^ She mentioned this in an interview I read recently. Apparently it's not quite as easy as it looks ... (To many people. I know it would be extremely difficult for me to be in the public eye.)
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Kendall pretty much ended her fashion career this season so it seems. Not only did she not walk her regular shows but even brands she was the face of their spring campaigns she failed to show up (Missoni, Tods). I understand anxiety and mental health can take its toll... but I have a feeling there is more to this story and her mother should get her the proper help.
i don't believe it. i think it's more likely that her mother demands a lot of money that brands don't want / need to pay because kaia and the hadids are as much of a draw as her !
i don't believe it. i think it's more likely that her mother demands a lot of money that brands don't want / need to pay because kaia and the hadids are as much of a draw as her !
Except her mother does not manage her modeling bookings... her agent via TheSociety does. She appears very unprofessional though just as her career was recovering from Pepsi.
I think she decided to skip fashion week because of her anxiety and the backlash she got for wearing a fur coat at Dsquared2’s mens show last month. I can’t imagine being her, she gets a lot of backlash for doing her job and also gets called spoiled for taking time off.
I think she decided to skip fashion week because of her anxiety and the backlash she got for wearing a fur coat at Dsquared2’s mens show last month. I can’t imagine being her, she gets a lot of backlash for doing her job and also gets called spoiled for taking time off.

Yeah her life is super hard, such problems. Even if we haven't seen it yet, I am sure she has a brain in there somewhere that she can use when she is working so that she doesn't get so much backlash.
Oh cry me a river. One of the daughters of one of the most powerful and rich families in the United States, who is also a reality TV show star and model is suddenly suffering from anxiety.

I'll feel pity for her the day she steps out of that s***storm of a dysfunctional family. She signed for this, if she really wanted to be healthy she would never take part in that circus of a TV show. She could be just a model. Sorry, but I can't with this privileged crying attitude of hers.

(I wonder if there are rumours regarding Kaia's health... she doesn't look good without make-up, she looks sick)
She's a human being after all with family ties and with feelings. And those don't simply go away when you're privileged. I don't watch the Kardashians, never have never will, I don't know about her personality (and I am not a fan) but with all the backlash she is getting no matter what she does (and let's be real, she's getting backlash for things a model like Luna or Vittoria would never ever get it for - like wearing fur in a runway show or posing as a ballerina in an editorial) I get why this can be affecting her mental health. If that is the case I wish her all the best and I wish her that she may get the time to heal - just as model favourite Rianne has gotten it.
^ Thanks for being the voice of reason.

I have sat next to someone having a panic attack and experienced it with them, and it was NOT pleasant. She's absolutely doing the right thing to take care of herself first.

I know someone who worked all this overtime, bent over backwards for her clients, got special awards, and after some years of that, stopped working and moved in with her parents. (God save me from that fate!) I assumed there was some sort of breakdown involved, and no wonder. That is what happens to people who put 'professionalism' before self-care.

Kendall may have left it a little late, but she's doing it, and I don't question it for a moment. Fashion will still be there when she gets back, and if it isn't, she'll still be fine.
She's a human being after all with family ties and with feelings. And those don't simply go away when you're privileged. I don't watch the Kardashians, never have never will, I don't know about her personality (and I am not a fan) but with all the backlash she is getting no matter what she does (and let's be real, she's getting backlash for things a model like Luna or Vittoria would never ever get it for - like wearing fur in a runway show or posing as a ballerina in an editorial) I get why this can be affecting her mental health. If that is the case I wish her all the best and I wish her that she may get the time to heal - just as model favourite Rianne has gotten it.

I seconded this, even as one of the haters due to the fact that media overhyped her for the past couple of years (the industry unfortunately has worked like that and it still is). I wish her a recovery to get in gear again.

She only walked for Adidas this runway season, and that's it (at least Vogue still features her style).
She's a human being after all with family ties and with feelings. And those don't simply go away when you're privileged. I don't watch the Kardashians, never have never will, I don't know about her personality (and I am not a fan) but with all the backlash she is getting no matter what she does (and let's be real, she's getting backlash for things a model like Luna or Vittoria would never ever get it for - like wearing fur in a runway show or posing as a ballerina in an editorial) I get why this can be affecting her mental health. If that is the case I wish her all the best and I wish her that she may get the time to heal - just as model favourite Rianne has gotten it.

