Chloe Paddington Bags (February 2005 - March 2010)

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iluvfashion said:
I live in Chicago and neither Nordstrom or Neiman's have paddingtons.
Even Saks never gets them in here.


That's interesting; with Chicago being such a large city.

Well, if you are interested in cream, whiskey, or grenat you can call the Park Meadows Nordstrom in Denver/Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
loganz said:
I knew it had grown to mass-market appeal when my Nordstroms recieved 3 paddys, 3 silverados, and 2 silverado totes. Furthermore, these bags have been sitting on the shelves for a few weeks. Keep in mind that my local Nordstrom is not an A store. My hubby asked me if seeing the bags there devalued the brand, I said no; but, it is definitely a forecast into the future.

Where is your local Nordstrom? I ask because I have been looking for another Silverado tote - thought this style was discontinued! The one with the open top - is that the one you saw?
iluvfashion said:
I live in Chicago and neither Nordstrom or Neiman's have paddingtons.
Even Saks never gets them in here.


My Whiskey Paddy was shipped from Chicago. I think they never make it onto the floor. The s/a's hold them out back and call potential customers.
roey said:
Where is your local Nordstrom? I ask because I have been looking for another Silverado tote - thought this style was discontinued! The one with the open top - is that the one you saw?

They have the tan, blue/teal, and black Silverados; you say open top? they have a zipper and side pockets, like a paddy; but, the zipper is all across, I suppose it can be left open. It is not like the Silverado Dr, which I have and has no side pockets, and a high-zip top.

The nordstom is at Park Meadows Mall; if you go to store locator on and for state look for Colorado and city Denver. You will see it.
I know that saks in chicago carries them -- I got my first one there. roey may be right that they never hit the floor because the waitlist is so long.

chloe has overproduced the paddington and a little too long because I think the popularity has peaked. and to think that someone told me when they first came out that these were limited edition bags -- ha! I will never ever believe that line again.
Nordstrom or Neiman's?

I know almost all SAs in Neimans..they ordered me other bags but when I asked them last time I was there a couple weeks ago they said they did not get any.

roey said:
My Whiskey Paddy was shipped from Chicago. I think they never make it onto the floor. The s/a's hold them out back and call potential customers.
:heart: smooshy leather! I'm so jealous, I want one. *prays someone will buy my old bags so I have $$*

I have another color question :blush: does anyone know the difference between blu clair and jeans moyen? They look the same to me in pictures, but I know they can be deceiving and I've never seen them in person. Is one more blue and the other has more grey undertones?
oh my crap.. littleliverbird, its beautiful -- like a little marshmallow nimbus fallen from the sky. love that colour!:flower:
I am in Love with mine. I keep touching it and openong it up! The leather is divine, It is EXACTLY how I wanted it. I got mine from NAP, and their customer service was, as always fantastic. :heart:

Can't wait to show it off!

Will post some more pics of it tommorow to hopefully capture the stunning colour better and clearer! :flower:
Hey guys. It seems like there are tons of medium paddy's available everywhere nowadays but do you guys know of any stores in the U.S (Nordstroms, Neiman's etc) that have the "mini" paddington in stock right now? I've pre-ordered the tan from NAP but wouldn't mind buying another color as well.

Nordstroms Valleyfair called me yesterday to inform me that they just received their new shipment of paddies, for any of you interested in medium ones.
chic_chick said:
WOW :woot: this is the exciting part! congratulations!!! may you and your paddy have many great moments together :flower:

Thank you chic_chick :blush: :flower:

I finally bought it today and It's here with me. The hardware is perfect and I love love love it!! :heart: It's gorgeous.

I have a question. The paddington colours are the same all seasons, or they change like Balenciagas ?
Neni -

S/S 2006 is the third main season of paddingtons, and each season they have come in different colours. Chloe do produce classic colours in each season but they differ slightly, ie there has always been a cream but with different undertones, ie yellow and pink.
congratulations litleliverbird! its lovely ahhh im so sad now =( stuipid bahrain is making a fuss how they cant claim the money on the money order ahhhhhhhhh but its a loevy bag! im glad you recived it =D
missbradshaw said:
Neni -

S/S 2006 is the third main season of paddingtons, and each season they have come in different colours. Chloe do produce classic colours in each season but they differ slightly, ie there has always been a cream but with different undertones, ie yellow and pink.

Thank you missbradshaw :flower:
iluvfashion said:
Nordstrom or Neiman's?

I know almost all SAs in Neimans..they ordered me other bags but when I asked them last time I was there a couple weeks ago they said they did not get any.

I was at the Oakbrook Neimans last weekend and they had the cream, new black, whiskey, and light blue paddies sitting on the shelves. I was quite surprised. It was nice to be able to see the colors IRL and to try them on. I was veeeeery tempted to buy another one.
shopdrop99 said:
I was at the Oakbrook Neimans last weekend and they had the cream, new black, whiskey, and light blue paddies sitting on the shelves. I was quite surprised. It was nice to be able to see the colors IRL and to try them on. I was veeeeery tempted to buy another one.

You're kidding, right? Sitting on the shelves??:woot:

Im talking about Chi, Michigan Ave. I live in downtown and I shop Neiman/Nordstrom/Saks downtown.

Last fall I ordered a paddy from Beverly Hills Saks but the color was all wrong. That is the closes I could get to a paddy via Saks.:blink:
Well there seems to be paddies available everywhere now but, in case anyone is desparately seeking a specific one and can't find it, I was in Saks Atlanta today and they had the paddy in tan, the new brown (not chocolate and not, IMO, reddish - just a nice med. brown - a good S/S brown) and the light blue which is really quite stunning IRL - it's sort of a silvery blue. They also had a cream paddy hobo and some silverados but I didn't take a good look at those (sorry). There were also some of the newer Chloe bags - nice, but didn't thrill me.
iluvfashion said:
You're kidding, right? Sitting on the shelves??:woot:

Im talking about Chi, Michigan Ave. I live in downtown and I shop Neiman/Nordstrom/Saks downtown.

Last fall I ordered a paddy from Beverly Hills Saks but the color was all wrong. That is the closes I could get to a paddy via Saks.:blink:

Yes, they were all just sitting on the shelves. I couldn't believe it myself. This was the first time I had ever seen any paddingtons in the store. They also had a couple of Fendi Spy bags sitting on the shelf.
I would call Oakbrook's Neimans to check and see if they still have them. It's worth taking a drive out there to see them IRL. Which color were you interested in?
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