LANVIN LOVE: Every sale of Lanvin (heart) H&M, bowing on Nov. 20, will be crowned with a signature garment bag decorated with paintings by Lanvin designer Alber Elbaz. Shoe and jewelry boxes are also decorated with his illustrations. The collection has the highest number of high-priced items of any previous launch due to the preponderance of dresses priced from $199 to $249. The most expensive item in the line is a coat with jeweled buttons and a fake fur collar. For the first time, H&M is opening all of its U.S. stores at 8 a.m. the day of the launch, rather than the usual 10 a.m. due to perceived pent-up demand for the collection. “We’ve been getting such great response,” a spokeswoman said. “Madonna and J.Lo have [already] asked for pieces from the collection, but we’re not lending out clothes until the runway show on Nov. 18.”