Chloe Paddington Bags (February 2005 - March 2010)

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Your bags are gorgeous!! I must say that your pics are the best I've ever seen. I need your camera!!!
bijin - thank you and my husband is ready to commit me with my handbag obsession! But I think I am satisfied for a while now after this hobo :p

shopdrop99 -- if I get as addicted to Chloe as I did with B bags, I am in BIG trouble....

mercer -- congrats on your mini anthracite :)

Greendrv & kelsbags -- thank you so much and yep, it's definitely my camera I give credit too. The best I've ever owned; although Klow has an amazing camera as well and her pictures are always, always amazing!

-- $1,500 for the large and if you ever find the whiskey shoes (the mocs), let me know!
mammab, what kind of camera do you have? I got a new camera this past summer and since I know nothing about electronics I just asked for the best one, but it's really not that good :rolleyes:
Guessgirl96 said:
mammab, what kind of camera do you have? I got a new camera this past summer and since I know nothing about electronics I just asked for the best one, but it's really not that good :rolleyes:

guessgirl, there should be a control for macro which is for taking pictures close up. in my camera, which is a canon, i have the picture of a flower for macro. play with it and you'll be able to take great pictures.
which one did you get?
Guessgirl96 said:
mammab, what kind of camera do you have? I got a new camera this past summer and since I know nothing about electronics I just asked for the best one, but it's really not that good :rolleyes:

Okay, I am going to spill the beans here ... :lol: but it's the Canon Digital Rebel. DH got it for me as a gift when our little boy was born (about 2 years ago) and it came with all these instructions and even on-line tutorials but of course, I never had time to figure it all out (too busy with our little one and handbag obesseing I guess). I just point and shoot and that's the quality I get. Of course, I do turn the flash off and on and see how they turn out, but that's about it. I have heard that the Nikon is just as good if not better. I think it "looks" better b/c it's all black. Very cool looking camera.

Now, I need to PM Klow about her camera, b/c quite frankly, her pictures are the best!!
Yeah me - I bought it. The fake thread someone thought it was ok. I actually did too having owned a tan large hobo. VERY large - it was a travel bag and too heavy. Anyway I loved the leather but my poor shoulder just couldn't take it. That was a while ago. now

this one:


is mine!

love your rugs mammab :)
Oh cool, They just got some Paddy shoes here in Australia, im not sure about colours though, i only saw choc and ten. They are prolly more $$ too.
So I'm pining for a new paddy....I really like the whiskey but have a bag that is that color already. I think the tan would be nice, will chloe do new summer colors too or now do we have to wait until fall for new ones?

thanks for any info :flower:
Wow Mammab, your bags are beautiful! Great pics. I have a question and request for you. I have a paddington on order from LVR, but since seeing your hobo, I'm thinking I might change my order.
1) I prefer to hang my bags on my shoulder rather than on my arm or in my hands. I have 2 small children. Does the paddington fit over your shoulder, or do you find it strictly more of a "handbag"?
2) Please could you take pics of yourself wearing each of the bags? I would love to get a better idea of how they look.
3) Which bag do you find more comfortable to carry?
4) Is that the medium or large hobo? Does a medium even exist?

Thanks so much!

mammab said:
You guys are so nice, thank you :) Man, I just can't over how squishy this bag is. I'm in the middle of apple garding the heck out of it. It's drying now from the conditioner and next step is rain & stain. I really love their products. I used to use Kiwi's rain and stain protector, but after using AG's rain and stain, I notice that it has a conditioner in it which is really great!

Thank you so much again, I am really happy with my bag!! :heart:
mammab - Gorgeous bag love the leather on the hobo, beautiful picutures and beautiful house.
The very one I saw on auction. Reputable seller but wanted like 1589 or something. I see on the tag it says "shoulder bag" - so not a hobo? I bought a "hobo" but turned out to be gigantic travel type bag. So I think that one would have been the "large hobo" (like Leshent has up for auctions now) - or may have been even bigger than those.

mammab's hobo is the smallest I think. bag won't arrive today. how frustrating! it was "released" early in the evening yesterday and it's still not even in my state. I always thought that fed ex was much quicker than this!
fed ex GROUND is terrible as is UPS in my opinion. At least you can track it! I end up not being home when UPS delivers so back to the ship center it goes ack!!
Do any of you wonderful ladies have an opinion on the bag I just bought off eBay. When I sent the payment (MOSTLY credit card) it remains "unclaimed" eventhough the seller is verified (I just followed the pay buttons) and my address is confirmed.

