Chloe Paddington Bags (February 2005 - March 2010)

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^You're absolutely right PrincessImp compared to the Derek Lam bags the Paddy is a lightweight :lol: I am going to wear it tomorrow again, its such a nice bag I hate to see it sitting on my shelf.
^^ They are. The Paddington is a classic indeed. :flower: They go with everything too! :)
I'm thinking about wearing mine out today. I used to do it much more often I have to admit but I still really like it though.
I haven't worn mine in ages. It's just sitting in its dust bag all forlorn. Must root it out. There are still loads of people wearing the knock off paddies out there aren't there? Shows it's still a must have though I suppose, imitation and flattery being what they are.
Speaking of knock off paddies - a girl in my office has just bought one for £40. It's horrible, even if you didn't know what the real thing looks like. Cheap looking pleather. Everyone else in the office was ooing and ahhing all over it. Someone in the office was going on about what was the point of laying out loads of cash for the real thing, people only did it to look good. I was like 'well in that case, if you don't buy into the whole fashion image thing why bother buying the knock off?'. I'm a little annoyed right now to say the least.
All this talk about Paddys is making me want my sable one again. I miss it SOOO much and will probably never find it again :cry:
Pixie, what happened to your sable one? Did you sell it? It's such a rare color.
Oh no. Even though I don't wear my paddy nearly as much as I used to I could never sell it. I still like it and especially the smooth soft leather and smell of it. Fakes just can't compare. By the way, I do see more people around here where I live wearing (fake) paddies than any other bag so I guess it has become some kind of classic by now.
I love my paddy to bits! It's just such a functional and good looking way to carry stuff about so I don't spoil the line of my pockets by having stuff in them.
What is this about? (I have borrowed this story from another site)

Oxfam must have some v rich donors who just get bored with very good items. I have bought umpteen BNWT shirts, jeans, bags, etc form them but this one takes the biscuit!!!!!!

Who would donate this? and anyone gonne get it? 37515

I'm not sure if it is authentic as the leather seems to be too smooth and the lock and hardware too shiny.
I am still lusting over the metallic paddingtons.. to get or not to get.. hmm. *plucks petals* lol
I couldn't resist smiling when I saw this online.
It's just so cute...I'll definitely get this if I have a red/black/tan paddy!

That paddington keychain is unnecessary, overpriced and absolutely adorable! :blush:

Perfect as a gift for my girlfriend who lusts after a Paddington, but cannot afford one.
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