The problem is that most people are suspicious of the move is because of her family. The mother really seems like the lowest form of vermin ever to set foot on this earth. Everything they do always seem like strategy for monetary gain. Whether one of the daughters are going through a messy divorce, or dealing with a cheating fella, or shock pregnancy. Everything gets orchestrated to tie into that wretched show. Kendall's modelling rep isn't particularly clean either. I think the Hadids are as reviled by most people, but they have more supporters among fashion professionals. That doesn't seem to be the case with Kendall. So if it's true, and I want it to be because I've warmed to her, then I hope she recovers.
Wow. I wish I could give some of the post here negative karma.
I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks myself, and comments like some of yours are the exact reason I decided not to be very open about it.

Anxiety disorders are irrational by definition, it doesn't matter whether you're beautiful, rich, lucky in everybody else's view, or even in your own. I actually wanted to write so much more when I came here, but the longer I'm typing this the angrier I get. Y'all should suffer through a panic attack once, feel like you're about to die for half an hour or so, and then we can talk about Kendall's oh-so-happy life.

June, what was up with Rianne?
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It's not an attack on mental debilitation per se. Kendall has been a target since she started. She could break a foot and there will be people who'd tell her to suck it up and bear weight for the few seconds it takes to walk a runway.
Yeah, I don't know where this idea comes from that because someone has money and fame, they don't have pretty much the same issues we all do. Something like a panic attack occurs on a level playing field. What's in your bank account, how famous you are or aren't, who you know, none of those things are helpful in that moment. The only difference it makes is she can afford the very best help and treatment--that's it.

I think a lot of people just don't understand what 'luck' and being dealt a good hand really is.

I remember visiting a friend's sister at home. She and her husband clearly had very little money as they approached retirement. You could see that when something broke, they rigged a replacement rather than fixing it 'properly.' They were still very much in love (I could see from the pictures that they married in the '70s). They were content with what they had, and had no real problems. They were some of the happiest people I've ever met.
Exactly. It's very easy to not sympathize for people who seemingly "have it all" and I understand that. What I find to be reaching is when people try to rationalize that kind of emotion.
This is the same woman that made a whole spectacle about the fact that she was "bullied" by her fellow models who actually have to support themselves through their modelingwork and expects special treatment where ever she goes. She is all about herself and the $$$$$.She has all the money in the world to heal and recover .
Wow. I wish I could give some of the post here negative karma.
I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks myself, and comments like some of yours are the exact reason I decided not to be very open about it.

Anxiety disorders are irrational by definition, it doesn't matter whether you're beautiful, rich, lucky in everybody else's view, or even in your own. I actually wanted to write so much more when I came here, but the longer I'm typing this the angrier I get. Y'all should suffer through a panic attack once, feel like you're about to die for half an hour or so, and then we can talk about Kendall's oh-so-happy life.

June, what was up with Rianne?

@ sore: Rianne vR suffered from a burnout with doubt and panic and was absent from modelling because of that for a certain time:
Wow. I wish I could give some of the post here negative karma.
I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks myself, and comments like some of yours are the exact reason I decided not to be very open about it.

Anxiety disorders are irrational by definition, it doesn't matter whether you're beautiful, rich, lucky in everybody else's view, or even in your own. I actually wanted to write so much more when I came here, but the longer I'm typing this the angrier I get. Y'all should suffer through a panic attack once, feel like you're about to die for half an hour or so, and then we can talk about Kendall's oh-so-happy life.

June, what was up with Rianne?

Pretty much everyone I know that are in their teens/20s/30s have some for of anxiety. I don't think there is a word for it in english, but in Norway it has been called the "plague of the people" (it sounds way better in norwegian), because it is so widespread. And it is not as if norwegian from a rational point of view it is not like we actually have that much to worry about, but it just keeps spreading...

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