Auction #6844567333
it came! it came! not 15 minutes after i got off the phone with fed ex (they had told me my bag was still in transit!) I got a knock at the door. there was my bag! who knows why their tracking was so behind- but i'm just so happy it's here!

it's lovely!!! the anthracite is very matte and just fine to carry for day (although this will mostly be an evening bag). the leather is fab and the lock works perfectly and because it's silver no worries about chipping or scratching. I'll try to post a pic as soon as i can find my husbands camera. yayayayayayay!

thanks to everyone for their help with this purchase! now i want more! :D
Mercer -- congrats on your new purchase! I'm so glad it finally came, phew!

klow-chloe', Nat-attak -- :winkiss:

-- congrats on your paddy. That is a really beautiful color and a great deal too. I am no expert but I think that "unclaimed" means she just hasn't accepted the credit card payment. Once she logs into paypal and she clicks on the link it will show up in your paypal account that its been accepted. That is my guess and I vaguley remember on one of my ebay transactions that this was the case with credit card payments. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

My hobo is actually the large. I'm sitting here with a tape measure and it measures.....14.5" long at the bottom (I am measuring from seam to seam here, no accounting for any slouchiness) and at the top of the bag, the width measures: 17". The depth of the bag is around 7.5" almost 8". The height is 10". I'll have to check and see what the bag is called on the Chloe cards but I have a strong feeling it is "Shoulder"

Sunspark -- The paddy does fit over my shoulder no problem but I find that with two handles sometimes one slips off so I have to adjust. No big deal, but it was a little annoying at times. I would say if you have 2 little ones, I would go for the hobo, only because it's easy to just throw over you shoulder and go. Although the paddy is beautiful as well. Ack, I know I am no help here! I can tell you, that the hobo is more comfy to carry IMO of course with having a little one and all. There also is a medium hobo, I think personalshoppers has one listed with the measurements (can't recall exactly). I will try and take some photos of myself with it. But I prefer the larger vs. the small since I am 5'7" and :heart: big bags. To me, this bag isn't too big or too small, but then again, it all depends on your height and what you prefer.
Thank you. I found the medium (?) hobo on ebay from Personalshopper and the measurements are 11x10x6 with a handle drop of 10. Hmmm, I'm only 5'2 but I like big bags. I guess I may go for the large too. I've contacted LVR and am waiting for their reply. Do you have the exact name or style number on the tag please? It may make ordering easier for me.
I would still love to see pics of you with it.

Cheers, Carolyn

mammab said:
My hobo is actually the large. I'm sitting here with a tape measure and it measures.....14.5" long at the bottom (I am measuring from seam to seam here, no accounting for any slouchiness) and at the top of the bag, the width measures: 17". The depth of the bag is around 7.5" almost 8". The height is 10". I'll have to check and see what the bag is called on the Chloe cards but I have a strong feeling it is "Shoulder"

Sunspark -- The paddy does fit over my shoulder no problem but I find that with two handles sometimes one slips off so I have to adjust. No big deal, but it was a little annoying at times. I would say if you have 2 little ones, I would go for the hobo, only because it's easy to just throw over you shoulder and go. Although the paddy is beautiful as well. Ack, I know I am no help here! I can tell you, that the hobo is more comfy to carry IMO of course with having a little one and all. There also is a medium hobo, I think personalshoppers has one listed with the measurements (can't recall exactly). I will try and take some photos of myself with it. But I prefer the larger vs. the small since I am 5'7" and :heart: big bags. To me, this bag isn't too big or too small, but then again, it all depends on your height and what you prefer.
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