Keeping Up With Lindsay #4 (please put all Lohan news here)

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i dunno, cus those are legal documents that might be needed for the authorities in court or when they stop her on street for legitimation? could be she'll go back to jail without them for not having them by her side?
^no idea, but what a "coincidence" that she left her purse with 10K AND alll her probation documents in a car:rolleyes: either she's really too stupid to function or it's all just another ploy to get people to care about her. i'm so sick of this girl
^ Or it was 'payment' of some sort to questionable people.... :unsure: That is an awful lot of cash for anyone 'normal' to carry around for no reason...
TMZ had a sound clip of her saying she was going to kill someone if this screwed up her probation and she even said something about her dad being pissed or something..

im too lazy to post it here but i did listen to it.
guess its a coincidence that the people with her recorded her talking about it :lol:
^ The bikini pics (not airbrushed) show much more of the real story than Playboy ever could...She is beginning to remind me of the one time trophy wives you see in Palm Beach, who twenty years ago were stunning and are parading their sagging charms around for all to see with that "See- don't you think I'm still hot?" attitude...:blink: Sad, especially considering how young Lindsay is and how stunning she really was just a few short years ago...
her choices never make sense to me! calling paparazzi right after the playboy shots come out showing her body the best its probably ever gonna look again and then showing everyone the real situation..
i'm sure i'm giving her way more credit than i should, but the choice of bikini cut for the beach photos makes me think she was yet again trying to channel marilyn and the george burris malibu beach series from 1962
...poor thing, so bad that this only ever happens to poor innocent lilo

Lindsay Lohan, who was scheduled to return from her hit-and-miss Hawaiian vacation today, missed her flight back to Los Angeles that would have had her back in town in time for a scheduled taping of The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

But more importantly, Lohan's due in court bright and early tomorrow. She doesn't need a passport to get back to the mainland, so what can the problem be—and will it keep her from her date with Judge Stephanie Sautner?!

"Lindsay had a travel-related issue arise that took a few hours to sort out," rep Steve Honig tells E! News. "It has been resolved and she will be back in Los Angeles in time for her court appearance."


A source also tells us that Lohan is already in the air and will be touching down at LAX in a few hours.

The community-servicing actress is due in court Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. for another checkup as to how she's been handling the terms of her probation.

Sautner ordered her to complete at least 12 days of work at the L.A. County morgue by her hearing date—and Lohan's done that, so we're not expecting too much tap-dancing on the part of Playboy's latest cover girl.

More from Gossip Cop:

Lindsay Lohan bailed on her scheduled “Ellen DeGeneres Show” taping on Tuesday.
Gossip Cop has learned the actress did NOT board her flight from Hawaii to Los Angeles.

“Not a call or an apology from Lindsay,” a show insider tells us.

The show, a contractually obligated promotional appearance for her Playboy cover, was scheduled two months ago.
via ontd
^ What percentage of her problems and conflicts the last few years have been caused by her simply not doing what she should? How sorry can you feel for someone who creates their own problems all the time? And who is ever going to hire her for any sort of film or TV work with this sort of (well deserved) reputation? :(
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The community-servicing actress...
Actress is a stretch ...
^ What percentage of her problems and conflicts the last few years have been caused by her simply not doing what she should? How sorry can you feel for someone who creates their own problems all the time?

Exactly!!! You go on vacation AFTER you`ve fulfilled your obligations & contracts - not in between!

Poor LiLo...her parents never tought her such "basics of life"...
Lindsay is back in LA! Before her court apperence!! Amazing, I hope nothing was stolen from her car when she was, like, in the concert...and stuff...:blink:

Lindsay Lohan is spotted leaving the Staples Center after seeing Jay-Z in concert, Los Angeles. Lindsay is due back in court early in the morning, for an update on her probation.


her face is so freaking bloated again...wonder what excuse she has this time. the dentist appointments are getting old:innocent:

from her court appearance today

^agree..Also in a pic you can see she's wearing nothing (not even a bra , as usual) underneath that thin cardigan..I mean..what's wrong with this girl?!? :blink:
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^even back in '07 she wasn't insurable?! i forgot how long this has been going on:shock: and she still acts like she's a star:rolleyes:
...and i need bleach, why did i click on those censored vagina pics?!:yuk::sick:
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