^you're free to think whatever you want.
I'm not sure what the 21th century has to do with any of it. In the real world I live in people still manage to be decent.

But anyway, my opinion isn't more worthy than yours. I'm happy to agree to disagree. ;)
Oh it doesnt matter what century ur born into. There are scandals like this in all of them. Its just not been made into a huge things like this before. Not that I know of anyway.
I was reading the Vanity Fair on Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton and in comparison to them, Brangelina is so amateur and tame...
In the real world I live in people still manage to be decent.

But anyway, my opinion isn't more worthy than yours. I'm happy to agree to disagree. ;)

True. I think i'm a bit of a jaded old cynic.;)
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