Elite Model Look 2012

I'm okay with Marilhéa, she is cute and good looking, maybe too typical for me. I prefer Trinidad, she is stunning, extraordinary girl...
I'm in a real confuse lol. There are tweets & chats in the shoutbox saying Marilhea is the winner. Which one is correct?
My mistake! Congrats Marilhea from France! The winner of Elite Model Look 2012! :clap:
2nd- Chile, 3rd- Switzerland & Romania :clap:
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So Marilhea is the real winner? Congrats! :woot: That's quite a bit anti-climatic as i would have thought & actually preferred Manuela to win the competition. Oh well i'm alright with Marilhea too though ^_^ I just don't get why they show more the pics of Manuela smiling at the end. That's misleading :lol:
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^ I know right? It was very misleading :lol: Seems like nowfashion likes Manuela than Marilhea ;) Poland is also in the top 15 :flower:
Nowfashion's showing their favoritism! Kidding :p All in all i'm just excited to see how these girls gonna perform in the real modelling field. Yeah this year's batch is not that bad. They are all the winners after all ^_^
Romania is 2nd place (tied with Chile) not 3rd ;) My bad :flower:

weibo- elite model look china
Nooooo.... I prefer the other brazilian girl, how is that possible? Cathrine is more stunning with better potentional!

And I'm missing Elena from Lithuania there... very sad about that :'(

I agree with you :flower: Elena should've made it as well as Amparo (Spain) & Carson (USA).
8 of the Top 15 are 14 years old :ninja: It's nice to see Cape Verde & Dominican Republic though :wub: For the 1st time in years, Czech Rep, Sweden & USA didn't place in the top 15

weibo- elite model look china
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Very happy for Marilhéa - she's the best thing to come out of Elite Model Look in a long time.
I think she's the safe/boring pick - but the winners always are.
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so France won, second Chile and 3rd Romania and Switzerland :)

so happy for them, my favorite was obviously Manuela and Trinidad, but Im happy another chilean girl got the second place, after Josefina Cisternas and Renata Ruiz.
I see Marilhéa more for VS/SI type things and the one among the winners with real potential is Manuela IMO.

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