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.She’s married and they have a child. And these days she’s much more visible -- all over -- than he is. There have been rumours, since they seem to be apart so often, that their relationship has been unstable. Though they’ve recently been seen together, and appear to be happy, he might not feel so secure if he were to find out who she’s sleeping with behind his back, and so indiscriminately.
My sources confirm that there was a boy, a very young, very famous, pop boy with his own fragile love situation who she f-cked for sh-ts and giggles. Just 2 nights later, it was another very famous former pop boy (of sorts) 20 years older who, obviously, specifically targets her small demographic. One night only. Those would be her more famous indiscretions. But they say she’s been cheating all over the place and all the time
But is Leo a 'pop' boy? Do they mean popularity or music pop? The Kerr rumours I have heard before though (so many of them), she doesn't seem like a very nice person based on all this, funny because she looks so angelic! But then that's what makes you think that maybe it's true!
The assumption: that in any discussion about marriage and babies, she’s the one who wants it and would have his immediately if only he’d ask. But he’s the one who wants, or at least is leaning more towards having kids, than she is. HE is the one who wants to start a family with HER. She’s resistant because of concerns about her past health, worried about what that would mean for both her, and her future children. He’s not pressing but they’ve been seeing specialists together, looking into different options, hoping to perhaps be parents within two years, even though no one seems to (want to) believe they can make it that long.
Jen Aniston and her fiancé?
I know there were rumors of kerr and dicaprio, but haden't heard anything about her and beiber!
^I saw that above interview and yeah she was flirting and batting her eyes. :x Sickening how hard she was trying. I noticed lately they aren't wearing their wedding rings either.
Jen Aniston and her fiancé?