This is the same woman that made a whole spectacle about the fact that she was "bullied" by her fellow models who actually have to support themselves through their modelingwork and expects special treatment where ever she goes. She is all about herself and the $$$$$.She has all the money in the world to heal and recover .

So having to support yourself justifies bullying? Could you clarify your point?
Oh cry me a river. One of the daughters of one of the most powerful and rich families in the United States, who is also a reality TV show star and model is suddenly suffering from anxiety.

I'll feel pity for her the day she steps out of that s***storm of a dysfunctional family. She signed for this, if she really wanted to be healthy she would never take part in that circus of a TV show. She could be just a model. Sorry, but I can't with this privileged crying attitude of hers.

(I wonder if there are rumours regarding Kaia's health... she doesn't look good without make-up, she looks sick)

Personally I don't blame 11 year olds for not rejecting the lifestyle of their family.
She is all about herself and the $$$$$.She has all the money in the world to heal and recover .

You can't just buy yourself new mental health.

I hope Kendall can get better and take the time for herself out of the limelight. I'm not surprised she would skip fashion month, can you imagine how she would be hounded by the press now that Kylie has emerged from her 9 month cocoon and had her baby? Or about Kim's surrogate or Khloe's pregnancy?
Mental health, anxiety, depression are all things that affect everyone regardless of wealth. I don't doubt Kendall does suffer from a lot of mental health problems due to the way she has been raised in the limelight. Her childhood and upbringing is so beyond abnormal and her critics, paparazzi, rivals, etc probably hassle more than any other model. I'd be anxious and suffering too if I had to live like her.

HOWEVER, the way she and her family manage her mental health is another issue. If the Kardashians (namely Kris) really wanted to assist in Kendall's mental health they'd put away the cameras and the promotions and the limelight and lay low. You'd try to remove the triggers that cause the anxiety but in this case it feels like their exploiting those triggers which probably feeds into the cycle.
All the people on here posting about "once she leaves that family"... are you even hearing yourselves? Like she can just trade her family for another one or something? Give your head a shake, people.

You might not approve of the Kardashians (lord knows I'm no fan, myself), but this is her FAMILY. Her mother and her sisters. Imagine if you had anxiety issues and felt like the world's eyes were on you and judging you. Where would be the only place you'd feel safe? Most people would probably say their family. People who've known you forever and who lift you up and cherish you unconditionally.

Now imagine that your family is the Kardashians. And there is no "safe space" because everything is broadcast for the world, and paparazzi are following every single one of your closest relatives moves. And everyone is in the business of self-promotion and monetization of personal stories. Where is she supposed to go? To whom should she seek to get away from it all? What good is her fame and fortune in this circumstance?

It would be an absolute NIGHTMARE, as far as I'm concerned.
Mental health, anxiety, depression are all things that affect everyone regardless of wealth. I don't doubt Kendall does suffer from a lot of mental health problems due to the way she has been raised in the limelight. Her childhood and upbringing is so beyond abnormal and her critics, paparazzi, rivals, etc probably hassle more than any other model. I'd be anxious and suffering too if I had to live like her.

HOWEVER, the way she and her family manage her mental health is another issue. If the Kardashians (namely Kris) really wanted to assist in Kendall's mental health they'd put away the cameras and the promotions and the limelight and lay low. You'd try to remove the triggers that cause the anxiety but in this case it feels like their exploiting those triggers which probably feeds into the cycle.

Absolutely agree with everything you said here! It's all fair and well to shout at the ones (including myself) side-eyeing this 'panic attack' claim, but we are talking about the Kardashians here. One of the sisters got mugged at gunpoint, half-naked, in her hotel room! And that entire, personal and intensely traumatic experience was exploited on television for superficial means. Let THAT sink in. It's not easy to sympathise with these people.
There's always something with Kendall. This is the same model who skipped shows due to 'exhaustion' while living it up in LA while doing as much as an ounce compared to her peers.

Also, it is possible to remove yourself from a toxic family, the story is as old as the hills! Kendall is not trapped. She's got a choice, we all do. It's been done times over by kids who've been abused, families who fell out over boyfriends and the like. Exploitation imo is also abuse. She's a consenting adult, and if she's not able to spot toxic people withing such an intimate proximity, then I see way more stumbling blocks ahead.
I think 101 of navigating a society with the Kardashians is knowing that any sign of celebrity decline is the perfect opportunity to magnify and rampantly exploit any sellable element they experiment until it snowballs and becomes a topic that is accessible and worth discussing among the general public for how extremely just-like-us or nothing-like-us it is, and just like that, a decline is actually rising and prolonging your celebrity. As her modeling career has taken a dive, the topic of mental health in a typically Kardashian/parody format (treating your anxiety with 3 cameramen on your face filming for the world how you take alternative treatments in a specialized facility) surfaces every February and September at this point.

But yeah, I actually do believe that spending your formative years with this type of attention, criticism and buffoonery touch to what most of us protect from strangers and what protects us from strangers too (family environment) must have some severe effects, you totally see this in Kylie and her self-esteem so I assume it must manifest in some way with her sister. It's actually sad that adults as they are, they can't go the Kanye route and refrain from participating any longer in that circus.
Absolutely agree with everything you said here! It's all fair and well to shout at the ones (including myself) side-eyeing this 'panic attack' claim, but we are talking about the Kardashians here. One of the sisters got mugged at gunpoint, half-naked, in her hotel room! And that entire, personal and intensely traumatic experience was exploited on television for superficial means. Let THAT sink in. It's not easy to sympathise with these people.
There's always something with Kendall. This is the same model who skipped shows due to 'exhaustion' while living it up in LA while doing as much as an ounce compared to her peers.

