I Love Blind Items ! #6 *Absolutely no drug or weight blind items and talk allowed*

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^Yeah, I remember that investigation. Anyway, sometimes his blinds end up being true, just like some (or maybe most) don't, so I'll keep my usual approach to BIs - I never take them at face value.
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When Duana got married in July we all got together to surprise her and produce a video of us, her friends, re-enacting her favourite scene from Sister Act 2. When this celebrity couple got married, a few members of their friends and family produced a video too, intending to play it at the wedding. They took to the streets, interviewing homeless people and various other citizens who can barely afford pasta let alone a vacation, to express how sorry they were not to be able to make it to the wedding and offer their well wishes.

This was supposed to be... funny?

Again, let’s stress that the two famous people involved here did not conceive of this idea. And I don’t know yet if it was actually broadcast at the event. Hopefully their family and friends realised it was a dick move at best, and profoundly offensive and disgusting overall. Hopefully they realised they were being *******s, walking around making fun of those who are suffering and hungry. Hopefully they buried it and made a contribution for good, in honour of the happy couple, instead of using the homeless to entertain, while everyone else sipped champagne and ate olives. Hopefully.

Because who needs friends like that? Who needs family like that? Do you believe that the people you spend time with you reflect who you are? And if so, what does that say about these two stars?

Source: http://www.laineygossip.com/Articles/Details/24963/The-Worst-Wedding-Gift-Ever-blind-riddle

Popular guesses are Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel (the "olives" clue could be their italian wedding) or David Cross & Amber Tamblyn (it's the kind of thing "edgy" comedian friends would do).
And btw, I've only seen BIs from CDAN turn out to be true when he writes about things retroactively (a scandal breaks, and then he writes a very obvious riddle after it with "details" to make himself seem knowlegdeable) or when he picks up rumors started by other sites. I haven't once seen him break a scoop.
Maybe we should ban all CDAN blind items from this thread, or we could all just accept that probably 90% of all the BIs posted from other sources are just as cooked up as those. This whole discussion is starting to sound a bit too self-righteous to me, not to say hypocritical. I mean, we're not discussing Nobel prize winners over here - it's harmless celebrity gossip, the kind we could buy on local newsstands or choose to read for free on the internet instead. We're all in the same boat, people. Pot, kettle, black. ;)
^ :lol: so true.

I definitely think the "pasta" "vacation" and "olives" are a reference to Biel/Timberlake destination wedding.


Guessing Kim/Kanye for first and Miranda/Orlando for second

What makes you think the second is Miranda/Orlando? Are there any rumors of her having an affair?

It says she hadn't seen her child in a very long time but there are Pictures of Miranda and Flynn earlier this month.
And I never got the impression that she "has never been a big fan of her child".

And I wouldn't call Orlando an A list actor. He didn't have any big success since "Pirates".

Not that I would have a better guess. I can't even think of any other famous Model-Movie-Actor-Couple with a child.
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Maybe we should ban all CDAN blind items from this thread, or we could all just accept that probably 90% of all the BIs posted from other sources are just as cooked up as those. This whole discussion is starting to sound a bit too self-righteous to me, not to say hypocritical. I mean, we're not discussing Nobel prize winners over here - it's harmless celebrity gossip, the kind we could buy on local newsstands or choose to read for free on the internet instead. We're all in the same boat, people. Pot, kettle, black. ;)

I'll wrap it up here, and just say we'll agree to disagree - imo, even in the unreliable business of gossip, I think his stuff is on a different level, both in content and in level of plausibility.

And yeah, I was leaning on Timberlake for that one as well.
Source: http://www.laineygossip.com/Articles/Details/24963/The-Worst-Wedding-Gift-Ever-blind-riddle

Popular guesses are Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel (the "olives" clue could be their italian wedding) or David Cross & Amber Tamblyn (it's the kind of thing "edgy" comedian friends would do).

I feel like Lainey basically confirmed the wedding blind is Justin and Jessica:

Pretty sure when it comes to low classy, JT has some other friends who could take it a lot lower.

Not that I'm shocked -- they're douchebags, they hang out with such, makes sense.
This video is just so distasteful and it's sad that they actually are friends with people who thought this is funny (and perhaps the newly married couple thought it was funny too). Who a person is friends with can say a lot about them.
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What makes you think the second is Miranda/Orlando?

might be other couples but it does make me think of Miranda, especially after her latest interview with Ellen where she said she is very likely not to have another child because she childbirth was hell (she is tiny, her kid is huge, she did not take the epidural and it took more than a day...).
Adding to that that most picture of Flynn are with his dad and we see them more often separated than together....
who knows...

For the Timberlake/Biel video, that is so shameful. I am not even sure how those friends could have find this funny...
Vile. I am legitimately revolted by that video. It's times like this that make me really hate humanity.
This foreign born actress who is probably a B- list all movie actress has A list name recognition and a huge following and legions of male admirers. She is moving back to the US which is causing her boyfriend all kinds of trauma. He had been counting down the days until his girlfriend left town after her current movie finishes filming. He has grown tired of her always thinking she is smarter than him and correcting his grammar and table manners and why this is wrong and that is wrong. He also told a friend of his that once you get over the fact that you are having sex with_______, that it is really boring and very plain. He had been seeing someone else when she was out of the country before and was really looking forward to being back with her, but just didn't want to be the bad guy and be the guy who broke up. The actress is talking about moving in and all he can think about is moving far away.
^A-list name recognition but hardly above B as an actress
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