Chloe Paddington Bags (February 2005 - March 2010)

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nawth21 said:
I don't know, but thats the one I'm getting :heart:

well then there will be 2 of us.

I actually tried to sell mine on Ebay last week :blush: ; it's just a little dressier than my wardrobe. However, it is brand new not used so I wanted retail for it; no one bit, so, I will keep it in its dustbag and take it out to photograph it - It photographs amazing well; this is one of my favorite photos:


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loganz said:
well then there will be 2 of us.

I actually tried to sell mine on Ebay last week :blush: ; it's just a little dressier than my wardrobe. However, it is brand new not used so I wanted retail for it; no one bit, so, I will keep it in its dustbag and take it out to photograph it - It photographs amazing well; this is one of my favorite photos:

Quite the looker, what does it look in natural light?
nawth21 said:
Quite the looker, what does it look in natural light?

Just like that - that is natural light - no flash.

In direct sun it almost has a purplish hue.

It is on my Stainless steel dining table; that is the glow from underneath the bag; the picture however, is as true as you are going to see for what it really looks like.
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designme said:
So tonight, I just had my whiskey paddy sitting on the bed and my boyfriend walked in and saw it and said "I like this bag. I know your other bags (Balenciaga) has nice soft leather but I really like this one. It's got a nice design and the color reminds me of a basketball. I could see like an NBA player's wife carrying it."

Hehe, I thought that was so cute when he said that. I also couldn't stop laughing because that is a total train of thought of a guy but applied to a purse! :rofl:

:woot: sounds to me like that's a hint or something.. does he play basketball (+ NBA wife comment) ??? so cute! ^_^ :flower:
HYZE said:
roey - yeah it's noir. As you can see it's more grey than black!

I do love the choc hobo, (i think you might be right about the size, when i read the dimensions on NM their's is bigger.) it's more that i don't have the money right now!:cry:

:woot: i love the noir.. is it available this season?? or am i too late?? :cry: the colour's so nice.. it looks dark blue in the pic.. is it?

hyze - sorry to hear u've to part with the hobo :(
asl_bebes said:
congrats mTaz on your tan mini paddie! do you know what other colors in the mini paddie Bahrain has?

The last I checked (last week) they had whiskey, chocolate, blue, grey and the metallics (two of each).
madmax said:
mTaz said:
I just got my tan mini paddington from Bahrain!!! It is **gorgeous!!* Just gorgeous!!:heart: :heart: :heart: :D It's slouchy, and distressed and just plain perfection. This is my first paddy and I've honestly never had a bag this beautiful.:D :heart: :heart:
I'm so excited!!! It's my first paddy!!!:bounce: :clap: :stuart: :heart:

mTaz please, please post pics! :D If possible post one showing you holding it. I love the Paddy's but they are HUGE and I'm small - plus I had to lug around a big heavy bag. Thanks :flower:

Madmax...I had the *same* problem...i loved the medium paddy's but they were huge on me...completely overshadowed me (I'm really tiny too).I was thrilled when I realized they had the baby sizes available. The proportions of the baby is just perfect for a petite person...its a gorgeous, gorgeous bag. I'm sure it'll suit you really well. I'll try to post pics as soon as possible.:D
bijin said:
mTaz, congrats! that was pretty quick!
am still waiting for Bahrain to reply.

Bijin, you've got to call them at least once - it'll take them forever to reply to your email . By then, they may be sold out on their stock!
mTaz said:
400BD which translates to a little over $1000USD.

ok, i'll call. have to figure out time difference.
am not familiar with the prize of the mini-how much did you save buying from bahrain?
Chic-Chick. The noir is an '06 colour so you should still be able to get it if your quick! I know it's already sold out in stores near me. It's a lovely steely Blue-grey, and it's so lovely with most colours!
sorry for the double post.

Chic CHick, they actually have the noir on Net-a-porter right now. It's listed as dark gray, and their pics are wrong cuz they look really dark, but in real life it's like my pic! I was surprised at first cuz it's so different, but i love it. let me know if you go for it! :lol:
Guessgirl96 said:
They dont usually have all of the bags on the chloe site, and NAP rarley has all of the styles/colors in as well. It definaltey excists, it's just not as popular as the sachel so not as many places carry it :)

got you, thanks.
now you 've got your camera figured out, do you want to post some pics of your babies? we do need more pictures of everyone's bags! i never tire of seeing people's bags.B)
Has anyone seen any paddy's lately at nordstrom? I have called and know they have them, but keep getting transfererred all over the place. I am mostly considering whisky.
Nordstrom Park Meadows in Denver, CO has paddys.

When I was there last wknd they had the jeans moyen, cream, and chocolate. They seem to get new inventory fairly consistently do a store search on and give them a call.
Nordstrom in Tysons, VA also had a couple of chocolate Paddys when I called earlier this week. It appears all most stores have left is chocolate and cream. The whiskey sold out quickly but a good s/a might be able to search for one if she wants the commission badly enough. :)
What do you girls think the odds are of my finding a sable/pink Paddy? I know they were from last season and all...I have my first season Paddy in tan possibly sold but am hesitating as I don't want to end up with nothing. I am not too keen on the structured leather on my first season so I wanted to see if I could get something different, but I *really* want the sable. What should I do?!? I am taking a loss on the Paddy sale, about $300 or so. But I could use the $ and hold it towards another Paddy should I be able to find one I guess? :blink:
Paging Style101, paging Style 101!

The NM Boston store had one Noir Paddington left! Because you pushed the color and HYZE posted that lovely photo, I just purchased it. It is being delivered on Friday or Monday so watch for my post and pics here upon its arrival. This will determine whether I return my new chocolate satchel to Nordstrom and keep the Noir, or return the Noir and keep the chocolate. :)
Has anyone had problems ordering from LVR? Tried to preorder yesterday, authorization failed :cry: Bank called, wanting to make sure it was me. Said they lifted the 'hold' and it should go through. If it doesnt, the merchant may have to manually authorize it? So confused. Anyways, tried again today and nope..auth. failed. Anyone else go through this? Would it be on LVRs end or the sellit site that the payment goes through? dang it all :cry:
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