Also, it is possible to remove yourself from a toxic family, the story is as old as the hills! Kendall is not trapped. She's got a choice, we all do. It's been done times over by kids who've been abused, families who fell out over boyfriends and the like. Exploitation imo is also abuse. She's a consenting adult, and if she's not able to spot toxic people withing such an intimate proximity, then I see way more stumbling blocks ahead.

This. :flower:

To not sympathize with her case doesn't mean I don't symphatize with anxiety (I myself suffered from depression for a long time, that led to alchool abuse that now translates in panic attacks and anxiety). If she really wanted to get better she would leave it all behind and go to "rehab" (not sure how to say in English when you just leave everything behind to solve a mental issue). It is not a hard thing to do for a few months when you have severe mental issues and your health is at stake (trust me, it's been 5 years for me). That is what doctors advise, to do a detox from your triggers.

She has the money and the power to leave everything. If she doesn't do it, it "must" be because she wants/needs the exposure. And that can be a mental issue in itself. I remember a few members of famous families that refused the celebrity status. Isn't her brother that went off the TV show? Just take an hiatus from everything (including the show). Go away. Travel. Hide somewhere. Live a little.
Sorry, I am new here so I apologize if I am breaking any rules with this post (although I read the "read before posting" info I may not know some of the nuances). Please let me know if I have made a mistake so I can fix it.

I worked on a shoot with Gigi Hadid. She was polite/not bratty (unlike Kendall, who my boss's colleagues said was "the worst" and a huge brat) but I thought it was interesting to hear her complaining about her sister Bella. She was talking to her manager and nail artist saying something to the effect of, "It's so annoying that Bella is always copying me. Like I did Versace and then she did Versace accessories, then I did Victoria's Secret and now she's doing it too."

This happened a while ago, so when I heard that Gigi wasn't going to the VS Fashion Show in Shanghai, I thought that she must be soooo angry and jealous that she had to drop out because of a snapchat video that Bella posted! The sibling rivalry is real.
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Yup Sisters will be sisters. You see this alot with celebrities siblings where one takes off and finds themselves carrying their siblings along the way.Gigi takes it more seriously than Bella .
I agree, Gigi works really hard and is a consummate professional. Bella is more of a party girl, but I think she's starting to eclipse Gigi even though Gigi works harder than she does. It can't be easy being the older sister and watching your younger sibling become more successful/famous than you are when you paved the way. I heard that Bella didn't have to face as much of the bullying Gigi did when she first started out, since by that time the celebrity kid model trend had already taken off, in part thanks to Gigi.

In regards to Kendall, I have been told by several people who have met her or have worked with her that she is very rude. I can empathize with her anxiety, as I suffer from it too, but that's no reason to be rude to people, ESPECIALLY people you are working with, even if they are working "under" you (e.g. as an assistant stylist or whatever) Take the time you need off work, but when you do show up have a good attitude because those people actually had to grind to get to where they are. It's just called being professional.
What does she do that makes her "rude"? because if she has anxiety she could be very introvert and people sometimes take that as being rude (because you´re not chatty)...
Have worked with Kendall, she is not nice, Bella + Gigi are super kind, and they seem to love the industry etc. I think this is old news.
I must say that I instantly took to Bella when she started. She had way more presence with her modelling, and her features are more modelesque than Kendall and Gigi's. But lately she's gone right off. I'd say it's after she split up with the Starboy. There's a lot of try coming from her, and of course that cringey Hypebeast sneaker video, so... not much of a fan anymore.

Gigi always seem very desperate. The way she interacts with fashion professionals, her excitement for each and every little job. It'd downright off-putting at times in an annoying Tracy Flick kind of way. Like me, book me! Ugh.
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Have worked with Kendall, she is not nice, Bella + Gigi are super kind, and they seem to love the industry etc. I think this is old news.

Ok, but what does she do to come across the way she does? Does she not talk at all, or yell at people, or is it some diva-ish Maria-Carey-like behavior? I think that's what kokobombon was getting at, can you clarify?
This the first time I have heard Kendall being rude on set. She is very quiet, usually on her phone and follows directions.
I have been on set with these girls as well and been around them in parties/events.

Gigi is more soft spoken and you get the sense that she's really shy, so she comes across as very sweet, which no doubt, I think she is.

Kendall came across as more guarded and I think just growing up in the environment she was raised in has a lot to do with it. She's not very chatty or overly "nice," but she was in no way rude, in my experience.

I've seen models get branded rude or not nice for any number of simple things, like not taking pics with fans, especially if they're running late to another appointment, or not chatting, joking around etc...
I've seen models get branded rude or not nice for any number of simple things, like not taking pics with fans, especially if they're running late to another appointment, or not chatting, joking around etc...
It also creates headlines and draws web traffic to blogs and sites that prey on people's curiosity about celebrities. I am cautious when I hear these stories because I question any potential motives behind the tales. Unless it's Snejana or anybody else who do it to themselves LOL.
I wish I could share specifics but it happened to a friend of mine (who I trust absolutely) and I don’t want her to get into trouble if anyone recognizes the story here. Generally speaking, it was a temper tantrum that made a girl cry. I get that we all have bad days but I’ve never made someone cry when I have a bad day.

I have other stories but I can’t verify the sources, so I won’t share them. With that being said, I apologize for generalizing from one incident; I should have taken into consideration the fact that I couldn’t know if the other things I’ve heard about her are true.
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