Chloe Paddington Bags (February 2005 - March 2010)

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loganz said:
If I ever get another paddy it will be a mini - I love them. :heart:

Is it functional for you Fasion Junky?

Great bags. :flower:

Thanks :flower: It actually holds more than I expected, I've been using it daily for a few days and it has been quite functional. I tend to be attracted to smaller bags. It is especially nice for evening!
fashion_junky said:
Here is a pic of my new blue mini and my sable paddy (thank you to loganz for resizing the pics for me!)

:woot: the SABLE COLOR is simply gorgeous - I am officially in love with a paddington...

What is the probability of getting a sable color (some way or rather)? Was this color selling very well when it was out last season? Gosh i wished there were more people that posted their sable bag pics in TFS when they got them last season - I would have jumped on the "search for paddington" wagon right away... :cry:
too too cute. If I were to get 2 paddies theyd definately be a medium and a mini! Does anyone know what stock Chloe Bahrain has in?
^ I posted on the silverado on the other thread as a fake. I think that paddie is too. The hardware is to shiny.
nawth21 said:
too too cute. If I were to get 2 paddies theyd definately be a medium and a mini! Does anyone know what stock Chloe Bahrain has in?

The last I heard (sometime a week ago) they had mini's in whiskey, blue, chocolate, grey (the grey was priced slightly higher for some reason, must be a limited edition or something), and the metallic colours. I think the S.A said they had two of each at the time.I hadn't enquired about the medium paddy's but I'm sure they must have got those too in their new shipment.
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iheartcharms said:
thanks everyone. u were much more helpful than the Customer Service dept. at NM. :p

do you guys also know which season the TAN one is from? thanks again!!

A/W '05, I believe.
Paddinton shoes/boots

I know the paddinton style boots have been faked. What about the shoes, pumps, slingbacks, mocs? Have they been faked yet? I haven't seen them on ioffer yet.
Boyfriends response to paddy

So tonight, I just had my whiskey paddy sitting on the bed and my boyfriend walked in and saw it and said "I like this bag. I know your other bags (Balenciaga) has nice soft leather but I really like this one. It's got a nice design and the color reminds me of a basketball. I could see like an NBA player's wife carrying it."

Hehe, I thought that was so cute when he said that. I also couldn't stop laughing because that is a total train of thought of a guy but applied to a purse! :rofl:
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designme said:
So tonight, I just had my whiskey paddy sitting on the bed and my boyfriend walked in and saw it and said "I like this bag. I know your other bags (Balenciaga) has nice soft leather but I really like this one. It's got a nice design and the color reminds me of a basketball. I could see like an NBA player's wife carrying it."

Hehe, I thought that was so cute when he said that. I also couldn't stop laughing because that is a total train of thought of a guy but applied to a purse! :rofl:

Lol! Too cute :lol:
I saw 2 earlier season Paddys in stores Saturday and thought I'd post just in case anyone was looking for them. One was the Tan Bowler - I think it was from A/W 05 - in any event, it has the former season's leather and the color and leather on this particular bag was gorgeous - perfectly pebbled and squishy. (I don't know if anyone else has had the chance to compare the older season's Tans to this season's side-by-side, but I have...... and it's sad for anyone who wanted the Tan and has to get it now. Spring 05, Summer 05 and A/W 05 were all basic variations on the same color and leather texture in the Tan - very minimal difference - but the newer Tans for this season are awful! The color is flat - I don't know how else to describe it - kind of dead looking - doesn't have the rich undertone the previous season's did. It wasn't just one either - I had a chance to see a bunch of them when a new shipment had just arrived and they ALL looked fake to me - stiff and hard and washed-out. Luckily, it just seemed to be the Tan's though.........)

Anyway, the Tan Bowler was at NM in Fort Lauderdale, FL and there was an A/W 05 large Chocolate Brown hobo (the size mammab posted pics of in her Whisky) - this one is the older Chocolate Brown with the faint reddish undertones - at Saks in the same Galleria Mall. Neither store carries Chloe normally so no one would think to look for them there - they were both returns, but looked in nice condition. I haven't seen any of these older ones floating around out there recently in such good shape, so I thought I'd post just in case anyone was looking for them. SA at NM is Grace - SA at Saks is Stephen. (Sorry so long:))
Update on the tan bowler posted above. Yup, I called. And upon closer inspection, it has some scratches on the lock with silver showng through and a pen mark. I thought about asking for a discount but I doubt it would be substantial enough to warrant buying a bag with such defects. Obviously a return. Ah well, it wasn't meant to be...
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Roey covered this in her post above, but yep, I had to go back to NM today for something unrelated and had more time to check out the bowler in person. The lock was scratched on the underside of the loop and there was a little pen mark hiding under the lock on the top of the bag. Since I was in a hurry when I first saw it, I just concentrated on how pretty the leather was on this one - blinded by the squishiness of early Tan paddy leather, I guess.
i thought it was just me, but style101 pointed out something that I also noticed. I was at Intermix on broadway in NYC, and they had four new season paddys, two whisky and two in a dark cherry red/brown that i was unfamiliar with . all four bags seemed really stiff compared to my tan from last season. Not as nice for some reason. My paddy is soft and distressed. these new bags were sort of disappointing and stiff.

just my opinion.
toni22 said:
i thought it was just me, but style101 pointed out something that I also noticed. I was at Intermix on broadway in NYC, and they had four new season paddys, two whisky and two in a dark cherry red/brown that i was unfamiliar with . all four bags seemed really stiff compared to my tan from last season. Not as nice for some reason. My paddy is soft and distressed. these new bags were sort of disappointing and stiff.

just my opinion.

I know, it seems the first batch of 06 bags had better leather than the second batch. My whiiskey is from the very first 06 batch and is soft and slouchy. Style101 and I were discussing that maybe these newer batches that are out were made in a different factory, hence the stiffer leather. My new chocolate has the stiffer leather but after using it twice last week and wiping it down with baby wipes, it seems to have gotten a little softer. Still, it is nothing like my tan of last season, which is so soft, distressed and gorgeous. My AW05 chocolate is also very soft and vintage too.

I am keeping the new chocolate for awhile because it is different, but I really hope the newer batches are of the old style leather. Also, I mentioned in earlier posts that the lining of my new chocolate is a thicker canvas which adds to the stiffness of the leather.

The dark cherry red brown is chocolate, and it seems some 06 bags have more red than others. Mine is barely noticeable; it's very brown.
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