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Looks like Inferno could be out in January. What a way to begin 2011. Nobody wants to work with her now. Who is going to want to work with her after this?!
radaronline.comWilder told “Lindsay is happy and I have been sending her some films starring several ["]actors["] that we would like to cast alongside her in our movie.
“She just received them so we are still waiting for her feedback but we really want her to be part of the whole experience even although she is not physically here in Los Angeles,” he added.
“Lindsay told me that she is working to get a work pass so that she can get out and meet us to discuss the project. Obviously, she would probably need some kind of monitor and I think that she feels cooped up sometimes which is understandable.”
Despite the ongoing struggles, Wilder says the actress “seems to be doing well” and is still “excited about Inferno.”
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