Most influential style blogs

I quite like ReadySetFashion(it's based in blogspot)..lots of vintage scans and the owner has a nice taste!
Thanks for the additional suggestions. Does anyone else have non-English or non-US or UK favorites?

Miss At La Playa (Spain) and Erika Palomino (Brazil) got a lot of feedback from both countries respectively and from what we saw have a strong following. We'd love to make sure we include anyone we might have missed before so the ranking is as accurate as possible.
word. Less than 1% she wears i would wear or at least think of wearing but its exactly that what makes it so refreshing for me, its inspiring in a less literal way. And the photography in her blog is really good, love the colors.

Word again! I love SOS, although I wouldn't really wear many of her clothes. But I like to see people who dress differently to me, I find it inspiring and refreshing. Helps you to shake things up a little.
anyone else read

its not a fashion blog but i am addicted to it haha, it gives me a different kinda inspiration, i cant explain it, but i just like getting dressed even more after reading haha
I'm SO obsessed with Hello Nikki. She's cute to boot and I love her style. The best thing I like about her is her looks and outfits are so affordable but look effortless and chic. And her baby boy is the cutest kid I've ever seen.
I love Garance's eye for great photos, and even more so, her gift of really capturing a moment with the people whom she photographs! Plus, her stories are always really charming and somewhat insightful.
Hm.. I would have to agree that the list is a bit outdated. Either way, various blogs and their merits would always be too subjective a topic for everyone to agree on ;).
i like, karla s closet and
oh those are good ones...i love karen's blog.

i'm also a fan of park and cube and best soy latte.
We're updating the Style99, the best fashion blog ranking (though certainly not perfect) which measures influence among the international fashion and beauty blogosphere.

Being clear, there are probably some great blogs we didn't include in the first ranking, and we want to make sure we include as many as possible in the January update. Specifically, we really want to be inclusive of men's fashion blogs, Brazilian, Asian (Chinese, Korean, Japanese), Australian and Canadian blogs.

If you have favorites - especially favorites that are non-English or outside the US or Europe, what are they?

I actually think the way you calculated rankings resulted in a really helpful and interesting list.

But, I'm really kind of curious about what qualifies something as a blog? It seems like a lot of the sites you ranked aren't necessarily blogs, but fashion websites? Why would something like The Fashion Spot not be considered for the list? In a lot of ways, tFS is like an intense multiple-author blog. And it is certainly a non-traditional, but incredibly influential, fashion website.
Personally, I prefer fashion blogs written by people I can relate to --- the working woman who is not stick thin --- she has curves, she does not have tons of money to buy designer clothes, and she does not want to dress like a street walker, she has to look appropriate for an office setting.

Just to name a few..

My Wardrobe Today
Shopaholics Anonymous Blog (dcelestine)
Budget Chic
What I Wore Today
The Cheap Chica

**No disrespect intended to the author of "Fashion Toast" but her outfits are really not suitable for the average woman who does not wish to be accosted on the street.

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